Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Nashville Lawn and Garden Show

From In the Garden
Me and a few of my friends made our annual trek to Nashville to attend the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show. This show is, in my humble opinion, one of the best garden shows in our area if not the best. I've attended the show ever since 2003 when within days of the show I would find myself on a big jet plane heading to Iraq by way of Kuwait. That was the best darned show and rest and relaxation I could've asked for myself because I spent tons of money and still have tons of booty in my garden to show for it! All the rest of the shows pale in comparison to my memory of my first show (when I got lost OUTSIDE of the huge buildings and had to walk carrying heavy heavy stuff) but I still enjoy attending each year. 

I thought the above photo would be perfect to open this post. The guitar in the garden was in honor my son Jimmy. He loves guitars and I love gardening so we meet in the middle.
From In the Garden
This lemon tree was literally dripping with huge lemons. It was most cool and almost seemed too good to be true. My friend Geri was looking for wires to see if the lemons were actually wired on. It was quite a small tree to have so many lemons.
From In the Garden
A little known area of the show is the flower design section. Those of us who adore growing plants sometimes forget that there is a whole other arena to plants besides just growing them. The Nashville Lawn and Garden show has a whole building that is cloaked in black and set up so that flower designs are arranged along the walls of the building. It is quite dark in the area with the only lighting mainly being spotlights on the designs. And wow on the designs! Anyone who knows me will tell you I do not like designing with flowers but I can still appreciate beauty. And beauty was all about in the flower design section of the show. I favored this design for its uniqueness. It is all in water-how cool is that?
Geri, Namoi, Vonna, Tina
From In the Garden
And finally I'll close the show with a picture of me and my great gardening friends; all of whom I adore and enjoy spending time with. During my years in the Army if I had one good friend I considered myself lucky. Now that I've settled down and put down roots I consider myself very lucky to have several close friends....

in the garden....

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden


  1. I am glad you had a good time, and I am still trying to process the concept of attending a garden show before flying to Iraq. Unless I count a nursery trade show, I have missed all the local flower and garden shows. Maybe next year.

  2. There's a big difference between a florist and a gardener, a florist I am not either. We always find it funny how so many lemons can grow on the smallish trees around here. You have shown a different view of this garden show, I've seen several posts with almost all the same photos..good eye! So, so glad your travels have found you rooted, safe and sound.

  3. WoW! Those lemons are impressive aren't they? I found I can't do floral arrangements - and not even a simple bouquet. I use to have a wicker business and did arrangements in the wicker baskets all the time and they weren't bad. But when I joined the garden club and we had all of these flowers to do arrangements for an upcoming celebration I found it isn't even close to the same. I just couldn't do it at all!
    Now I just mostly leave the bouquets to Bob. LOL

  4. There's nothing like attending a big garden show like this to cure the winter blahs and inspire you for spring. I went to the Chicago show this past weekend with some friends(still haven't had time to sort through all the photos and post about it) and enjoyed it so much, especially since we're still waiting for spring here.

    I had to smile at your getting lost outside; the first time Beckie and I went to the Chicago show, we got lost coming out of the train station and found ourselves wandering through back alleys trying to find Michigan Avenue:)

  5. I really didn't spend any time in the flower arranging area. It's dark and crowded and the stroller limited where I could go. Besides I'm not big into flower arranging either! So what goodies did you come home with? I brought two irises, a hellbore, and a rosemary home.

  6. Les, It was my saving moment of a bit of gardening before deploying to the desert. There would be very little gardening in Iraq but you'd be surprised at the beauty I found in Iraq. I only wish I had had a digital camera. I have posted on Iraq though with a picture or two. Way back when I first began blogging. The roses and grapes and sunflowers were exquisite. Best I've ever seen. Ah, the memories. For now I'm staying put though. I remember that trade show you did. I think that would count for sure.

    Darla, Yup, tried to be a bit different. I have many more pics as there were a lot of fascinating things there but kept it kind of small today. Florists and horticulturists are surely two different horses of a different color indeed.

    Linda, You know exactly what I mean with these designs since you are in a garden club! It is a whole different ball game indeed. Too funny Bob does the flower arranging. I bet your wicker baskets were awesome!

    Rose, I will be looking for your Chicago flower show pics! It will be nice to see my blogger friends there even if only in photos. Yup, getting lost outside of a big area is scary and tiring. A train station was probably even bigger than this arena (I know it was) so I feel for you. You feel so frustrated when lost in these moments-I don't like it at all. Glad you found your way.

    Dave, I enjoyed your post on the lawn show. It is always nice to see others perspectives of the same thing. When I went on Thursday the show was not crowded at all. I think I'll go opening day every year from now on. It was a treat! You got about what I got. I bought two Solomon's seal, three 'Johnson blue' geranium and one Louisiana irise (split cost with Naomi). Not too much as there wasn't a lot of new things there unlike in years past. Oh well.

  7. I am really looking forward to going to the Philadelphia International Flower Show on Friday. Your post got me really excited.

  8. Those flower arrangements are very interesting. They are not the typical Martha Stewart type but I love them! It looks like you learned a lot there and had fun!

  9. Of course you had to show that guitar girl. I need to plan a trip to TN during the Garden Show! We would have so much fun ooooing and aaaaing over everything! You need to resize the picture girl, you are so not on my screen! I need to see me some Tina friend.

