First DP and Cam of Square Foot Gardening find a baby kitten; which was a lucky kitten since DP adopted her, then guess what I find in my compost bin???? I have heard of compost bins attracting skunks, voles, raccoons and many other wild animals, but this is a first for a kitten. This kitten is wild but we are taming him. He is so sweet and we will temporarily call him 'Compost' since we found him in the compost bin and since he was eating food scraps. I was about scared out of my skin to see him moving in the bin when I went to put in some scraps. I was much more scared than him as he was okay with it, but moved on pretty quickly.
If anyone would like to adopt 'Compost' please contact me as soon as possible. I will be happy to deliver. He needs to find a new home asap as I do not want to take him to animal control. I cannot keep another cat and am already feeding several wild cats in addition to my little Orkin. I have also posted Compost on Freecycle.
Thanks in advance.
in the garden....looking for people to be more responsible with their animals so as to prevent homeless and motherless kittens from having to eat out of compost bins.
Look at that face...he reminds me of the Cat in Shrek...looking at you with those big eyes!
Nope can't take him, but he is adorable! That's how I got our cat...he was living off cicadas, he caught and chipmunks his mom caught. She went to live in a barn and he stayed with us!
I hope you find a good home for him. We got Sophia that way, she was eating frozen green beans in the snowbank and the next time we saw her we gave her food, she came easily, someone dumped her, she was toooo tame. Shame on them for irresponsible acts!
Oh, this poor thing. I do hope you find a good home for him--sorry I live too far away or I'd take him. In the meantime I'd say he's a lucky cat to have been rescued by you.
Dawn and Gail, I am amazed at your stories of what the cats eat just to survive. I don't know where this guy came from but he is a survivor.
Rose and Marnie, Thanks and I do hope I find him a home soon. I think people who are irresponsible with their pets are maybe unaware of the suffering unneutered and unspayed cats can cause. At least I hope so because who would think it ok to let a kitten or puppy or any little animal fend for itself?
Oh Tina, he is a sweetie. When the chickenpoet lived at home in her formative years, kittens would show up in our garage with regularity. There was a never ending supply. Now she has here own menagerie with uncountable numbers of all kinds of creatures. We hope someone nice responds to your ad.
He's adorable, Tina--and what a great name! Do you all have Pet Rescue groups where you live? Kit Vicious will not tolerate other cats (she wouldn't tolerate Ranunculus, either, if he weren't four times her size, and even so she intimidates him)--anyway, we've had good luck with the Pet Rescue people, who will usually care for the kitten in one of their homes until they find an owner. Keep us, umm, posted on Compost's fate. Best, C.
Ohhhh, he is soooo cute. Poor little feller. Glad he found his way to you as I know you will take good care of him till you find a good home for him. Almost looks like he could be an offspring of Orkin!!
Cats can be great surviors. Remember last year when we were down south our cat got locked in the basement for over 2 weeks. She was fine once she got out but the other day when we went to Calais, she used up another of her 7 lives. A day or so before we went I had gone to the basement and dragged the kids pinic table over to the door but figured someone else could bring it up over the stairs. Terri-Lynn went down to get it while we were gone. Since it was by the stairs she only needed to go that far but figured she would look around and see if there were anymore toys for Josh to play with, which she did find but also found Rascal on the other side, half dead with blood all over her. Rushed her to the vet's and she had to be operated on. Has two big holes over her right eye and on her nose and her head was big as a small watermelon. Had a staff infection. Barbara (the vet) said it was a cat fight and she musta been defending herself as a fixed (all my animals are ALWAYS fixed) female will very seldom fight. We have to pick the scabs off each day and flush with peroxide and give her medince. She is doing good and healing well but to say the least, she is not a happy camper. She cried at the door for 2 hours last night. Guess that is a good sign that she is feeling much better. The swelling in her head is all gone and she is also now eating good now and going to the bathroom okay. All's well that ends well!!
