Friday, April 15, 2011

Lovely Late Blooming Daffodils


Once the main flush of daffodils passed by I thought the majority of my daffodils were gone until next year, but then along came some late bloomers. These late bloomers add so much to the garden-perhaps even more than the earlier ones because they are blooming with new perennials and fill out the garden.


I had heard from other gardeners that it seemed like this year was a bad year for daffodils. Has anyone had a problem with daffodils blooming this year? I haven't noticed a problem here but I divide my daffodils a lot. Division seems to keep the daffodils very happy.


Ignore the grass please. It always looks really lumpy in the spring. Fescue is such a difficult grass at certain times of the year; namely summer when it goes dormant, and now when it is trying to get going and grows unevenly while trying to fill in.


I try not plant daffodils too close to valuable perennials like hellebores and baptisia because the daffodils will compete with the very well rooted baptisia and hellebores and cause a conflict as both increase in size in bulk. Oftentimes though I do have daffodils mingled in with a great deal of perennials. Here we see some sedum next to these blooming daffodils. The cool thing about close planting and underplanting is that as the daffodil foliage dies back the perennials will hide the dying foliage.


The front Northside Shrub Border has a few lovely curves. This particular curve is close to the road and is most difficult for me to garden in. The area is under a tulip poplar where roots suck the soil dry and it is also on the north side of a cedar tree-so it barely receives sun. The daffodils seem to do okay along with the muscari in this corner.


I hope everyone is enjoying this glorious spring as much as I am....

in the garden....

Please answer my poll on the sidebar about posting times.

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden


  1. Late blooming daffodils are just as exciting as the early ones. I planted bulbs for the first time last fall so and all mine came up and bloomed. Happy gardening!

  2. I love the softer colors of your late bloomers, esp that first shot. Happy Spring!

  3. Tina,

    Love the last daffodil! I think your first is Hawera, a very prolific bloomer. We have more late bloomers this year than early ones, mainly because the bulbs were planted late, very late. I was standing in the back yard last night and could smell the aroma of the daffodils.

  4. I too like your last daff the best, but the drifts of them are lovely. They way they should be planted.

  5. No problem with daffodils blooming here in southeastern PA. In fact, they have lasted forever because of our cool spring. Love your first photograph---heavenly color. Remember you are supposed to be ignoring your lawn.

  6. You have a lot of beautiful daffodils Tina - your displays just pop with color. I wish I had more - guess I know what to do about that huh? ;-) I'm seeing lots of color popping up in your shrub border. And your info on planting them by Helloborus and other valuable perennials was very informative, I didn't know that. If it would ever quit raining (and snowing occasionally) here we could get down to some serious gardening too but it's still too cold for me to go out in even bundled up. I know it coming though.

  7. Wow, you do have some late bloomers! Our latest just finished their blooms. I like that natural stone border you have. It's similar to ours. Do you have a lot of stone around your garden?

  8. Your daffodil beds are wonderful. Mine did very well this year, as every year. I think daffs are the most reliable large flowering bulb here in central Ohio. The first photo of yours is an award winner IMO

  9. These are all so lovely, Tina. I'm always excited to see the first daffodils blooms, but the later ones are nice because they do blend in with emerging perennials as well as the tulips. I really should divide mine later this spring--by fall, I've forgotten where they are:)

  10. Good morning all! Rainy and stormy here. So good for the gardens and this gardener to take a rest. I hope you all are well!

    Karin, Aren't those daffys lovely? All of them are such good bulbs and so easy for me. I like that. May your bulbs bloom for years and multiply like crazy!

    Cyndy, They really are softer colored. More whites and pale yellows. I think the perennials tone them down a bit too. The garden is shifting to blues and purples and I love nuances of color. I see you do too.

    Randy, I thought they were the same as what you said was your favorite. When you posted on them I did not know I had them too. Then they started blooming. I noticed the late bloomers have more fragrance. It sure is nice and I bet you enjoyed too.

    GWGT, I definitely have drifts as I've run out of spots to stick them so just moving them around close by has worked well. No plan though I wish I could say I did! Glad you like them. Your daffys must be in full bloom soon too.

    Carolyn, The commitment needs to be said over and over again on the lawn:) I feel like this has been an excellent spring albeit a bit stormy but I am SO grateful no late freeze. I hope the summer is as good too.

    Linda, I learned the hard way with the hellebores. I have daffys planted too close and while the plants did not suffer I chose to move the daffodils. As a bonus I was able to divide a hellebore or two. But no more planting daffys too close to stout perennials that are very long lived. Peonies are another one to plant a few feet away. I hope the sun comes to you soon.

    Dave, Are you ready to hate me? I have NO stones in my entire yard. All stone here was picked up by me and placed in the garden. Almost all beds have the edging. When my daughter was building her home the subdivision in Louisville had a few large stone piles. I made several trips to load the trailer and truck. I wish they still had the piles but alas, the subdivision is nearly done. Are your stones the tan? Here in my area the native stones seem more gray or red.

    Ilona, You are just TOO sweet! Glad you like the picture. My 7 year old point and shoot sometimes takes the good shots. The plants help too. I agree on daffs being the most reliable bulb for sure. It is my favorite.