    Speaking of iris, the ones you gave me are looking so good. The foliage is shooting up and I cant wait for the first bloom to appear! My wallet would have been smoking had I been with you guys…

  10. How much fun! I laughed over your friend Geri looking for wires on the perfect lemon tree. I was thinking of you while seeing the glass flower exhibit in Cambridge MA - you must see it.

  11. I love the flower arrangment in water, it is really neat. Guess it would be called modern style and I am usually not a fan of modern style but that is gorgeous.

    I have never seen pictures of the flowers in Iraq. All the pictures you sent me were of your buddies or just the drab sand colored stuff. I do remember the fields of sunfloweres in Germany and can't picture any sunflowers being better than that. Those fields were just stunning.

    Skeeter if you enlarge the picture, Tina is in it then. Hope you are feeling better Skeeter.

  12. Stunning displays. Sounds like it was fun!!!!!

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  14. Sounds like you girls had a good time. I love the guitar in the first photo, very appropriate for Nashville. :)

  15. Carolyn, Have a great time!

    Rosey, They were most impressive indeed.

    Skeeter, Just remember don't cuss me out when those irises take over-okay? You'll enjoy them until you have to divide them. Me, I am getting away from them because they do not like mulch and I have it everywhere. Yes! You come on up here and you can join the gang and we'll all go together to the show!

    Sarah, Geri is a most practical lady and says the cutest things. I tell you everytime she leaves a message on my answering machine I save them because they are so funny.

    Mom, I am pretty sure I did not get any shots of the flowers. Only the memories. In northern Iraq (Mosul) when we first moved there in May we were right next to the airfield headquarters where there was a rose garden and a gigantic arbor filled with grapes. I picked a rose to press but don't know what happened to it. The sunflowers I saw on a trip outside the gates. Simply splendid. Iraq is one of the few countries over there that is arable. I think they pump water from the rivers. In the case of Mosul most likely the Tigris, but I saw the Euphrates too. One of these days I'll find the pictures and maybe scan some in and post on it again.

    GSS, Very fun!

    Gigi, A very small tree with so many lemons indeed.

    Racquel, Yes indeed! What would music city gardens be without guitars? It was a first for the gardens but I hope they choose a theme like "Music in a Garden" for next year's show. This year it was "here we grow again" and I didn't get it unless they were talking about the spring season. Anyhow, gardens did not reflect it in my humble opinion.

  16. I almost didn't make it to the garden show but finally got there the last day.

  17. I want want want a Meyer's Lemon tree!!! How fun to go to the show with friends. Looks like a nice time.

  18. Glad you had a good time! Hopefully all the area TN bloggers can meet somewhere sometime! gail

  19. What a fun way to spend the day. I always forget about the flower arranging part too (in fact I don't even know if our show had one this year), it's a whole other art. That lemon tree is pretty amazing, so many lemons for such a small tree. Glad you and your friends had such a good time.

  20. Howdy, Tina - enjoyed hearing about your trip. Last year was the first time I attended a Flower Show and like you, became fascinated with the designs, even though I'm not real keen on doing them myself. I clerked for a judge and got inspired to try my hand at it - maybe I will this year.

  21. Hello all, Anonymous, Jean, Skeeter, Dawn, Tina, & Nina.
    Sure hope you guys had a great time. It would be nice to go.
    Yes, so many lemons. I just bought a lemon tree & now it's in bloom but don't know whether to put in bigger pot or wait. Don't want to take a chance of loosing the lemons I may get. Fresh lemonade sounds so good.
    I'm trying to get more blooms for the pollinators. I think that is why I don't have any veggies or fruit.
    Skeeter I sure hope you feel good soon.

  22. Hello Tina, I love the pictures you shared of the show...especially the guitar. You know we are partial to those around here. It looks like you all had fun. I have planted everything that you gave me except the angel trumpet. It is sitting on my kitchen counter waiting for warmer weather. I have a whole little Tina's Garden area in my yard! I can't wait to watch it grow. So glad you are enjoying Carson's music. We actually had an email from a record label in Nashville that is keeping an eye on her. They are mostly watching her youtube channel and facebook page to see if she is getting a fan base. Ya'll feel free to check out her youtube Carsonh25 and share it with anyone you wish. We are hoping that the label will see something that they like. Tell Roger and Jimmy that we all said "hello." Carla

  23. Nice meeting you in person Tina. Yes we are all lucky to have our dear friends, and we are all lucky to have the unseen friends via blogging. Have a happy weekend!

  24. This is a delightful post, tina. Sounds like you had a very good time! Really amazed that the lemons are shining bright yellow! I think I know a little how you feel about designing with flowers.
    I once learned traditional flower arrangement but I didn't really like it. But I always love to see beautiful flower designs! The one in the third photo is very stylish!

  25. Looks like a wonderful show Tina! I'm definitely a fish out of water when it comes to floral design, but it sure is fun to see others do it so well. I love the dramatic lighting.

    Friendships are flowers in the garden of life, and sharing our passion for gardening with like-minded friends is such a joy!

  26. I wish I could have attended that wonderful show with you, I love those! And you are right, that flower arrangement is so wonderfully unique. The seed display I featured was less than half what they had, can you believe it? It was heavenly!
