Thursday, June 19, 2008

What is Wrong With This Picture?

Can you see what is missing in the above two pictures? Back in December we had a sleepy driver take out the right side of our driveway, narrowing missing the wagon wheel (which was great), but decimating the split rail fence and the plants (all of them).

The split rail fence was fairly easy to fix. The man did take responsibility and helped Mr. Fix-it put it all back together. The plants took a bit more work and were not as easy to fix. The yuccas; which are doing fantastically on the left side of the driveway, look quite a bit different from the yuccas on the right side of the driveway. Yuccas? You can't see them? That is because they were ripped out and have not yet recovered. Some might not ever recover, but a few are coming back slowly. You might just be able to see one to the right of the wagon wheel. There will be no blooms from these yuccas this year. Time will tell what next year will bring.

You can't see the prickly pears growing behind the wheel on the left side, but they are there, and growing fabulously. Not so on the right side. The prickly pears were out in the middle of the road when I found them that morning. The damage from the errant car is just now really becoming evident. But at least there is a good excuse for the off balance plantings; a sleepy driver and 2000 pound hunk of metal. These two plants will happily grow back and no one was injured so all in all it is okay.

The last picture is also of the driveway and the 'Driveway Garden'. I just love coming home and seeing my little garden here, lopsided or not, so I had to post this view. The garden is coming along nicely. The shastas are blooming now, and it won't be long before the annuals and daylillies come into their own as well. Have a great day and I hope no mishaps happen to your plants!

in the garden....


  1. Too bad that happen to you. Sorry for your loss but they will make a comeback in time....

  2. Thank goodness no one was injured. Sorry you lost your plants. I know what it means to have things like you want them & someone else is to blame for the destruction on part of the plan. All the remaining plants look fabulous. So lush & green.
    It's so hot here all things have turned that yellowish green not the vibrate green that you see up there.
    Hopefully next yr. will be much better.

  3. Skeeter and Lola-thanks. It is funny how in gardening something that happens months ago can still affect plants. Just like the freeze and drought and countless other reasons for plants suffering trauma. They are growing back. Just a set back. Always next year like Lola said.

  4. Lopsided or not, it looks good to me but still too bad it had to happen.

    Wow it has been quiet on here today. We were in town all day and then I hulled and washed 6 quarts of native strawberries when I got home so am just now getting on the computer for the first time today. Got on and had not even read the post when Christy came, she has gone now. We are babysitting Bella till Sunday night. Wonder where Dawn is.

  5. I'm here, Tina is posting after I mail the comments for the day. They stopped early on so I figured she must of posted in the evening. Prickly pear, remember you picked these up during the dark and didn't realize they would sting you? Ha! Ha! Ha!. Just kidding. I'm not the only one, glad every thing is coming along. Zacks out of school today, award day for Nikki tom., Summa!!!nite all.

  6. Yow! Poor plants. It's a good thing they can be pretty resilliant if they're properly cared for. So what if they're not the same? As long as they return to health that's all that matters.

  7. Tine, I can get you all the yuccas you want...they actually grow here. Even with churt for dirt and always being in a drought I can grow yuccas. And there is a road about a mile from me where there are thousands growing "wild". I am sure someone planted on there many years ago or something but there are no houses for miles on that road.

  8. Hi Tina --I think it looks great considering the damage that was done. But, I totally understand what you mean --because that frost last year wrecked havoc on the crepe myrtles and as of now they look absolutely stunning:) I didn't get to appreciate them last year because they were so dead looking --they really bounced back nicely and are growing great. Your yard looks great it will catch up to the other side soon --the hardest part is the waiting for it to happen. I am so excited today I took down the last dead white pine -he was actually a pretty shade of orange. I replaced him with two rose of sharon bushes. One is red and the other purple --the kids picked out the colors. I am so excited --I can't wait until they grow big and flower like crazy:) I also moved some of my Nina flowers (they are the cleome --pink ones) to a more reasonable place. Tina probably wanted to laugh out loud when she saw a bunch of them growing in a window planter:0) So, those precious beauties are now in the flowerbed with some friends. I also decided to put my impatiens in the backyard too --in a shady spot since the sun was kicking their butt. I hope they bounce back --they look pretty when in bloom. Now, they look like someone beat them with a stick --but really it was just too much sun. I must admit it was nice not to have baseball tonight --got a good deal done in the yard --no weeding though:) hahahahha Only the fun stuff and even managed to swim with the kiddos. Tomorrow is the first day of summer --whoo-hooh! Today was so pretty --the past two days have been just amazing --so perfect --I'm sure the humidity will come back but I'm enjoying this nicer summer weather. It's more tolerable to be outside in it. Hi y'all --have a great night. Tina please feel free to call on me if I can help you in any way --I saw your name in the paper for the Tour of the gardens:) So happy to see someone on there I knew --I'm so proud of you!!!! Ciao

  9. Wow, Jillybean, that must be impressive to see all those yuccas growing wild. Wish I lived near them as I'd have me one!!

    Oh Anonymous you are so cute and sweet!!

  10. Mom, Thanks. It is quiet lately.

    Dawn, Yeah no more school! Summer comes along...

    Cinj, Very sweet and optimistic. This is one reason I love plants, very resilent and no memories for trauma or bad times.

    Jillybean, You are so sweet! I do love yuccas but don't need anymore right now. I bet they are beautiful growing wild in the field. I wonder if they self seed?

    Anonymous, It is SO okay to say it was nice not having baseball tonight. Sounds like you had a busy night anyhow. I hated doing baseball each night when the Jimster was in it. Truly did not enjoy the time and I don't believe he did either. You go girl-taking out a big ole tree all by yourself! Glad you got it out. Rose of sharons will do nicely and grow pretty big too. Tour is Saturday and I am all set. Lots of help and there will be many friends coming over. Should be fun. I will post about it soon. ttyl!

  11. i'm so sorry to hear about your mishap. but it makes for an interesting blog entry. hopefully time will heal it and in the future years, both sides will end up getting healed and even.

  12. I don't really know what they do, I think they multiply like daylillies. But it is impressive and it makes you wonder how they got there. I mean there is seriously nothing around for miles. And a road was just cut as a throughway to get to another road. It is odd...and makes you go wow with wonder at the same time. I dug up a bunch and they grow great on my land, which is a feat in itself.

  13. DP, They will get better. Thanks!

    Jillybean, Yuccas are native and perhaps a bird initially planted them? They must be a sight. I have seen your yard and I also think it is a feat to grow in the woods and on the hill. But aren't they great? You never have to water or anything.

  14. Sorry to hear someone ran over your fence and garden. It seems to be a fairly common occurance around here. We have had 2 people run off the road in our front yard. Thank goodness we are not close to it. One hit our water line and broke it on our side of the meter on a friday night before it snowed. He did pay for it to be fixed.

  15. Sarah, It is an ALL TOO FAR COMMON occurance. Our local deputy said the same thing. What is bad is when they take off and don't take responsibility. I am so glad the guy who broke your waterline fixed it. Sometimes you have to go to court to get people to do the right thing, something I know all too well. So much easier to fix it the first time in a civil manner. I am also glad no one was hurt!