Frances, I hope someone nice responds too! And soon. I called the local cat rescue and they are full. They say calicos are in high demand this year. She told me this must be a girl. I don't know. She/he is unique and sweet. I fed him and he let me pet him while he ate and purred and purred. I am not sure how Orkin would relate to him.
Nancy, How have you been? Haven't seen you in quite awhile and am happy to hear summer and the warmth (notice warmth not heat) has arrived. Here too. Whew!
C, I will for sure keep all posted on the little kitty. It is adoreable. The cat rescue lady said to go to Pet Smart and walk around and I would find a home for it. I may try it but it not really my style. I am hopeful a freecycler will want him.
Mom, That is awful for Rascal. Glad he is getting better. Poor thing and poor you to have to do that. Yuck! Picking scabs is right up there with picking ticks. Not cool. Don't you need a new kitten???? This one is really very sweet. Remember all those feral kittens we would catch as kids? They would bite and hiss and spit and growl. This guy has not made a single attempt to bite or scratch. He does hiss when we go in the kennel to get him and growls a little but never ever has scratched or tried to bite. That is something. He is eating canned dog food very well. Loves it.
Look at that precious face! Surely someone will give that fur baby a good home... Tina, dog food is not good for a cat. It can do harm! Please pick up a box of kitten food... I have volunteered at CatsRUs and they are so overwhelmed with homeless babies! It is so sad to see them in the cages when all they want is to have a good home with food, love and a good lap to curl up on. We took our two fur babies in from the woods as strays and have rescued a couple more since then but could not keep them. Such horrible things can come from lack of Spay and Neuter....
Jean, I hope your fur one makes a full recovery also. Poor baby...
I hope you find a good home quickly! We once found kittens and a mother in the garden shed of a home we rented. Ugh, what an ordeal trying to get help. We couldn't take them in due to serious allergies/asthma so we fed them outside. Once I FINALLY got a live trap from the city to take them to the SPCA they all disappeared :( We were very attached to them by then and very upset, hoping a kind soul gave them a happy home.
Co post sure looks like a cute kitten! We have an indoor cat who doesn't seem to like other cats so while we wouldn't mind having another kitty it's out of the question for now! I hope you can find him a good home!
Tina it is not as bad as it sounds, esp. since Christy and Jay did it the first day and since then Terri-Lynn has done it. I hold her and Terri-Lynn uses a rag with hot water on it and holds it there for a mintue and then rubs and it comes right off, no picking!! Makes me sick to think about picking it. So glad Terri-Lynn came up with that way of doing it!! I think it is better for Rascal that way also.
NO NO NO, I do not need another kitty. No more animals when these ones are all gone. Since we lost Jiggs nearly a year ago we are down to 2 dogs and 1 cat and my 5 birds. Now I might have another cockatiel (if I outlive the ones I have), but then again, Alice is top gun in cockatiels so may not even get another of them as there is not another one that could take the place of Alice.
Mom-You could always bring the cat with you here. They have a no kill shelter in Brunswick or he could stay with me til I find him a home...I am dying to have another baby! Mine are all grown! But I know that you, Mimi, and Terri-Lynn would kill me if I got another baby!
Thanks all! I am having trouble finding her a home, no matter how cute she is. No luck on freecycle either. I really thought she'd go quickly. I'll keep trying. Christine you DO NOT need another kitty. Dave-Are you sure those little girls couldn't use another cat? Maybe an outdoor one? She is sweet. Just kidding. Just like I can't keep her, I understand not everyone else will want a stray kitten either.
Being compassionate about animals has caused me a lot of pain and a lot of joys over the years. It hurts to know an animal needs someone and you can't help it. That is how I got my cats I have now. Their mother showed up, starving and scared to death of those large boy cats, who were chasing her. She hid on top of my house for days. We had a double roof, so she was safe and dry. I threw food up there for her. Finally she came down and we made friends. She gave me three beautiful kittens. I had them spayed and neutered as soon as they were old enough. Why don't people do that? It is not expensive if you go to the local animal shelter. They will often go in halves with you to have it done.
