Sunday, November 21, 2010

St. Black Makes an Appearance

From In the Garden

Twas a Saturday morning before first light

When all through the gym the chairs were a sight

From In the Garden
In hopes that St. Black would soon be there

The drums and guitars were stacked with flair

From In the Garden
The amps were prepared to make a patter

When St. Black began to chatter....

My youngest son and his band recently performed at the Austin Peay State University's First Annual Teen Summit. Kudos go out to the organizers of this very wonderful event for teenagers and their parents here in Montgomery County Tennessee. The teens got a great deal out of this event involving local community members and leaders talking about issues that affect teens. Anyone who has a teen or who is themselves a teen now or even who remembers their teenaged years will attest the teen years are not easy years. Today, being a teen is much harder than I could ever have imagined. Any tools that can help my teen deal with issues in today's society are most welcomed and the Teen Summit sure provided some helpful tools to my son. To say I am a very proud parent would be an understatement, but all the performers at the event were wonderful and every single parent who had a teen at the summit should be proud....

in the garden....

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team,

In the Garden


  1. AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME!!!! Go Jimster!!!!

  2. Great thing that the organizers of the Teen Summit did. St Black was awesome the video is part of a St Black original song. All the sponsors, instructors, and performers of the Teen Summit were great. I hope they have this ever year til the end of time. Way to go Austin Peay State University.

  3. Thanks Mom! It was a Red Letter Day for us and the band for sure.

    Rog, Hopefully our son will win that scholarship next year!!! A very good benefit AND incentive for teens and their parents to attend is that indeed-not to mention the fun and presenters. Sorry I didn't get the whole song;)

  4. Shame on you Tina for not getting the entire song. LOL, I was so looking for a video of the Jimster playing with a band! To think, I knew him when he was just finding the guitar!

    What a great outlet for teens and big kudos to APSU for the program....

    I could not get Mich bulb company sight to open up.... Whats up with that???

  5. I'm severely chastised now Skeeter. lol Yup, he has come a long way. And I'm thinking he still wants to do what the Saint did with getting a guitar for graduation. Only a little more than one year. So darned hard for me to believe my baby is nearly out of high school.

    I'm not sure what is up with the ad. Google must be messing up. I was wondering what you were talking about at first. Still getting used to the ads but there have been some click throughs-yeah! Back to the fence I go I go...

  6. Looks and sounds like a great event!

  7. HI Tina congratulations for having a well-rounded son. But who is he in the line-up?

  8. Loved your post. You sound so proud. Many thanks for sharing.

    Greetings from London.

  9. Troutbirder, It was great for all the teens and parents for sure.

    Andrea, Jimmy is the one on the far right of the line up. Both in the video and the picture.

    ACIL, Thanks!

  10. It looks like colleges are getting more creative and student friendly these days. I know athletics have always been the big draw for most universities (and get the most attention), but there are other interests out there, and other talents need to be recognized and encouraged. Maybe you could get a video of a practice session so we could hear the whole song? You've changed the blog a bit. I like it.

  11. Now they need a talented seamstress to make them wild and outlandish costumes! :)

  12. W2W, Never thought of the creative aspect from the college point of view but yes, they have to do something to bring in more students and keep themselves in the community. Our local state university APSU is a real asset here. Glad you like the new look. I played with it a LOT and this is a far out change for me but I like it too. The problem with the other colors was the writing-could never get it right.

    Dawn, I'll let them know and when they make it big I know they'll be looking for their auntie to make some clothes for them!

  13. WOW!! And proud you should be! That is awesome--does he have aspirations to go professional? (and yes, being a teen these days must be very hard--I couldn't agree with you more!)

  14. My oldest son had a band in HS. They used to practice in our garage, it was interesting to say the least. lol Congrats to yours, and I agree about it being a difficult time to be a teen. Anything you can find that keeps him safe & healthy is good. :)

  15. What a great event. Yes, with three teen daughters still at home, I know some of the struggles and pressure the kids endure. It's even different then when the oldest, 26 and 23 were in high school. Our 14 year old wants to start a band soooooo bad.....

  16. Linda, Oh yes on the professional. So far (which means today) he plans to go to college to study music and plans to make it a life. We love it when he plays the piano versus watches television and playing video games!

    Racquel, Whatever happened to the band? Did your older son move on or does he still play music? Was it really good for him? Maybe not the garage but the good thing is you know where he is at all times. I think bands are such a good outlet for kids.

    Darla, Everything fell in place for the Jimster when he signed up for a guitar class at school. A door opened wide for him to meet more kids who had talents. Before that it was hard for him to find others who played in order to put a band together. I would encourage it for your 14 year old. They learn so much responsibility with one.

  17. Wow! What amazing talent. Thanks for sharing, Tina. You must be one proud Mama!

  18. I remember going through a hard time because I would have liked to have a third child, but my husband had already made the decision to only have two, and took care of it.

    When our kids became teenagers, I decided I was glad we only had two. Now, they are grown up, and we are to have our second grandchild in the spring. Our daughter is still single, which is probably good, at least for now. She has some growing up to do.

  19. That is fantastic Tina. I know you must be very proud of the Jimster.
    Music is so good for teens.
    Way to go Jimster. Keep it up.

  20. Yeah! They rock! How fun for them to get to play. Anything to help teens is a definite plus. Although Sweet Pea isn't officially a teen for another year I can already see how different things are now than when I was her age.

  21. Hi Tina, they look like great kids, there's nothing like being in a band to develop healthy team spirit and confidence in themselves. You ought to be proud, of him, and also of you because you obviously have given him good mothering. cheers, catmint

  22. Fabulous Tina, and I agree, teens today need all the encouragement and support they can get, they are so demonised in the media. Great that you have such a creative son, you must be very proud.

  23. Wonderful! which one of those talented teens is your son?

  24. Melanie, He is the one on the far right as you look at the picture and video. We are most proud of him and all the boys.

  25. I love the name St. Black! And what a great-sounding event.

  26. There are so many issues teens have to deal with today that I'm so thankful all my kids are grown. This sounds like a wonderful event, and I know you must have been very proud of the Jimster. He sounded great!
