Friday, April 8, 2011

The Pink Tulips are not so Bad Until...


I like the tulips when they bloom. The problem is that most of my tulips here have been in the garden for several years and have not reliably bloomed the past few years. This year was the year I was all set to rip out all of my tulips. In fact-I began doing so and threw all the small bulbs I could easily pull out of the ground into the compost bin with a good shake of my hands. But I did not get around to ripping all of the hybrid tulips out and look what happened. They bloomed. Now I am severely chagrined for throwing out those old tulip bulbs because tulips are really very pretty when in bloom. But, as much as I love tulips and am happy any of them bloomed for me I am not so sure it wouldn't have been a better thing if I had ripped them out before the 'Forest Pansey' redbud bloomed.

Because when you look at the tulips in the big picture you can tell there is a problem. A clash of colors-namely the  pink shade of the tulips does not work with the magenta of the redbud. Maybe a shade of yellow or even white would work better here. I think these pink tulips might just be blooming their last bloom here in the garden and I must make an effort to either move them or toss them. Any bad color combos in your garden? Those that you will admit too....

in the garden....

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden


  1. Hi there, I don't think they clash at all. When I am in the mood I take out all my tulips after they bloom and put them in a bucket with the leaves on. In the fall I just replant them. The new tulips are not very good, but most old types come back really well.

    Greetings, Andrea

  2. Why thank you Andrea. It's so great to hear from you. I bet Germany is looking good this year.

  3. Ha, bad color combinations?? When all my tulips bloom, I'm sure I'll have clashes everywhere I look, Tina:) In the fall, I'm usually in too much of a hurry at the end to get everything done, and just plant the rest of the bulbs wherever I can dig a hole. Every spring is a surprise:)

    I don't think the pink and magenta clash at all, but they do kind of compete for attention. Maybe some later flowering tulips that will bloom when the redbud is finished would be nice.

  4. The timing of those pinks! I only have purple (not blue, purple), yellow and white blooms in the front garden. The back garden...well. It's "planned" to be a mix in some places. Although, when my orange red poppies bloom by some of my other red flowers, I sigh because the poppies just reseed where they will and I can't control them as I hate to pull them.

  5. I think they look just fine! I have very bad color combinations here and there....slowly changing some of them....I do enjoy almost all colors in the garden though.

  6. I personally think they look fine Tina! You are always looking for an excuse to dig in the dirt girl, LOL. Leave them bulbs alone and enjoy their blooms in spring. I will take any color this time of year…

  7. Good Morning Everyone.
    Tina my colors are so mixed up but I'm slowly trying to get them so they will be pleasing to the eye.
    Your gardens always look fantastic to me.
    Have a great weekend all.

  8. The pink blooms are great...just the perfect shade of pink.

  9. I never see bad color combos in a garden. I see a pretty flower and a pretty flower is a pretty flower. No matter what!! I think they should stay where they are but if by chance they are headed to the compost pile, just put them in a bucket and bring them to Maine. Also Dawn and I both want a Prickly Pear.

  10. It doesn't look that bad Tina, the colors are in the same family after all. ;) Yep I have lots of unfortunate color combos, that's why I'm constantly moving stuff. ;)

  11. I like the springy look and think all looks grand!

  12. They want to live !
    Never sure what goes with pink.
    Now, I sorta gave up.

  13. Tina,
    Funny tulips at Meg's house are kicking but. I barely noticed them in years past. As with your garden it must be a good year for tulips.

  14. At least in the picture the colors don't look bad together, but in person it might look different. I definitely have some not so good color combinations, but have gradually been working on them. My job in the next week or so is to pull up all bulbs that didn't bloom so I don't forget when the leaves die down. I've got both daffodils and tulips that didn't bloom this year.

  15. I don't mind the pinks of the tulips and the tree. Any color in Spring is a welcome in my garden. True that sometimes colors can "clash" but in Spring I let anything go! Just happy to have life back again in the gardens. Jack

  16. Jean, would a tree cactus work?

  17. Hey Tina! I don't think they clash at all. I think they are quite pretty! Hope you are all doing well. Have a wonderful weekend. Carla

  18. I don't think they clash... the worst color combination I've ever had in my garden was the couple of times that orange daylilies and the pale pink rose Ballerina bloomed at the same time... it actually hurt my stomach. lol

  19. Lola, I have never heard of that plant but it sounds very interesting. Cactus do not live outside here but Tina had given me a Prickly Pear once befoe and I used it as a houseplant but did plant it in the garden for the summer. Tina said she thought it would live outside so I left it out all winter but I mulched it real good but in the spring clean up of stuff my hubby had a pile of stuff and burnted it and it was over my Prickly Pear. It had babies and was so pretty but it might not have came back anyway. Have a good weekend.

  20. Hello tina

    Your pink tulips look so lovely! Of all the tulips, pink ones are my favorite. I have some white ones(my pink ones strangely disappered three years ago) and I foud out what you said was true; mine "have not reliably bloomed", either.
    And I want to take this opportunity to let you know that Japanese people are very grateful for US forces that have been helping transport goods to the disaster areas and searching for missing people, etc. Please have a nice weekend.

  21. I am the queen of clashing. I have a knack for picking out things, in my garden and wardrobe that always seems to scream: are you colorblind? And I don't care anymore. My grandmother was the same way.

  22. I don't think they clash at all! I like colors that are bright. I think the tulips and redbud are pretty together. :o)

  23. Mama would have said, "Oh, they clash BEAUTIFULLY." Mama was a fan of beautiful clashes.

    I would just add some other pinks and whites to even out the scene. If you can grow tulips you should.

  24. Maybe in person they clash, but I love the two together. That is one good sized Forest Pansy too!!!!

  25. When I have things that clash I pick them and bring them inside. You could have a beautiful indoor bouquet of tulips rather than tossing them... just saying. :) Beautiful shots!

  26. Tina,

    I'd love to trade hellebore seeds. Your double if it is a strain then you should get seeds. Some of the cloned plants will look like they have seeds and inside there will not be viable seeds. I must have 20 different plants with flowers ready to toss out seeds. Given our assortment who knows what will come of the seedlings.

  27. Randy, Just email me when you get the chance. I'll collect some seeds and send them to you.

  28. I don't think it looks odd (well, that's my perspective). In fact the pinks blend well and the yellow blooms go really well too.

  29. I think they look good too Tina. After all these months of only seeing white & brown ~ I am open to many different color combinations!!

    Thank you for your encouraging words on my latest blog post. Believe it or not, it's my family that wants new posts all the time!! That's where the pressure comes from ~ other bloggers understand totally. I just need to get them "trained!"
