Monday, March 28, 2011

More Blooms in Tennessee


Red geranium from the greenhouse.


A long shot of the geraniums.


Old fashioned bridal wreath spirea (Spirea prunifolia).


Spirea 'Ogon'.


Purple oxalis.




'Diane Clare' pulmonaria.


Snowflakes (Leucojum aestivum)


Corydalis solida.


Helleborus sp.


Flowering almond.




Standard dwarf bearded iris.


Daffodil, type unknown.


White daffodil (type unknown) 'Rubra' quince, and 'Goldmound' spirea foliage.


Tulips, that fooled me and came back to bloom. Probably of the Apeldoorn series, red.


More white daffodils.


'Ivory Prince' hellebores.


More daffodils. 


Guinea flowers (Fritillaria meleagris)

Everyone have a great day....

in the garden....

Also blooming not pictured: Jacob's ladder, 'Newport' flowering plum,  'Forest Pansy' redbud, 'Pride of Augusta' gelsemium, white and red camellias, and 'Jet Trail' quince (white). 

Check out the Decorah eagles on my sidebar (brought to you courtesy of my mother, Jean.) I tell you they are mesmerizing and one can get wrapped up in watching them pretty easily. Their eggs are due to hatch sometime this week between Wednesday and Friday. 

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden


  1. Bravo, bravo! Those are lovely, pretty, amazing, gorgeous...

    I remember the Fritillaria that you talk about last year. Their kind-of-checkered pattern makes them look unique.

    And wow, the Irises have started opening!!!!

  2. The blooms on your purple oxalis are so amazing against the foilage.
    That eagle cam can be addicting. Are they by your mother's house?

  3. Oh Tina how your gardens are coloring up! Beautiful. I agree that that Oxalis is stunning.

  4. Chandramouli, What a great memory you have! Those checkered lilies are something neat. Glad you like them.

    GOSS, That shot of the oxalis did come out well. I had just removed it from the greenhouse and it was looking perky indeed. No, the eagles are in Decorah Iowa and my mother lives in Maine. It would be neat if they were close by though. I watch the cars drive by and you know they can for sure see the eagles for real.

    Darla, Glad you like it. I'm contemplating planting it in the garden this year instead of in a pot. I'd hate to lose it though as I've had it for several years. The jury is still out.

  5. Spring has sprung for you, that is for sure! I enjoyed seeing all these blooms. You have worked hard to grow all of these and I applaud your efforts. Yippee for flowers that brighten my day! thanks

  6. Wow you have a lot going on! This cold and wet weather has kept me indoors but I don't think we have quite everything you have happening here! Hopefully this weather will improve!

  7. WOW Tina!! You sure have a lot going on and all is just so gorgeous.

    The eagles are just so addicting. I have been watching them since the last egg was laid. The cam will be kept on them till they fledge. I wish I lived near them as like with a major leauge sports team, you see everthing so much better on a screen but you gotta go a few times in person just for the exciting experience you get from a live show. Last year I watched a little of the eagle cam and a falcon cam in Maine and I have watched many in other states but this is by far the best. Better wiew, better chat (I have learned sooooo very much about eagles) and if that is not reason enought to stick with this one, the dirctor of the raptor center does a remote controlled panning of the other birds nests under the eagle nest and of the farm and the fish hatchery near by. I think he has doen it for the most part every day and sometimes 2 times a day. Yesterday he panned for over an hour while the male was on the nest and he showed us the mother on a branch near by. Amazing live cam.

  8. Gee, it is as if I have seen these! Oh wait, I HAVE! I so enjoyed seeing all the color in your spring garden. You are inspiring me to add more spring colors to my gardens!

    Thanks for the visit girl, I had a blast. I also seem to bring the cold rain back to Georgia with me. I should have kept that in TN...

  9. I have never even considered a greenhouse here thinking it would be overwhelmingly expensive. How's that working for you?

  10. Tina, your photos are so beautiful and colorful, they make me forget to be envious of how springy it already is for you! Love the bridal wreath spirea, the purple oxalis, and the flowering almond, especially. Almonds grow here and I've always wanted one.

  11. Spring has sprung for sure Rosey and it is glorious.

    Dave, It's looking pretty good around here so I hope the sun reaches you soon. I am loving it here.

