Wednesday, September 3, 2008

He Has the Upper 'Hand' and Blotanical Nominations

I thought you all might enjoy some silly birds. All gardeners without fail love to hear the birds. I am no exception and have a few chirping to me in the house. Mom, now you can see our new birds and I hope you enjoy them.

The pretty whitish one on top of the 'demon' bird cage is Pippy. He is my sweet bird and a very tame and friendly little guy. The two demon birds, named BeBe and Rainy are very mean to him. I have to keep the birds separated. I let Pippy out on this day to see what he would do. Well, the video speaks for itself and he had a right fine time letting the demon birds know he had the upper hand.

Disclaimer: I call the other two parakeets the demon birds because they bite really hard. The Jimster is beginning to tame them, but only with gloves or nerves of steel to deal with the pain a pinching beak can cause to tender flesh. They are mean but I still love them even with the nickname I have given to them!

in the garden....

I have added the Blotanical award badge to promote these awards for any reader who wants to participate in them at Blotanical. I have made my nominations and found them quite fun to do! Boy was it hard too! I could not nominate anyone in many of the categories as I wasn't even familiar with some of them! (Think indoor gardening)

For those readers not familiar with Blotanical, it is a directory of Garden Bloggers found at this link. Yes, these are blog awards but not something given by another blogger and passed around, but something nominated on and voted upon by all eligible bloggers so that is why I choose to promote them. I do not blog for awards but purely for the love of blogging and sharing like we all do, but it is always a worthwhile thing to be recognized by your peers by a voting and nominating committee such as Blotanical. I wish everyone MUCH luck! Thanks.


  1. Your new bird is so cute Tina. Looks like he's is giving them the business, lol. I did the Blotanical Awards too. It was quite hard some of the categories.

  2. Cute bird pippy is! Demon bird #2 appeared to know his was SECOND! Off to get a check-up, be back later.

  3. Tina, cute birds and congratulations on your nominations. I myself try to stay clear of badges and games as I like my blog to be personal and less time consuming so I can do my real job of writing novels and painting watercolors. It looks like you'll be busy with that to do list. Good luck!

    Skeeter, cute squirrel photos and lovely looking mushrooms. Sometimes pesky things are fun to look at. Thanks for finding the beauty in it.

  4. PGL, I agree on the Blotanical awards for sure.

    Dawn, Those pesky birds are characters. My friend Vonna is taking one of the two and we'll see how the other one does by himself for a while.

    Sarah, I checked your watercolors and you are ever so talented! They are beautiful. I was an oil painter pretty much only. I mainly did portraits. I dabbled in watercolor but for the same reason you like them, I dislike them:) No awards here but the Blotanical is a directory of garden bloggers and they are now just taking nominations. That is fun as it makes you think and I really had to think on some (on others no) as I read so many blogs and have for nearly one year now. I don't think the awards will be announced until like next year. Not sure. Hope you can work on your novel today. I am sure the weather is lovely there. My mother's gardens are doing great now that you all finally got some rain. I am trying to come up there next month, just in time for fall color so I hope the fall is right on this year. Warm days, cool nights and fairly dry.

  5. Tina,

    How many pets do you all have? We can barely manage the cat...Who really manages us! He was sitting on a porch chair and we carried the chair inside so he wouldn't be locked on the porch or disturbed! The things we do for our pets!

    Nice nod to Blotanical!


  6. Good morning Gail! We have: 3 dogs, 1 cat, 2 rabbits, 3 parakeets, and two fish. The birds, cat and fish are the lowest maintenance. The dogs and rabbits are constantly demanding attention and work! Whew! They have slowed us down on when we wish to travel so I have curtailed (stopped) getting anymore pets. This is it. I used to have seven fish but a bird ate five back in the winter. :( Yes, I do like the nomination process on Blotanical. I have not yet submitted my form though as I had to email Stuart requesting help. Then when I went back to my form-it was all gone! At least I have a good idea how it works now and it will go faster once I hear back on my question.

  7. Tina, Pippy is so cute; he just shows that it pays to be nice!

    I've been working on the Blotanical nominations, too, but wow, is it hard! I could have easily named a "winner" in a couple of categories, but their names weren't listed as selections, so I was a little disappointed there. I agree, this is different than the usual awards.

  8. Mom-Bella will add to your already full household and the cats will add to Mimi's! What would we do without our pets though? I know mine and most other peoples are a huge part of their lives, what will I do when I don't have my little ones for awhile? Probably enjoy the peace and keep myself very busy as to not think about being alone without them. I have at my little one bedroom apartment: 1 58lbs dog, 4 cats (one that is 22lbs, 14lbs, and 2 8lbs, not to mention compost is still living with me, so that is 5 right now) and I have 2 guinea pigs. Makes for a messy house that is hard to keep clean from pet hair!
    I like your new birds they look nice though the view of them isn't the greatest. What type of birds are they?

  9. Hi Christine! I plan to call you soonest! It is a shame you can't find someone to take Compost. Is she old enough to go to the shelter yet? Anyhow, pets are great. You'll enjoy only taking care of yourself. My two demon birds are parakeets I got from a fellow Freecycler, cage and all. They were not entertaining enough for her daughter (read they bite!) so she gave them to us like last fall sometime. They are funny for us though and I enjoy their antics.

  10. Mom-She is old enough to go to the shelter, but Jay is really thinking about taking her. He just has to see how his daughter reacts to her and all that stuff. He hasn't taken her home yet cause it has been a VERY hectic month for him with Emma being full-time with him and being in Reno and having surgery and lots of other stuff, but I think that he will take after next week.