Hi Tina, I read about your kitten at The Perennial Garden Lover. What a story. Poor little thing...but what a survivor story...finding food in the compost!I hope that you find a home for this kitty too.
So sad Tina for a little kitty like that to be left alone. Looks at tho it's just been weened. I hope you find a good home for it. If I were closer I'd take it but I can't as my son can't be around animals. No immune system since transplant. No birds or reptiles or diaper age kids either. I have to be careful of all. Good luck.
Eve, It is so hard not to rescue animals in need. I feel so bad for them. I wish I could keep them all, but I can't. Your kitty had a happy ending.
Balisha, Thank you so much and welcome to the world of blogging. Glad you stopped in. This kitten sure loved the compost and came right away as soon as I turned my back. Must've been something good in there. Not sure what. It scared me to death.
Lola, I too think it is newly weaned. It is very small but able to eat no problem. Meows alot and loves us now. Its not sure about those mean old dogs which have probably been chasing it for some time. I thought they were chasing a chipmunk. What a surprise to me. Best you don't get anything that may bring germs in contact with your son. He has to stay well of course. Glad to see you as I missed you the last day or so. And Nina and Anonymous! Nina's computer is broken and Anonymous has been busy with a wedding.
Jillybean, Maybe a cow will waunder to your house and you can claim it? You have a big area and didn't you say one came by one time? Why on earth would you want a cow? No eggs from it, probably not milk. Fertilizer for the garden?
What a cutie! I sure hope she finds a good home soon. We live too far away but our cat is old and is not very receptive to others! We are sometimes visited by a cat that looks like he belongs to someone but we don't know who. There are times he sleeps all night on our deck. Of course our cat is inside hissing at him. Good Luck to Compost.
Hi Cindy, I too hope I can find her a good home. It is not looking too good right now. When your cat inside is hissing, does the one outside just ignore it? My outside cat is funny, she lets some cats come and eat and others no way! What is it with them? Then she ignores my dogs when they ferociously bark at her. It is funny how cats are compared to dogs and people. Thanks for coming by.
Hi Tina --cute kitty-I hope you can find the lil fella a home soon. The wedding was beautiful --I do have pictures --very, very nice. And, the flowers were good --they salvaged and rearranged them --looked good as new:) Boy 2 went to camp yesterday(first time away from home except his overnights with grandma) --will be gone a week -I miss him so much. Last t-ball game for Sidekick today and he got a cute trophy. One more game for girl model and the season will be completed. The painter came by this morning --he pressure washed the entire house and deck --next step is painting the deck and pergola. Sadly I think I lost some plants/flowers from the cleaning process. I know they will come back --but now some of them look VERY sad:( Hubby had to move a robin nest so it wouldn't get pressure washed --so nice of him to help the baby birds:) He moved it to a nearby living white pine and the mom and dad went right to it with some food for the babies as soon as he walked away --so happy they are all safe and happy. On a sad note my mom's younger brother passed away --mom can't make the trip up --too much for her. Seeing lots of deer outback and bunnies like crazy --also had a huge thunderstorm today --saved me some watering --guess that is good with all that pressure washing that happened today --fortunately we can use the yard meter for that sort of thing. Have a great night everyone --hope things aren't as busy the rest of the week. I miss you all when I can't get on here.
Oh what a cute baby kitten!!!!!! I hope you find someone to adopt him. He needs a good compost. SO adorable. I want to adopt, but I don't think Luka would want attention away from her. She's an attention hog. lol.
Mom- I know that I don't need another cat. That I do know very much about, but it doesn't stop me from wanting one. I know the difference be want and need! But we have no kill shelters up here and it might be easier to find her a home if you sent her up and I put her on free cycle here or took her to the shelter.
