Monday, July 14, 2008

Views on a Snowy Day

I spend a whole lot of time looking out of windows. You see, if I am not in the garden, I WANT to at least see it. Who doesn't?!

This particular view is from where I spend much of my time when not in the garden. My computer/TV room. The snow gave me an ideal opportunity to snap a lovely picture and share it with you all on a summer date-when we are all especially hot! I especially love the green privacy fence with snow building up on it. The evergreens I planted in front of the fence are also collecting snow. Such a lovely sight.

Views from both inside and outside of the house are very important. As much as gardeners would like to, they simply can't be outside all the time. The next best thing is to look out windows. Whenever I design my gardens, I consider all angles from inside and outside. I also consider all angles when planting a tree or a specimen shrub. I consider not only privacy, but also focal points for me and my family, and curb appeal for passers by. Ultimately though, the garden HAS to make the gardener happy.

And how happy are you to see the snow and think of winter and the coolness of snow?

in the garden....


  1. Hi Tina, the sight of snow was startling. That is a wonderful view, any season. Our views of snow on the ground are so fleeting, it is a treat and especially during these hot humid days. Thanks.

  2. Wow! I guess that blast off cold air I felt wasn't from the air conditioning. haha. It's funny to think that was just four months ago. And think what it will look like in another four months with the fall leaves, etc. Time is so fleeting.

  3. I needed that little chill from the picture! I just returned from my morning check of things outside and it is so humid I did not stay long. A 2 foot snake was lurking around as well. LOL Blue Jays were putting out the call to others. Nature in action! Anonymous, Pack Sidekicks bags! LOL

    It takes me a while to decide where I am going to plant something. I am bad about getting a new plant before I know where it will go in the garden!

  4. Wow, I did a double take on the snow scene. I'll refer back to that photo tomorrow when the temp is 90+ and the humidity is 200%.

    I agree about window views. I have one window dedicated to bird watching and bird photography. The kitchen window looks out on a wilder aspect of nature and I frequently see deer from this window.

  5. Ohhh, I LOVE snow! I love the winter! It is my favorite season. I like all the seasons and all for different reasons but winter is truly my favorite.

  6. Hey all! Just a quick pop in. Back when it was snowing I was dreaming of summer-now it is nice to look and remember the snow. Time passes so quickly!

  7. Tina,

    Nice snow shot! I do wish we had obe really fabulous snow fall a year....followed by enough cold weather to kill the bugs! Isn't winter a good time for dreaming of spring!


  8. That was such a great snow here. I haven't seen snow that deep here since I was a kid, we had to get out and play in it.

  9. Okay....just a dusting to my yard, this snow would cover the hedges! 1 ft of the fence sticking out! LOVE the snow that stays one day, it happens up here sometimes.
    I never thought about inside angles but always what can be seen from the road.

  10. Snow in July. I would almost welcome a foot of snow right now, just almost. Since we can't seem to get any rain, it would be some mositure. Maybe I should stop asking for rain and ask for some snow!!

  11. I just came in from several hours of blog fodder. It's cool for Virginia, 75 in the shade, but it's a day of intermittent showers and the humidity is high. Ranunculus wouldn't even sit next to me. So your pictures of snow were welcome relief (ok, so was the shower). I've never accomplished the art of the winter garden--yours is fabulous, and I can't wait to read your advice as the end of the year approaches. Great idea for your blog, Tina.

  12. I'm not ready to see snow yet...I think I'm still recovering from the winter that would never end :)

    One of the things that drives me nuts is that our back deck totally blocks my view of the backyard garden beds!

  13. It was a shocker to see the snow scene, but it did drop the temperature somewhat. :)

  14. Tina, I think everyone has enjoyed seeing some snow during this hot time of year! Jean, I will still be dancing for rain... The snow would kill my pretties. LOL...

  15. Thanks Skeeter but I hope you can do a better rain dance than I have been doing. The snow would also kill my pretties and that is why I said "almost" 2 times. LOL

  16. A bit taken aback but was welcomed. Great pic. Sadly my windows are very small--front looks out onto street. I do enjoy my kitchen window as it looks out over my back garden/yard.

  17. Since we are having day after day tempertures in the 90s, it is a welcome relief to see that pretty picture.

    I think we have to be a little selfish when we plant our gardens. We have to plant the flowers and plants we love, not thoee our Mama loved.

  18. I love the snow, but sadly we don't get it here much. I do like the look of the garden during the snow. It reminds me that spring is around the corner, and it's lovely.

  19. Welcome back DP! Hope you had fun on your vacation... I just dropped you a few lines at your site...

    I found snake number two tonight. Tiny 6 inch cute bugger! It was in the veggie garden hopefully eating bugs and not my worms! They say things come in three’s, I fear I will find the big one soon.. Yikes!

    We were in Lowes tonight and I resisted bringing home new plants. I wanted to so badly but with this drought, it is all I can do to keep the stuff already in the ground watered. I was so sad and so ready for this drought to end…

    Good night everyone… Hope I don’t dream of snakes. argggggg

  20. good to see you back with us dp and hope your vacation was top notch. Tell us all about it.

  21. Yes dp do tell us all about your vacation. WELCOME BACK


  22. Amazing butterfly and hummingbirds photos. My butterfly bush is just starting to get full size after 3 years of watch the spindly thing hang on to life. I hope I get lots of butterfly's. I also have a dwarf butterfly bush with white flowers. It too seems to be having a very slow start but I am ever hopeful that it takes off soon to.

  23. Hello Dan,
    I am glad you have a butterfly bush to enjoy. I just love them and all the activity they bring into my garden.

    I have never heard of a dwarf one before. That strikes my interest.

    Thanks for stopping by and loved your pictures today!