  11. Pippy is so cute and I think he was trying to play with the other birds. Alice used to go over to the other 2 cocatiels and PP would look up at her and sing to her, Pete was only mildly interested in her. PP had a certain song for her
    and she was on her way to their cage when she passed away (a month today since she passed). Alice's playpen was between her cage and the parakeets's cage and she would at times climb on their cage but not as often as she would go see PP and Pete. People that have never had birds, or even people that have had them and did'nt take the time to really interact with them have no clue how smart they can be or what great personalities they have.

  12. Tina I loved the clip of the birdies. I've had parakeets & they are very smart. Cute to watch too. I guess most people at one time or another have had some kind of pet. That's good.
    Have a great day ALL.

  13. Hi Tina, I enjoyed the video. When young I had parakeets, but only ever one at a time. Some were really smart and friendly, others were not. I loved playing music, the record player or piano and they would sing along, so fun. I have done my nominations and it was hard on some of them, I agree. You should check out Plants are the Strangest People for the indoor category. He is very funny and be sure and read his post about the bloggies and the comments, there is a surprise there!

  14. Don't y'all be fooled by the cute chirps. I saw Pippy biting fingers on Saturday! LOL.... Do show the other two birds closer up Tina. Their colors are so pretty, like a flower...

  15. What an adorable bird! Sorry about the mean birds that bite, that is not fun at all. My bird, Austin, is kinda of mean too, but he enjoys talking and chirping to himself and Luka tries to stay away more often. lol.

  16. Christy, Let us know what he decides! Hope things slow down for you all soon.

    Mom, Birds are the best. Such personalities. The hummers are teaching me this too. All they do is scold and fuss for no reason. Sometimes these silly keets do to. Drives us crazy! One month since your beloved bird's passing. I am so sorry.

    Lola, You have a wonderful day and get ready for some more rain it sounds like. Send it our way if you can.

    Frances, Our little Pippy dances to music too! Jimmy gets him to do the funniest things. I am going to check out that blog right away and I am betting it will be a candidate on my ballot! I have heard you talk of it before. Thanks!

    Skeeter, I will post a pic of them soon. They are pretty. Pippy was NEVER mean until the Jimster decided to start 'thumb boxing' with him. Yes, it is a teenage thing-has to be! Course I can't be mad at Jimmy because he was the one who tamed him in the first place.

    DP, I forgot your bird's name was Austin. Is there a story behind the name? I've always had mean keets until Pippy so like everyone says it is all in their personalities. He is fun chirping though!

  17. Hi Tina, are they all parakeets? The two in the cage must be very dark blue.

    Don't you have a kitty? Indoor birds at my house would be the guests of honor at dinner;)

  18. Hi Marnie, Yes, all three parakeets. Orkin is an outdoor cat. She eats lots of unlucky birds there. Urrrrr! Those kitties and you know what I mean! If she ever comes in she is such a wreck worried about the dogs getting her that she cowers by the front door. Hubby jokes we have the whole food chain here. I'll post a pic of the other two soon, but one is dark blue, the other turquoise. All neat colors. One would never thing keets come in such an array of colors. In the future I'll go for the whitish ones though since Pippy is so sweet. A bit superstitious but hey-why not?

    Sarah, Thanks! Hope your trip to lovely St. Augustine was great. That is a city I'd love to see someday (only in the winter though when it is cool:)

  19. Ah, I love Pippy...if that was its name...I forgot! I had no clue that they had blogger nominations and awards! That is so cool, I will be checking this out in the near future! I am glad that you mentioned it...Thanks!


  20. Zach, Welcome to "In the Garden"! It is always nice to see new faces and yours is SO young! A talented 17 year old garden blogger who knows how to collect seeds? Wow! You really must go to Blotanical and register your blog and get on board with the awards and knowing others. Just click on the badge or type Blotanical into your search engine. But maybe you already have been there? I have read all your posts and I must tell you it is so rare for me to see a new blog where I can read all posts on the front page, I enjoyed reading yours very much. Look forward to reading more.

  21. When you come....don't forget to bring me some prickly pear! I'll get you goat's rue seeds and sensation.

  22. Tina ~ you have a lot of pets! The only time I had a bird was when I watched my sister's for her while she was overseas for an extended time. Beaker scared me though and would bite me. So we had a strained relationship - haha. But somehow I managed to keep her alive despite it all!

  23. Thanks Tina. Will try to send you all I can. I sure don't need anymore here. Just now starting to dry out a little. Young'un needs to mow before it rains again. Trying to get truck took care of now.
    Have a super night all. Hope your day tomorrow is terrific.

  24. What a sweet little bird. I need to finish my nominations, but it is hard to pick. I like so many of the blotanical blogs.

  25. Dawn, WILCO!

    Cindy, Strained relationship with a bird? That's funny! Beaks can hurt no question about it. I know your sister was happy you kept her bird alive!

    Thanks Lola! I am getting some sprinkles so maybe it is working?

    Aunt Debbi/Kurt's Mom, Thanks on my birdie. The awards are hard! So many blogs but really some categories are so easy and others not so. Will be interesting to see it this year since there are so many MANY more garden blogs. Hard to keep up isn't it?

  26. Hi Tina - Stuart has added some new categories since the nominations first went up, so if you voted early you might like to go back and have another look.

  27. Thanks Sue! I'll go check it out.
