Monday, February 14, 2011

How to Get Rid of Chipmunks And Some Help with Animal Tracks

From In the Garden
How do you get rid of chipmunks? Now who in their right mind would want to get rid of the cute little rodents? Me! I agree with everyone else that chipmunks are the cutest little critters in the garden but in my garden they cause a lot of damage-and I'm not talking about the garden. We have a pole style garage in the backyard that has been under attack by these little critters. They burrow under the garage floor and make tunnels that are then used by not only the chipmunks but also by the voles. And wherever you see one chipmunk you can bet there are probably about 2-5 other chipmunks you don't see. They can really cause damage and when they find a comfortable home with lots of birdseed (yes I feed the birds), cover, natural foods in the form of plants and seedheads and fruits, and a safe warm place to live (under the garage) chipmunks can multiply out of control. I don't like them in my garden. My cat can't even keep up with them and I've had difficulty ridding my garden of them until....I learned how to use the small animal critter cage. 

Has anyone else ever used a live trap? I've had this HavaHart small animal trap for about five years and each year I'd try to trap the chipmunks and all I would ever catch would be birds! Well of course that is not a desirable catch because I like the birds. They don't damage my home and are all around good neighbors, unlike the chipmunks. I couldn't figure out how to catch chipmunks until a good friend from garden club told me she could catch a chipmunk a day simply by placing the cage somewhat in the brush or toward perennials where the opening is somewhat obscured. This keeps the birds from accessing the door and provides cover for the chipmunks to wonder inside the trap. As for as bait I sometimes put sunflowers, peanut butter, or apple pieces in the trap but most of the time this is not even necessary. We can easily catch a chipmunk a day here. As soon as we get rid of some chipmunks more move in. It is a never ending battle.

Once a chipmunk was trapped we were faced with what to do with it to rid our garden of it. Humanely disposing of them was an option we really did not want but was an option. Enter a good friend who kindly volunteered us the use of her 20 acres to release the chipmunks. Sometimes we drop them off on her property sometimes out in a public park but always a long way from our home. We hope this little chipmunk is very happy in its new home by a lovely stream down the road about six miles. And, we hope it does not have radar like some animals and finds it way back to our yard because it will be caught and moved again.

A late addition to this post is this picture of tracks I found in my vegetable garden. I can't figure out what kind of animal it was-or even if it animal tracks. I only found two sets like this in the vegetable garden (where the dogs cannot go). Can anyone help me out with identifying these tracks?

From In the Garden

Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone...
in the garden...


  1. Tina,

    The tracks on the upper left look like the hind feet of a rabbit, the other I don't know.

    Chipmunks here I have never seen a live one, yet our cat has killed at least two of them.

    1. Hello A good tactic is to plant mint around wherever you dont want the rodents. Rodents hate the smell of mint.

    2. You can plant mint around wherever you dont want rodents.
      They hate the smell of mint.

  2. Hi Tina,
    The havahart traps are my fave alltime chipmunk remover. Sometimes I don't even have to bait them. Since I live in the woods already, I drive them to another section of woods, a few miles away. Sometimes I wonder how many actually make it back to my garden. :)
    I think squirrel or bunny tracks.

  3. Hello tina.

    The guy you captured looks very cute! But I'm really sorry to hear that those creatures have caused considerable damage to your garden. In our country, only one type of chipmunk lives in the forests of Hokkaido. We don't see them around here except the ones kept as a pet. Are chipmunks native to your country? One of the most harmful animals here is crows.

  4. Good luck with the catch and release program! They are sure pests here, too...Recently they dug under all the gorgeous iris(and deposited the dirt on top of them) and I only discovered that when the snow melted!

  5. Randy, Thanks on the track ID. I hope both are from the rabbit. There was another set just like it about two feet away. I'm really confused but that one with 3 indentations. Too weird. Lucky you not have chipmunks.

