Saturday, August 30, 2008


Tina recently told you about the Fungus in her gardens. With lots of rainfall here in Georgia from Tropical Storm Fay, we now have fungus among us! Our fungus is Argaricus Bisporus simply known as, Mushrooms.
Mushrooms or Toadstools have stems, caps and gills underneath and seem to pop up over night! I know they pop up over night in our yard. Look at all the S'hrooms I found in the yard this morning!
Many different types of which I have no idea how to identify. Mushrooms are wonderful to eat but not the ones we find in our yard.
Some mushrooms can kill a human if consumed. So it is best to leave the harvesting for the experts.
I have seen the deer and squirrels eat some of the mushrooms that pop up in our yard. I wonder why this one was flipped over? Maybe a squirrel was hunting for one to eat and decided this s'hroom was not the one! I found a large grouping of the tiny mushrooms popping up and standing tall as if a group of soldiers standing in formation. These were popping out of the seed hulls from the birdseed we clean up from under the feeders. We just pitch the hulls over the fence and they break down in time.
The tiny S'hrooms seem to thrive in the Black Oil Sunflower hulls. Too bad I cannot eat them as I love mushrooms!
Here you see the genus, Trichaptum, a Polypores, or type of mushroom without a stem which grows on tree trunks or stumps. I find these all over the woods on tree trunks.
I have no idea what you call this fungus other then pretty! I always see something from within with my eyes and in this fungus, I see Coral of the ocean floor.
There were big clumps of this fungus growing in the pine straw of the natural area of the yard.

Some people do not like mushrooms popping up in their yard over night. But I find S'HROOMS fascinating and beautiful with their shapes, colors and texture, In the Garden...


  1. I love mushrooms, they are incredible. Gail

  2. I like mushrooms too. I think of gnomes and fairies when I look at that picture of all the tons of mushrooms in the sunflower seeds. Ah the enchanted forest of mushrooms. Send some rain my way!

  3. Fungi are a whole other fascinating world.

  4. I think it's time to invest in a mushroom field guide. Not to eat them, of course, but just for something interesting to learn, like birdwatching.

  5. Wow, you do have a lot of mushrooms! Have you ever gone mushroom hunting? My husband always talks about going when he was younger--I think they would find morel mushrooms. But I would be too worried about whether they were edible to eat them!

  6. I think the edible mushrooms are grown in little like doghouses. Some of our residents still have these throughout their backyards, it looks funny but that use to be the wave way back when truffles were the excitment.
    I think fungus is neat looking , sometime weird like the orange that likes propane tanks! We need them I'm sure, if anything to let us know about the environment around us.

  7. Wow, that's a lot of mushrooms! It's amazing the way they shoot up...the last two shots look spectacular!

  8. I went hiking the other day and saw a ton of great mushrooms. We, too, have had wet weather and the forest floor is covered. I should take a picture of on that has really intrigued my interests and see if anyone knows what it is. Really beautiful. Thinking about it I really should take the dog and get a pic of it, you will all be amazed by this fungus. I have never seen anything like it.
    Skeeter-What reminds you of ocean coral does the same in my mind as well. They really are interesting little things.

  9. Lots of interesting little toadstools. You must have alot of fairies visiting your garden.

  10. They are all very pretty and interesting and the last 2 sure do remind me of coral also.

  11. I know mushrooms can be a pest to some but I find them very interesting as no two seem to be the same.

    After I had this posting Scheduled for cyper world, I found two giant s'hrooms about the size of a child's kick ball, bright orange! I have never seen one so large before. I found them up on the street while mowing but never made it back to the house for the camera to capture them on film. They were cool though....

    Okay, back to family for a few then off to see Tinas fur babies, well, and her humans too.... LOL...

    Everyone have a good day and I will be peeking in here even if not commenting..... Ater all, I am on vacation ya know.....

    But I am sure Tina will continue to pick up the slack for me.... Get those brownies baked tina...

  12. Wow, A lot of mushrooms Skeeter. I have some here in my front yard but they are large white ones. They are only in the grass that is nearest to driveway. I haven't noticed them in any of the neighbors yards. Strange.
    Ok you 2 girls have a good time.

  13. Hi Skeeter and all, those are wonderful, I love them all too. But would never eat any found in the garden with one exception. The first time we lived in TN, in Kingsport we had morels in the wooded back of our one acre property. The first couple of years I used to hit them with a golf club! Then a neighbor told me what they were, she was sure about it and we tried some. Delicious, they tasted like steak, sauteed in butter. Yum.

  14. HI all! Nice visit with Skeeter and the Saint! The Saint fixed my a/c for me now and I didn't even feed him the usual brownies:( But German cookies and chocolate cookies maybe placated him? Hope so! It was so nice seeing you guys! Mr. Fix-it and I always enjoy our visit with my new 'sister' and her hubby. We could talk all day!! And believe it or not, as smart as Mr. Fix-it is, we think the Saint is much smarter! Thanks!

    Christine, Take some pics and I would be happy to let you guest post again:)

    My Little Family, Thanks for visiting.

    Rose, I have a friend who hunts morels. Supposed to be yummy!

    Dawn, Truffles sound good!

    Hi Kanak, PGL, Mom and Lola! Hope all are doing well on this holiday weekend.

  15. Frances, We posted the same time! I am on my way out but have a quick minute. I'd love morels. Never had them though. Hit them with the golf club? You silly lady!

  16. I love mushrooms, and I would love to grow them to eat. But I'd be afraid it would morp into something poisonous, lol.

    They are cool looking, but I wouldn't want poisonous mushrooms in my yard. I'd be scared an animal would eat and then die in my yard.

  17. I love it when they pop up in my yard, usually under my magnolia tree. I get all types and colors. I use to try and paint them, back in my painting days. I find them beautiful.

    Someone told me that if you have mushrooms, it is bacause you have bad soil. I don't beleive that. Just look at manure in pastures, and you will probably see mushrooms growing.

  18. DP, You for sure have to be careful with mushrooms.

    Eve, We were posting on each other's blogs at the same time! Yes, I too have heard about the soil and mushrooms. Oftentimes it can be a indication of acid soil too. But that is okay with me!

  19. Funny Frances hitting the mushrooms with a golf club. lol
    I heard about people hunting for them in the Smokey Mtns. They seem to pop up after a shower. Have to get them quick.
    I also heard about one kind somewhere around LBL that a woman ate & she died as it was the poison kind. She got them confused.
    Hope all will have a restful night & a beautiful day tomorrow.

  20. You have quite a few mushrooms about your yard! I've noticed a couple of the large puffy white ones. We don't have the variety you have. Of course most of the yard is in the sun, that might dry us out quick.

  21. Mom- I don't want to guest post again. You can take the picture and do something with it when I go out and take it. Didn't get a chance yesterday, but will soon. Maybe tomorrow.

  22. Christinelyn, mail them to me and I'll post them on my Saturday, I'm the climate that goes with it and I'm going to get really busy soon.

  23. Hi Tina. Some of them are very pretty. Lots of morel hunters around here in the spring. Not me, I'm too careful;) I admire but don't eat.

  24. Very nice are lucky to have rain!