Anonymous, So glad the wedding went well! I am also very glad you all were able to salvage the hydrangeas. I am sure they were lovely. Sorry to hear about your uncle. I can hardly believe the baseball/season is nearly over. It is probably a relief. I know boy 2 will be fine at camp-it is mommy we need to worry about! We did not get any of that 2" of rain you all got in Clarksville. Sigh. Still watering.
DP, I bet Luka and Compost would get along fine. I would even hand deliver her. I really need to find a home for her soon. Wish me luck. This kitten is so sweet. Very mellow and accepting.
Lola, the yard meter is seperate from the house meter for water --so you don't have to pay for the sewage since the yard meter is water for the yard/lawn/pool and in this case to wash off the house. It makes it ALOT cheaper than having to pay for the sewage part --like you have to with the typical house meter. I hope that makes sense. Last game today for girl model --just got home and now they want me to make cookies. We shall see --too hot to be turning on that oven, lol. Have a great night -hope that kitty has a new home soon Tina:0) Ciao!
Mom-My boss is going to be talking to his wife about Compost. They got a grown cat that is just wild and not being a cat to them. He only comes home to eat so they are returning to the woman that they got him from so he is going to talk to Lisa about maybe taking Compost since he is young and trainable and short haired. I'll find out more when he talks to her.
Christine, I am not sure if Compost is a girl or boy. My friend Vonna is thinking about taking him but hasn't decided yet. This kitten is a sweetheart! Comes to us right away now and talks and loves attention. Too bad about your boss's cat. Maybe he could keep both? An outdoor one and an indoor one?
Anounymous, Thanks, it makes perfect sense. I had heard of this meter but no one around here knew what I was talking about. Now that I know for sure that it does exist, how do you go about getting one & who puts it in? Seems I remember something about having to let your water supplier know so they read that meter separate. It sure would be less expensive on sewage bill as it's not listed as sewage. I don't like that part of it.
ReplyDeleteLook at that face...he reminds me of the Cat in Shrek...looking at you with those big eyes!
Nope can't take him, but he is adorable! That's how I got our cat...he was living off cicadas, he caught and chipmunks his mom caught. She went to live in a barn and he stayed with us!
Goood luck.
I hope you find a good home for him. We got Sophia that way, she was eating frozen green beans in the snowbank and the next time we saw her we gave her food, she came easily, someone dumped her, she was toooo tame. Shame on them for irresponsible acts!
ReplyDeleteOh, this poor thing. I do hope you find a good home for him--sorry I live too far away or I'd take him. In the meantime I'd say he's a lucky cat to have been rescued by you.
ReplyDeleteHi Tina. Poor kitten, how can people be so cruel as to abandon it to starve? Hope little Compost's story has a happy ending.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your dogwood tree. I know the deer can be destructive. That is a gorgeous photo of mama deer and baby.
Good morning all-for the second time.
ReplyDeleteDawn and Gail, I am amazed at your stories of what the cats eat just to survive. I don't know where this guy came from but he is a survivor.
Rose and Marnie, Thanks and I do hope I find him a home soon. I think people who are irresponsible with their pets are maybe unaware of the suffering unneutered and unspayed cats can cause. At least I hope so because who would think it ok to let a kitten or puppy or any little animal fend for itself?
Oh Tina, he is a sweetie. When the chickenpoet lived at home in her formative years, kittens would show up in our garage with regularity. There was a never ending supply. Now she has here own menagerie with uncountable numbers of all kinds of creatures. We hope someone nice responds to your ad.
ReplyDeleteHe's adorable, Tina--and what a great name! Do you all have Pet Rescue groups where you live? Kit Vicious will not tolerate other cats (she wouldn't tolerate Ranunculus, either, if he weren't four times her size, and even so she intimidates him)--anyway, we've had good luck with the Pet Rescue people, who will usually care for the kitten in one of their homes until they find an owner. Keep us, umm, posted on Compost's fate. Best, C.
ReplyDeleteOhhhh, he is soooo cute. Poor little feller. Glad he found his way to you as I know you will take good care of him till you find a good home for him. Almost looks like he could be an offspring of Orkin!!