    Rosey, Ditto on the bunny tracks! Those chipmunks are pesky indeed. I'm with you. Wonder if they have radar to come back to our gardens? Hope not!

    Sapphire, I think chipmunks must be native here. Never really thought of it though. Hmmm. They are very pesky. You have me intrigued about your one type of chipmunk. I'm glad it is not pesky like ours. Crows can be so destructive to fields. I can see that. Loved the dancing dragon this morning!

    Gail, I sure do not like those chipmunks but they are easy to relocate. The voles now....grrrr. Not so easy and very busy eating this year.

  6. Tina you are so right - cute as they are they are very troublesome. I told Bob to trap the squirrels because not only did they (or chipmunks) tear out the insulation he put in the pumphouse they were tearing apart my planters on the deck and digging up the flowers in the beds. We have both of the adorable little critters and I'd just like to ring their destructive little necks most of the time. I hope your tracks aren't rabbits because they eat flowers too. My neighbors relocate them. It doesn't matter how much damage the deer or elk do on someones property you don't touch them or you go to jail. I won't be having fish in my pond because the racoons will eat them. It's such a never ending battle isn't it? I'm glad you've found a way to get them under control and maybe we'll get some of those traps. Great post!

  7. I guess I'm lucky that chipmunks aren't a problem here. Squirrels, though, are another matter. Looks like you have the perfect solution. Let's hope they appreciate the free ride out to a country retreat so they don't return to your garden:)

  8. Awww, such a cute little monk but I can totally understand your relocating them. They have been under my parent’s garage for years then Bob the neighbors cat showed up and he took care of them... The Saints parents have an issue with them as well and their indoor/outdoor cat Missy takes care of them one at a time. We used this type trap to catch stray cats in the past and they are the best as they do not harm the fur babies...

    The prints look like a bunny and maybe the third hole is from its nose melting the snow.

    Worked in the garden a bit on Saturday and was in Atlanta all day Sunday. Going to be in the 70’s today and I plan to get out of the house soon. I think I am over this funky mess! Big Buds are on my daffys....

  9. Rose, you can catch a squirrel in these cages as well. The Saints mom has to hot glue a peanut on the base though. If not they are sneaky enough to reach in to grab the nut and run before the trap goes off.

  10. Linda, Sorry to hear you have pests in your garden too. It's sickening to wake and find all your fish have been dinner for something. I had that happen and oh my. Maybe you could put something over the pond? My friends here put that black plastic very think like erosion control mesh over their ponds. It also helps to catch leaves. For my little pond I built a frame with hardware cloth. Keeps the dogs from taking a swim. lol I know exactly what the bunny wanted as its tracks went straight to the Chinese cabbage. The only thing green now. My tame bunnies also like it. I hope it moves on soon but I have seen it a few times-as have the dogs. They help a lot.

    Rose, Yes we hope they are not finding their way back at all. When I let this guy go he was like Speedy Gonzales-one lucky critter though I hope it doesn't go wreak havoc on another. You might need to trap your squirrels or something. I know Sophie would never catch them though I'm sure she enjoys running for them.

    Skeeter, Thanks on the third hole. I just couldn't figure it out at all. I sure hope this bunny moves on. Yes, those chipmunks are a pain-especially under garages. I can't figure out why but they can do damage. I love the tip to hot glue a peanut to the cage. I might try that for the chipmunks. Too cute!

  11. I love watching the chipmunks as they are so cute but I know they also are very destructive and if I had a problem with them here being destructive I would not like them at all. Last summer I had one in the garden with me so I threw him an ear of corn that had not matured and was all dried up. He was so funny, he was shredding it and tossing it up in the air and catching it. Not sure if he was playing with it like a ball or if he was trying to tell me I was nuts for giving him corn that was no good. Cute indeed. Very nice of you to take the time and energy to put them else where.

  12. Hi Tina, I know those chipmunks can be a problem. I think they are cute though.
    We had a couple in N.C. They just played in the leaves in the tree areas. We don't have them here.
    Hi Jean, Skeeter, Nina, Dawn & Anonymous.