    Rose, It is sometimes so hard to get everything done in the spring that's we get behind on those bulbs. Tough for sure. I try to take it one day at a time and do what I can with no guilt-at least until next year. Ha! Then lots because I didn't divide.

  11. How wonderful to be enjoying the spring Daffys for so long! I have a Narcissus in bloom as I type! One little lone flower and I have no idea what is going on with it but I am enjoying it’s pretty little face…

    I am eating up this awesome weather!!!

  12. Your daffys are just so great and you have soooo many how would you ever know if you had 100 that did not bloom?

    I would not have noticed the grass if you had not called attention to it as I was looking at all the beauties. I guess maybe I am ignoring it better than my daughter is. LOL. Come on now, I know you can do it. You have ALWAYS been able to do what you set out to do!!!!

  13. Hi all.
    Tina, I love the way you have the Daffy's growing. They look like a river flowing with color.
    I had one little daffy that has just now closed. All the others had finished long ago. Your gift of those bulbs were the best. Thanks again.
    I hope mine will multiply quickly as I would like to place them around the yard more.

  14. I think dividing them really helps. I have a couple of places this year that are just leaves. I need to plan to dig them up. I use my blog reader and just read the latest when I get a chance to check the blogs. It doesn't matter to me what time of day you post.

  15. They are certainly gorgeous. And the Iris previously..... wow!

  16. I found your blog while researching cedar galls. I found the information so valuable, I decided to follow you.

    Our daffodils are just starting to bloom here in Nebraska. Today, it's raining with a bit of wet snow mixed in. I don't think it will hurt them. This is our first year with daffodils, so I'm not sure what to expect.

    Love your photos. :)

  17. They are stately and stunning! What a show they put on for you.

  18. Daffodils Heaven!!
    Been slow getting out there to redue,clean etc. If I get done what I will be a miracle.

  19. Forgot to ask...
    If you don't mind can you tell me what blogger template you use.

  20. no issues with daffs and I had never thought about where I planted them and have never divided them...I love the later ones since they are very different and quite the lookers..the early ones though serve their purpose of adding happiness in the early garden

  21. The late bloomers are usually the prettiest, or is it because I know the season is about over?

    I thought my daffodils were better than usual this year. All bloomed about two weeks earlier than usual after an unusually prolonged cold January. The exceptions were Jack Snipe and Salome who didn't bloom at all.

  22. Wow, beautiful shots of the daffodils. I read a comment you made to Nancy at A Rural Journal and am interested in the Blotanical site you mentioned. I don't see any link on your site? I will google it right after I follow your blog! Love gardening and love your profile picture. We have a golden retriever and yours reminds me of ours that passed 2 years ago.

  23. Tina,

    Rarely edit to much time. That is odd about Flicker but a luckly thing. I upload pics to windows picture's automatic when I plug the flash card into the computer. Then resize and save in same folder and up load to blog.

    I like the Mimima (no borders on the side). Have to check back for the code to center header.

    Thanks for the info.


  24. Patsi, My pleasure. Minima pretty much does it all for you. The header photo was the only tricky part for me. That's neat about the Windows picture folder. If you need help with the code let me know and I'll do my best. I never would've gotten mine right if it had not been for Marnie. But truthfully it was, ironically enough, a picture size problem on my end.

  25. Not sure about the poll question on posting time. Given I am catching up on postings from the last three or four days....the hour to me is not important.
    Your daffs are beautiful. I have had some last a lot longer than others. As it is the first year, I have no reference.

  26. That's a sea of Daffodils you got there! How lovely (I seem to overuse lovely these days on my comments, but I couldn't resist :D)!

  27. Your late yellow daff is so graceful-looking. My newer daffs bloomed well this year but the older ones didn't, so I divvied them up. The more the merrier.

  28. Most of my Daffodils did well this year except for my Minnows. I might need to take your advice and divide them again. :)

  29. I have daffodil envy, you guys! Although there are daffs in bloom a few miles from here, and further down the province where it's milder, mine are still at least a week from the first outdoor blooms. I can't wait for their cheerful faces, but yours have given me a huge boost on this stormy Sunday!

  30. Tina,

    Been reading the hellebore seeds won't be ripe until May, the pods will start to open.

    Carrots, plant them in the fall in very rich deep soil, cover with cold frame or not. The one on the blog post is the biggest I have ever grown and it is 5 inches.

  31. Wow those blooms in the first picture seem to be in bundles, how lovely to be blooming at the same time!

  32. Why are you so obsessed with the enforcement of so many bad rules? Copyright, nitpicking, time of posting... Clearly this comment will be deleted too.
    I have considered pinning and re-hosting some of your photos just to spite you, but none is good enough. Figures, you blame others for your lack of creativity instead of taking pride in being followed.

    1. No, I did publish your comment because it did NOT contain a link. Links are forms of advertisements and this blog is not a venue for advertisements. I make no money from this blog and don't think others should either as my friend and I work very hard simply sharing our love of gardening. If others decide to read it that is fine but it is mainly for us. As for the rest of your comment, you are certainly entitled to your opinions.