ReplyDeleteCats can be great surviors. Remember last year when we were down south our cat got locked in the basement for over 2 weeks. She was fine once she got out but the other day when we went to Calais, she used up another of her 7 lives. A day or so before we went I had gone to the basement and dragged the kids pinic table over to the door but figured someone else could bring it up over the stairs. Terri-Lynn went down to get it while we were gone. Since it was by the stairs she only needed to go that far but figured she would look around and see if there were anymore toys for Josh to play with, which she did find but also found Rascal on the other side, half dead with blood all over her. Rushed her to the vet's and she had to be operated on. Has two big holes over her right eye and on her nose and her head was big as a small watermelon. Had a staff infection. Barbara (the vet) said it was a cat fight and she musta been defending herself as a fixed (all my animals are ALWAYS fixed) female will very seldom fight. We have to pick the scabs off each day and flush with peroxide and give her medince. She is doing good and healing well but to say the least, she is not a happy camper.
She cried at the door for 2 hours last night. Guess that is a good sign that she is feeling much better. The swelling in her head is all gone and she is also now eating good now and going to the bathroom okay. All's well that ends well!!
Frances, I hope someone nice responds too! And soon. I called the local cat rescue and they are full. They say calicos are in high demand this year. She told me this must be a girl. I don't know. She/he is unique and sweet. I fed him and he let me pet him while he ate and purred and purred. I am not sure how Orkin would relate to him.
ReplyDeleteNancy, How have you been? Haven't seen you in quite awhile and am happy to hear summer and the warmth (notice warmth not heat) has arrived. Here too. Whew!
C, I will for sure keep all posted on the little kitty. It is adoreable. The cat rescue lady said to go to Pet Smart and walk around and I would find a home for it. I may try it but it not really my style. I am hopeful a freecycler will want him.
Mom, That is awful for Rascal. Glad he is getting better. Poor thing and poor you to have to do that. Yuck! Picking scabs is right up there with picking ticks. Not cool. Don't you need a new kitten???? This one is really very sweet. Remember all those feral kittens we would catch as kids? They would bite and hiss and spit and growl. This guy has not made a single attempt to bite or scratch. He does hiss when we go in the kennel to get him and growls a little but never ever has scratched or tried to bite. That is something. He is eating canned dog food very well. Loves it.
Look at that precious face! Surely someone will give that fur baby a good home... Tina, dog food is not good for a cat. It can do harm! Please pick up a box of kitten food... I have volunteered at CatsRUs and they are so overwhelmed with homeless babies! It is so sad to see them in the cages when all they want is to have a good home with food, love and a good lap to curl up on. We took our two fur babies in from the woods as strays and have rescued a couple more since then but could not keep them. Such horrible things can come from lack of Spay and Neuter....
ReplyDeleteJean, I hope your fur one makes a full recovery also. Poor baby...
I hope you find a good home quickly! We once found kittens and a mother in the garden shed of a home we rented. Ugh, what an ordeal trying to get help. We couldn't take them in due to serious allergies/asthma so we fed them outside. Once I FINALLY got a live trap from the city to take them to the SPCA they all disappeared :( We were very attached to them by then and very upset, hoping a kind soul gave them a happy home.
ReplyDeleteCo post sure looks like a cute kitten! We have an indoor cat who doesn't seem to like other cats so while we wouldn't mind having another kitty it's out of the question for now! I hope you can find him a good home!
ReplyDeleteTina it is not as bad as it sounds, esp. since Christy and Jay did it the first day and since then Terri-Lynn has done it. I hold her and Terri-Lynn uses a rag with hot water on it and holds it there for a mintue and then rubs and it comes right off, no picking!! Makes me sick to think about picking it. So glad Terri-Lynn came up with that way of doing it!! I think it is better for Rascal that way also.