  14. HI Tina, I think those are rabbit tracks.

    It will be a never ending battle to relocate those chipmunks. They constantly will move in from surrounding areas. You need another cat, a more serious cat:)

  15. Tina, We have a terrible problem with chipmunks, and I agree with all your sentiments--adorable but destructive. Their tunneling took down a 10' tall stone wall last year. Our cats do a good job of eating them most years. If there is a population explosion, we trap them with peanuts and move them. I have always wanted to spray paint their tails to see if they come back. Carolyn

  16. I guess when you don't get chipmunks, deer or rabbits in the garden they all look so cute and harmless. We just see squirrels, but less so since our neighbors cats have claimed our yard. A house near a stream sounds perfect for that little chipmunk.

  17. Mom, Awww, the little guy sounds so cute and will be your friend for life! He'll be back for more. Might be the same one from the snow?

    Hi Lola and Happy Valentines Day to you! Those chipmunks are entertaining for sure. Lucky you to not have them there.

    Marnie, I know I really do but I have to keep trying. It seems when I have a jump on them then relax-poof! There is another explosion. So frustrating. I do need another cat. Orkin cannot keep up with them though she takes a few out so that is good.

    Hi Carolyn, I think next time I am going to spray paint the tail! With a bright pink or yellow so I can really see it. Such a funny idea I love it! Bummer on the wall. It's so frustrating.

    Catherine, I could do without all of the critters I tell you-just give me the birds. You and Linda sure make Washington an inviting place! Someday...

  18. weeds and unwanted wildlife - they're not going anywhere ...

  19. I'm one of those people who think they are cute but I'll admit, I don't have them in my garden so I haven't experienced the things you've described. It's nice of you to "catch & release." I read one blog where they drown squirrels after they're caught. Not sure I could do that even if they were being a nuisance!
    Hope you had a great Valentine's Day!

  20. I also vote for rabbit tracks. We had a mouse problem on the patio for a while and tried live traps, since my daughter practically threatened to leave home if we used conventional traps ("mice are so sweet"). Unfortunately, the wily critters were not to be lured into them. I wouldn't put it past your chipmunks to have a homing instinct, though. I wonder if live traps would work for voles??

  21. Looks like rabbit tracks. Prob a large one at that. I've found the same tracks in the mud in my back yard as well.

  22. Looks like rabbit tracks. Prob a large one at that. I've found the same tracks in the mud in my back yard as well.

  23. Debbie T. Thanks! I think it is a happy bunny to be so large. They can sometimes be frustrating.

  24. Debbie T. Forgot to say thanks for dropping by. Do you have a blog?

  25. I hope you have got rid of your chipmunks by now. We have been having a problem with them for the last couple of weeks. They were building a nest in my firepit (including using some of my firepit cover to put in their nest) on the deck and climbing into the grill eating some type of hard food and leaving behind crumbs or storing the food for future meals. Not sure. I used to think chipmunks were really cute and now I'm done with that thought process!!!

  26. Hollie, So sorry you are having issues with the cute-not-little chipmunks. They are terribly bad this year and overrunning us. I think I'll need to get more than one trap for them. Those small critter traps work great so give them a try. Be sure to put the trap in some plants so the birds don't go in there and so the chipmunks will find them. Good luck! They are destructive critters and not welcomed around here at all. Cats help too. I walked out onto my front porch and there were TWO headless chipmunks waiting for me. Good kitty!

  27. One sure way to get rid of them is a (bucket of death) 5 gallon bucket filled 3/4th the way with water, add bird seed and a wood ramp leading them to there death.

    Works every time, 24 hours later i have 7 dead chipmunks.

  28. Pfunk, I've heard that method works really well! This year has been a bear for chipmunks as they are really over populating gardens everywhere. Count of 7 in 24 hours is very good success.

  29. Mint is the best deterrent for rodents, they hate the smell of it.
