Friday, November 26, 2010

A Japanese Maple Seedling with Yellow Fall Coloring

From In the Garden

I was sadly mistaken on some of my seedling Japanese maples turning a plain old green. Not so! This particular one is out front along with the orange one and a few red ones. It has turned an eye grabbing yellow and looks great in the Front Center Garden. This particular seedling J. maple took a lot longer to change colors than I would've expected-but the show was worth the wait.  It has taken several years to get to this point and I tell you I'm ever so glad it's finally presenting a show in the garden.
This particular garden is the center of my front yard and is a high visibility garden for me. I look at it from inside the house, while on my porch, when walking to the house and really all the time. It needs to have color and interest all year long. In order for this to happen I planted a lot evergreen shrubs, hydrangeas, and some perennials in this garden as well as the two J. maples. A mature oak tree and a huge short needled pine tree round out the plants growing in this bed. Looking just past the Japanese maple's trunk you can just make out the green split rail fence. On the other side of this fence is the busy state highway I live near.

Of course, I can't see the highway anymore because I have this lovely garden and J. maple to draw my eye....

in the garden....

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, 
In the Garden


  1. Good morning all! I hope the turkey has all settled and everyone has a great day! We here in my part of Tennessee have snow!! Fun fun!

  2. Lovely, Tina! This view certainly beats looking at the highway any day.

    You have snow??? We haven't had a single flake yet.

  3. Rose, We woke up to about 1/2 inch of ice snow on the ground. It is slowly melting now. It is such a delightful sight on Black Friday. The saving grace is the roads are clear for all those shoppers-not me though:)

  4. Hi Tina, what a wonderful autumn (Fall) scene the last photo depicts. I love the way the leaves cover the soil and form a perfect carpet. So soft. Here it's raining and raining, quite alarming. cheers, catmint

  5. What an achievement. I really want to propogate an acer I have as the boys bought it for me and I would like some seedlings in case I move but so far I havent spotted any seedheads

  6. A very gorgeous view from the house for sure and a big change from when you first moved there when the road was all in sight from the house. I am very sad that I lost my J Maple this year that you bought me. I only had it 3 years and it had not grown much but it still put on a wonderful show in the fall and was so pretty all summer each summer till the middle of this past summer. At which time the leaves just turned all brown almost over night.

  7. Catmint, The rain must be good for your spring? It won't flood I hope? You stay safe and enjoy the warm weather coming.

    Helen, Some J. maples self seed everywhere but not all. I purchased all of my seedling (unnamed maples) at the store for a reduced cost. You never know what you get. I've tried propagating them but have had no luck whatsoever. If you do please let me know the trick. I do hope some seedlings show up for you though.

    Hi Mom, Maybe the J. maple didn't like the spot or somehow it got infected with a fungus. That's really too bad as I know how you enjoyed it last fall. If I ever get up there I'll make sure you get another one. You have a nice huge area out front now that your pool is gone. I can see a good upright J. maple out there, along with a bench so you and David can sit out there. Depending on Rog we may come up there next year. A big trip so we need to plan for sure.

  8. What gorgeous color, Tina. Glad to hear the season is still providing there. We are getting faded and grey here.

    I also live near a busy highway that my garden camouflages. Now if only the garden could do something about the noise!

    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving xox

  9. Hi Tina,
    I've been shopping around for a maple tree here but haven't been successful finding one that I like. Many that are in the garden nurseries are imported from China, and the leaves are green. I would love to have something like yours in my garden.You persevered and the green leaves turned that lovely yellow.I should just buy the Chinese maple plant and hope for the best, shouldn't I?

  10. Tina girl ! I really like the black background you changed to .. it makes it easier to read : )
    I love your "baby" Japanese Maple !
    Such a pretty yellow and perfectly positioned too.
    The two I bought this past year .. well I have my hopes pinned on them that they will survive this winter and smile at me in the Spring .. these are such beautiful little trees , I would think everyone would want at least one in their garden ? : )

  11. Jen, There is a lot to be said for good gardens when you live by a busy highway I tell you. I too have an issue with noise. The evergreen silverberries help a bit but still not enough-especially when those loud cars, trucks and motorcycles go by. Geez! It is annoying. We might have to resort to sound barriers huh? Thanksgiving was wonderful and ditto back to you!

    Rosie, Hello all the way from Malaysia! Boy, I think that would be tough buying a small maple over there without seeing fall color. I think if I were you I'd buy a named cultivar just to be sure I get exactly what I want. They are special purchases for the garden. One would be right at home with those lovely evergreens in your garden.

    Joy, So glad you like the new change. It is a really big change for this blog from what I've done the past three plus years. Only a very few folks have mentioned the change so I do appreciate the feedback. I hope your maples survive. I think they are tougher than we give them credit for so perhaps you'll be most surprised to see them putting out new growth in the spring. If not do try for that Korean maple. Mine is doing great and it turned a lovely orange this fall. I think it neat it is a good substitute for J. maples. But fingers crossed for your maples!

  12. Very neat! Do you know what kind of J. maple seedling it is?

  13. Dave, Sold only as a red Japanese maple seedling at some discount store. It is how I got all my J. maples. I have only 5 that are named, but they were also on discount. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

  14. Quite a blog makeover! I love your banner image. Your expert landscaping is the perfect shield to traffic.

    I’m amazed that you had more snow in Tennessee than in Maine. We only got our first storm yesterday evening. My husband drove through it to pick us up at the airport.

  15. Do you happen to know what variety of Japanese Maple that lovely yellow one is? I already have a Sango Kaku and an Orange Dream, and I am looking for another variety of yellow fall color maple. Thanks!

  16. Sarah, So glad you like the makeover. Only about 4 or 5 folks have commented on it so I do appreciate the feedback. It is a big change. Yes, odd we got snow already. There was a mighty big coldfront that came through Thanksgiving evening dropping tons of rain that turned to ice and snow. Brrrrr! Don't worry Maine will catch up. Glad you made it home safe!

    Hi Toni, My little J. maple was simply labeled 'Red Japanese maple'. Sometimes buying these unknowns is a great adventure and works out. Of course you just can't go wrong with J. maples.

  17. Tina, thanks for the reply on the maple. Odd that "Red" turns yellow in the fall. It is always fun when the unexpected turns out to be a nice surprise :-) Orange Dream has a very limey color in the spring and then turns yellow/orange in the fall. Shorter than Sango Kaku and no red branches in the winter. It's a hard one to find, but worth it. All J. maples are worth it, aren't they :-)

  18. I love the colored edges to your maple. It's as nice as a lot of named varieties out there!