ReplyDeleteNO NO NO, I do not need another kitty. No more animals when these ones are all gone. Since we lost Jiggs nearly a year ago we are down to 2 dogs and 1 cat and my 5 birds. Now I might have another cockatiel (if I outlive the ones I have), but then again, Alice is top gun in cockatiels so may not even get another of them as there is not another one that could take the place of Alice.
Mom-You could always bring the cat with you here. They have a no kill shelter in Brunswick or he could stay with me til I find him a home...I am dying to have another baby! Mine are all grown! But I know that you, Mimi, and Terri-Lynn would kill me if I got another baby!
ReplyDeleteThanks all! I am having trouble finding her a home, no matter how cute she is. No luck on freecycle either. I really thought she'd go quickly. I'll keep trying. Christine you DO NOT need another kitty. Dave-Are you sure those little girls couldn't use another cat? Maybe an outdoor one? She is sweet. Just kidding. Just like I can't keep her, I understand not everyone else will want a stray kitten either.
ReplyDeleteBeing compassionate about animals has caused me a lot of pain and a lot of joys over the years. It hurts to know an animal needs someone and you can't help it.
ReplyDeleteThat is how I got my cats I have now. Their mother showed up, starving and scared to death of those large boy cats, who were chasing her. She hid on top of my house for days. We had a double roof, so she was safe and dry. I threw food up there for her. Finally she came down and we made friends. She gave me three beautiful kittens.
I had them spayed and neutered as soon as they were old enough. Why don't people do that? It is not expensive if you go to the local animal shelter. They will often go in halves with you to have it done.
Hi Tina,
ReplyDeleteI read about your kitten at The Perennial Garden Lover. What a story. Poor little thing...but what a survivor story...finding food in the compost!I hope that you find a home for this kitty too.
So sad Tina for a little kitty like that to be left alone. Looks at tho it's just been weened. I hope you find a good home for it. If I were closer I'd take it but I can't as my son can't be around animals. No immune system since transplant. No birds or reptiles or diaper age kids either. I have to be careful of all.
ReplyDeleteGood luck.
it is so cute! I love cats, and dogs, and chickens, and...well...all critters. I really want a cow though.
ReplyDeleteEve, It is so hard not to rescue animals in need. I feel so bad for them. I wish I could keep them all, but I can't. Your kitty had a happy ending.
ReplyDeleteBalisha, Thank you so much and welcome to the world of blogging. Glad you stopped in. This kitten sure loved the compost and came right away as soon as I turned my back. Must've been something good in there. Not sure what. It scared me to death.
Lola, I too think it is newly weaned. It is very small but able to eat no problem. Meows alot and loves us now. Its not sure about those mean old dogs which have probably been chasing it for some time. I thought they were chasing a chipmunk. What a surprise to me. Best you don't get anything that may bring germs in contact with your son. He has to stay well of course. Glad to see you as I missed you the last day or so. And Nina and Anonymous! Nina's computer is broken and Anonymous has been busy with a wedding.
Jillybean, Maybe a cow will waunder to your house and you can claim it? You have a big area and didn't you say one came by one time? Why on earth would you want a cow? No eggs from it, probably not milk. Fertilizer for the garden?
What a cutie! I sure hope she finds a good home soon. We live too far away but our cat is old and is not very receptive to others! We are sometimes visited by a cat that looks like he belongs to someone but we don't know who. There are times he sleeps all night on our deck. Of course our cat is inside hissing at him. Good Luck to Compost.
ReplyDeleteHi Cindy, I too hope I can find her a good home. It is not looking too good right now. When your cat inside is hissing, does the one outside just ignore it? My outside cat is funny, she lets some cats come and eat and others no way! What is it with them? Then she ignores my dogs when they ferociously bark at her. It is funny how cats are compared to dogs and people. Thanks for coming by.