    Mom, I saw when the guy was panning last night and even saw the mama on the branch. It was most cool watching them for sure. A tall tree indeed. Let me know when they begin hatching please.

    Skeeter, Ah no, you keep the rain;)
    Glad you made it home.

    Donna, It has not been expensive at all. I estimate around a dollar a day give or take a few. Depends on how many sunny days. I insulated my greenhouse extra heavily and took a lot of out of the norm special procedures to make it airtight. The little radiant heater I use is fantastic plus I have passive methods too. It is well worth having a greenhouse here in Tennessee. I love mine and get so much joy from it. When it is a frigid 30 degrees outside and the sun is shining that greenhouse can easily reach 80 degrees-with no heat! A splendid place to be I tell you. Check Harbor Freight for a reasonably priced greenhouse. I also posted on mine so just search for greenhouse for all the extra tips I took. They were a lot!

    Monica, Spring can't be far behind those daffodils you have up in your garden. It won't be long now. Hooray!

  12. Hello all.
    Tina you have so much going on. So pretty. I've never seen a total white daff before. I have seen the dwarf iris in Tn. when I was a kid. Liked them very much, haven't seen any down here. My Flowering Almond has different blooms, almost like miniature roses. Just adore the old fashioned spirea, brides wreath.
    Spring sure has sprung for you.

  13. Lola, Spring came on fast this year. I hope we don't have a freeze like we did in 07. That could be deadly to a lot of the trees and was stressful back then. I keep checking the forecast out 10 days. So far so good! You enjoy spring in Florida.

  14. Spring is bursting out all over in your garden, Tina! Are those geraniums some that you overwintered? They look gorgeous. And here I'm tickled to have a few daffodils and a couple of hellebores blooming...but I know things will perk up soon. The eagle video is so cool--I hope everyone takes a look at this.

  15. So beautiful spring flowers...We have still about month to go until snow melts and at least something begins to grow...So it's so delightful to visit other gardens which are a few steps ahead:).Have a lovely blooming week.

  16. Wow Tina! Your garden is definitely ahead of what's blooming here. I love all the color.

  17. Tina, that photo of the Oxalis is really just glows. I would love to have a flowering almond....because they are blooming now. ;-)
    Super blooms.

  18. You have a very impressive amount of blooming going on. We actually had snow flurries today, yuk!

  19. Tina, how marvelous those blooms are. The only one we have in common is the purple oxalis. That last photo is overwhelming, havent even seen anything like it, except designs on some Vanda orchids. BTW, is snowdrop sometimes called snowflakes too?

  20. Such wonderful shots of beautiful blooms! The Pulmonaria buds are amazing.

  21. I couldn't see most of your photos today Tina. :( I'll try again later. That Almond was gorgeous though! :)

  22. That old fashioned double spirea is sweet and lovely and so refreshing! Love all the spring blooms, enjoy them for me while we're still waiting :-)

  23. Man, you've got so MUCH blooming there! I have a few of those in bloom, but not most (of the ones that I have that are like yours, that is). A couple of my Pulmonaria are beginning to bloom though...and of course, the hellebore. I keep forgetting to add Frittilaria...I must get some! Love your white daffodils, too. I love seeing Snowflakes! Had not heard of them until this year, when I finally added some Snowdrops. To answer your question, my project runs through midnight on April 15th;-) Glad you plan to participate!

  24. Andrea, Snowflakes and snowdrops are easily confused but not the same thing. The snowflakes are in the leucojum genus whereas the snowdrops are in the galanthus genus. I am finding the snowflakes do better for me here in my garden. Thanks for asking.

  25. Thanks Jan, I'll get busy on it and have started it so I should be able to make the deadline. Thanks!

  26. I haven't been here for a while Tina but it sure is "full-on" spring since my last visit. You have quite an array of blooms. My Mom was just telling me tonight that one of her favorite shrubs is the flowering almond (or is it a small tree?) I wasn't familiar with it then here you have a photo. Really beautiful. She said it smells heavenly too??
    Watching the eagles would be too addictive for me. I better not even click!

  27. All I can say is wow, what lovely things are happening in your garden.
