Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bee Problems

By SKEETERHere is that Onion I shared with you on Tuesday. It is standing tall and blooming in my Georgia Garden. Do you see the hole in the ground under the phlox? I have an arrow drawn to assist your eyes today.
What could have made that hole? A toad maybe, they love to hide in my flower beds during the day and come out at night for creepy crawly snacks.
One things for sure, I know better then to stick my hand in such holes. One may touch a snake or who knows what! So observation is my best teacher in the garden.

Lets stand back and just see what happens around this hole. You can Click on the Video to see what I saw happening in this hole.

Yikes, BEE's! About this time last year, I was attacked by such bees that had nested under the backyard planter. I had no idea they were under the ground as I was watering the planter. I happen to be standing right over the hole when the water ran them out. I had bees going up my short's and shirt stinging me about 24 times. I do not want a repeat of that day as it was painful and may have led to a case of Hives about a week later.

As a gardener, I know the importance of having pollinator's such as bees in my garden. But I also do not want to be attacked a second time by these painful stings. What is one to do? Let them Bee (ha, pun intended) or get rid of them? How does one get rid of unwanted bees without killing them?

Are these Digger Bee's?

Any suggestions to my BEE PROBLEM, In the Garden...

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden


  1. Very interesting. Is there sweet food attracting the bee there I wonder.

  2. Good Morning, I am up early as I have tons of stuff to do in the yard. I need to beat the heat so plan on an early day in the garden then resting my aching body the remainder of the day and get ready for more renovations. Hot and humid as can be and no rain so everything needs watering by hand. Ick, I will be one hot tired sticky gal in the yard today...

    M-K girl, The only sweetness in the planter is the sweetness of flower nectar. I have no idea why they are attracted to the planter. If these are digger bees, it makes sense as it is a perfect habitat for them. Click on the word Digger Bees at the bottom of the post and read up on them. Very interesting...

    Everyone have a great day and stay hydrated.....

  3. Oh my goodness...this is a job for hubby to deal with around here, :)

  4. It's an amazing video and I had to watch it twice! The bees look like they are dancing. I don't think they are digger bees though. From what I found digger bees are solitary though they may congregate at a hole together. I am wondering if there is something in the hole that is attracting them? Did you get a flashlight to look in the hole? It does not look like the bees are going in there a long way so you might be able to see. At first I thought it a toad hole. Hmmmm, quite a puzzle here this morning. Have fun in the garden!

  5. Odd. I've never seen this before. I hope you find a solution. I'd probably just be sure to not bother them.

  6. That onion is really huge. Is there a flowering onin that is just for putting out flowers, not the ones we grow to eat. Or is it one of the large typ ones. I have never seen one like that.

    Great video of the bee's. Maybe it was a toad hole and then the bees figured it was a good spot. I do not know as I have never seen it or even heard of it or of the digger bees. I will hav to go read about them as it has peaked my intrest.

  7. Ooh, a case of hives would give me pause about leaving that nest there. Though maybe if you know they're around you won't water right in that spot? It would be very understandable if you needed to get rid of them, though. Bee reactions can get worse with repeated exposures. I've heard that by the 5th or 6th sting, you're either immune or dead. Probably exaggerated, right?!

  8. My goodness it is hot out there people! Sweat was pouring off my brow! I had to come inside to chug water and cool down a bit. I think it is time for lunch as well. I had to make a run to town for a bag of dirt for a pot and I found more bargains. Argggg. I need to stop looking at the bargains as it is too hot and dry to plant anything. I have no self-control.......

    The bees are a mystery to me. I have so many mysteries in my gardens. And wait until you see what I spotted in the Liriope yesterday. Gee, it is a never ending saga with critters around here.....

    Stay cool....

  9. I am amazed at the size of the hole these bees have made. Not sure what I would do...other than steer clear of the hole. cool video

  10. I've had these, too. They're call cicada killer wasps. They won't usually attack, unless provoked. However - I let mine be, but the next year the hole was so big it was causing big problems to the brick wall close by!!! I had to fill it up.

  11. yeah I would let them be that's for sure...that's one big onion! ;)

  12. I would call your local extention office, they should be able to tell you who to contact. I saw on the news just last week that a swarm of bees was gathering in sort of a puddle in a parking lot. A local bee keeper was called and came out and collected them.

  13. Skeeter,

    I think they are what we called Ground Hornets. Yes don't get too close.

  14. Good Evening all.
    Skeeter I would stay away from those bees. Never heard of digger bees. In this heat you could be in trouble if got stung. My DH had to have a shot ASAP after getting stung in the heat in Tx. That is a big hole.
    Hot here too, need to water often especially container plants. Got my first tomatoes & boy are they good.
    What kind of onion is that?

  15. Thanks for all the info from everyone on my mystery buzzers. After research, I decided it was in my best interest to get rid of the bees, wasp or whatever these things were. I am not happy to say this but I killed them. I could not risk a child being stung by a swarm. I did not enjoy my experience of 24 stings followed by Hives so they had to go. I hated it but felt it was in my best interest...

    Lola, I have no idea what kind of onion this could be. I use to compost in this planter and I assume a store bought onion decided to pop up for me. I let it alone to see the bloom and they you go. I will dig this onion up once the bloom is gone. I will report on this onion once dug up....

  16. Ouch - I feel your pain Skeeter! I ran into this once gardening for a client who had decaying wood timbers bordering her garden. They attacked me without mercy. I don't know for sure what they were, but I think they were some sort of ground-dwelling wasps. They were eating the wood, and I believe that was what attracted them to build their nest in that spot.

    A couple of years ago we had wasps eat their way through perfectly sound wood in the soffit over our garage. They made a hole in the wood to get in. We could actually hear the crunch, crunch, crunch as they ate the wood!

    I hope getting rid of them solves the problem for good. If it happens again, the best solution might be to replace the wood with a stone or concrete block retaining wall. As Tina already knows, sometimes Freecycle is a good resource for such materials. I just hope those nasty wasps stay away and leave you in peace in the future!

  17. What is the plant with purple leaves in these pictures? Setcreasea?

  18. Wagas, yes, that is purple secretia.

  19. Those insects are yellow jackets - a close cousin of the wasps. They build their nest underground.