ReplyDeleteHi Tina --cute kitty-I hope you can find the lil fella a home soon. The wedding was beautiful --I do have pictures --very, very nice. And, the flowers were good --they salvaged and rearranged them --looked good as new:) Boy 2 went to camp yesterday(first time away from home except his overnights with grandma) --will be gone a week -I miss him so much. Last t-ball game for Sidekick today and he got a cute trophy. One more game for girl model and the season will be completed. The painter came by this morning --he pressure washed the entire house and deck --next step is painting the deck and pergola. Sadly I think I lost some plants/flowers from the cleaning process. I know they will come back --but now some of them look VERY sad:( Hubby had to move a robin nest so it wouldn't get pressure washed --so nice of him to help the baby birds:) He moved it to a nearby living white pine and the mom and dad went right to it with some food for the babies as soon as he walked away --so happy they are all safe and happy. On a sad note my mom's younger brother passed away --mom can't make the trip up --too much for her. Seeing lots of deer outback and bunnies like crazy --also had a huge thunderstorm today --saved me some watering --guess that is good with all that pressure washing that happened today --fortunately we can use the yard meter for that sort of thing. Have a great night everyone --hope things aren't as busy the rest of the week. I miss you all when I can't get on here.
ReplyDeleteOh what a cute baby kitten!!!!!! I hope you find someone to adopt him. He needs a good compost. SO adorable. I want to adopt, but I don't think Luka would want attention away from her. She's an attention hog. lol.
ReplyDeleteMom- I know that I don't need another cat. That I do know very much about, but it doesn't stop me from wanting one. I know the difference be want and need! But we have no kill shelters up here and it might be easier to find her a home if you sent her up and I put her on free cycle here or took her to the shelter.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, So glad the wedding went well! I am also very glad you all were able to salvage the hydrangeas. I am sure they were lovely. Sorry to hear about your uncle. I can hardly believe the baseball/season is nearly over. It is probably a relief. I know boy 2 will be fine at camp-it is mommy we need to worry about! We did not get any of that 2" of rain you all got in Clarksville. Sigh. Still watering.
ReplyDeleteDP, I bet Luka and Compost would get along fine. I would even hand deliver her. I really need to find a home for her soon. Wish me luck. This kitten is so sweet. Very mellow and accepting.
Tina, I hoping so for a new home for that baby by today. Sniff, maybe soon... No kill shelter is the way to go if nothing else comes along..
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, sorry for your loss.
So sorry Anounymous for your loss. My prayers will be with you & family.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean by yard meter?
Thank you Skeeter and Lola --
ReplyDeleteLola, the yard meter is seperate from the house meter for water --so you don't have to pay for the sewage since the yard meter is water for the yard/lawn/pool and in this case to wash off the house. It makes it ALOT cheaper than having to pay for the sewage part --like you have to with the typical house meter. I hope that makes sense. Last game today for girl model --just got home and now they want me to make cookies. We shall see --too hot to be turning on that oven, lol. Have a great night -hope that kitty has a new home soon Tina:0) Ciao!
The cold milk will ofset the heat! LOL
ReplyDeleteMom-My boss is going to be talking to his wife about Compost. They got a grown cat that is just wild and not being a cat to them. He only comes home to eat so they are returning to the woman that they got him from so he is going to talk to Lisa about maybe taking Compost since he is young and trainable and short haired. I'll find out more when he talks to her.
ReplyDeleteChristine, I am not sure if Compost is a girl or boy. My friend Vonna is thinking about taking him but hasn't decided yet. This kitten is a sweetheart! Comes to us right away now and talks and loves attention. Too bad about your boss's cat. Maybe he could keep both? An outdoor one and an indoor one?
ReplyDeleteAnounymous, Thanks, it makes perfect sense. I had heard of this meter but no one around here knew what I was talking about. Now that I know for sure that it does exist, how do you go about getting one & who puts it in? Seems I remember something about having to let your water supplier know so they read that meter separate. It sure would be less expensive on sewage bill as it's not listed as sewage. I don't like that part of it.
ReplyDeleteForgot, good for girl models last game--now a break. Yes, cold milk would off set the heat.