Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Swing and 3 Year Blogiversary

By SKEETER Tomorrow is my 3 year Blogiversary, Yippee for me! Blogging with Tina for 3 years has been very rewarding. I have been able to learn so much from Tina as well as many other Garden Bloggers around the world. You cannot imagine the ideas that pop into my head when reading your Blogs! If you would like to see how Blogging started for me, Click HERE for my first Blogiversary.

Note: Some of you have found me on Facebook and "friend request" me. Please do not take it personally that I did not "friend you" but I would like to keep Facebook and Garden Blogging separated. I have a difficult time trying to keep up with everyone as is, so this works best for me. Thanks for understanding. Blogging keeps my Georgia Garden evolving. Here is a project I tackled in mid March with awesome weather in the air. I dug out the grass under the swing and placed garden fabric on top of the dirt. I secured the cloth in place with Garden Pins. I dismantled the Herb planter from the Semi-Formal Garden and reuse the Castle Rock to form a border. A new plan is in action for the SF Garden where the planter once belong. Next step was running all over town looking for natural looking rock. The pea gravel above is the perfect color tones but too small for us. I am not a fan of white rock in my gardens. I had white rock in my gardens a while back and it just did not work for me. (Buyer beware as wet rocks/Gravel may look awesome in color while still in the bag. Once dry, they may be white with little color contrast) I like white in other gardens but we are totally surrounded by woods and I think a natural color suits my gardens best. I now look for browns with little white tossed in, as above picture. We found what we needed but we would have to purchase a ton load. NOT going to happen as our truck is not rated for that much weight in the bed and we do not own a trailer. Bags are easier for me to handle anyway. We went to all the garden centers in our area and ended up with white again. Argggg, I am not a happy camper but will deal with it for now. A few bamboo stakes mark another project completed in March. March is a busy month in my gardens as I enjoy the awakening of the gardens with warm air and birds singing to me.I will keep my eyes open for bags of the perfect natural color rocks to add in time. I may end up getting a few bags of the smaller gravel to spread within for a less white tone. Yet a completed project, not really completed. Are any projects ever completely finished in the garden??? Ha, not mine as it is ever changing.

Yippee, I no longer have to mow or trim under THE SWING, In the Garden...

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden


  1. That looks really nice and inviting.

    Enjoy ~ FlowerLady

  2. Skeeter and Tina,
    Happy Blogiversary seems like such a short time when your having fun doesn't it.

    The rock you want, I bet you could take buckets or gabage cans and a shovel to get the rocks you want. I buy the rocks you want for $25 a half yard, that is 13.5 cubic feet.

  3. Happy happy blogiversary!! I enjoy posting with you and your friendship very much! It's been great sharing with you and I learn from you too!

    The rocks are the perfect solution to no more mowing. Even though they stand out there is something nice and clean about white rocks so not so bad.

  4. Good luck on the rock hunt. Meanwhile, close your eyes while you enjoy the swaying of the swing. :-) Garden projects are never ending and we wouldn't really want them to be would we? Congrats on 3 years blogging. I really enjoy "In The Garden."

  5. Nice picture of you 2.
    I love the swing with or without grass, it's gorgeous.

  6. Ja prowadzę bloga dopiero od 2 miesięcy i lubię do Ciebie zaglądać. Gratuluję,że już wytrwałaś 3 lata i mam nadzieję,że jeszcze długo będziesz z nami. Kamyczki w kolorze naturalnym, chyba byłyby ładniejsze, ale jest dobrze. Pozdrawiam

  7. Congratulations on your blogaversary, Skeeter! Isn't it amazing what we can learn from fellow garden bloggers? I understand your wish to keep blogging and Facebook separate; I use Facebook mainly to connect with family and old friends, most of whom are non-gardeners. I probably post a comment on Facebook about once a month--outside of gardening, my life is pretty boring:)

    Your swing looks so inviting--the perfect place to spend a summer evening!

  8. Happy Bloggiversary, Skeeter! You all make everyone who visits here feel right at home.

    Your yard is looking fantastic, and I wouldn't be too concerned about the rock color. Whoever visits will be focusing on the flowers not at what's below their feet.

  9. Happy Anniversary Skeeter! I always enjoy reading about your garden, and love the swing!
    I don't think we ever "finish" in the garden. There is always something more to do--that's part of the love and fun! :)

  10. Congrats on your blogaversary Skeeter, you've done some great projects and posted some beautiful pics of your garden over the past 3 years! Love your swing project, good idea. :)

  11. Wow, a stormy night for us. I was awakened at 3 in the morning to thunder, lightening and a power failure. More water on my already soggy yard, sigh...

    Flowerlady, Thanks, I do like it better then the grass as mowing under the swing is always a challenge…

    Randy, Time does fly when you are having fun for sure! I only found the one place that sold the perfect rock for a ton. He was not flexible about a smaller amount at all. I hunted mostly at big box stores for the gravel but will look at Garden Centers next. I will find it eventually and will get use to the white in the meantime…

    Tina, What fun we have had over the years with our blogging! You are so sweet to ask me to join you 3 years ago and continue to blog even today. We work well together don’t ya think? I do like the rock better then the grass even when white. Less mowing is the way to go for me and I will be okay with the white as I know I will find the perfect rocks in time…

    Sherlock, Thanks. Blogging is so rewarding in many ways. The things we learn, sharing with others of same interests and inspiring us to get out into the yard and do more! When sitting in that swing, I will never notice the white rocks as my eyes will be on the beauty surrounding me!

    Dawn, thank you so much….

    Giga, I believe a thank you is in place here but I cannot read your words, sigh…

    Rose, Thanks and yes, I have learned so much and am inspired each time I blog! Facebook is the same for me, mostly family and friends from the past. We enjoy the swing mostly in the evenings. We sit and watch the butterflies, bees and humming birds around us. So relaxing to sit and soak it all in…

    W2W, I reckon a bit of my Southern Hospitality shows in blogging. Hee hee. Tina and I both love visiting with people and I do think that shows on the blog. I had white rock surrounding the Patio area and everyone loved it as did I. But in time I decided a more natural look would be better so changed the color. I still like the white rock but just not in my woodsy gardens. The swing rock will do for now though as I don’t have to mow under it, hee hee…

    Meadowview, Thanks. I sometimes dream of moving into a house with the perfect gardens in place. I wonder just how long I would last admiring it before I start changing things around, LOL. We just all love planting and nurturing don’t ya think?

    Racquel, Thank you for the kind words. Blogging seems to keep the ideas flowing within my head. I doubt I would be so energized without the blog in my life the past 3 years. Happy Blogging to all of us…

  12. Congrats on your 3 years! I do enjoy reading this blog, sometimes I have to see who posted, BUT every once in a while I can figure it out by reading....yay me! I love your swing area and remember when you wrapped the vine. I wonder if dark, like black pebbles, would tone down the white you don't care much for????

  13. Darla, Thanks! I now put “Skeeter” at the beginning and also add the words "Georgia Gardens" in the first paragraph. I am hoping this keeps things a bit easier for readers to know who is posting that day. Plus, I usually post on Tuesday and Thursdays while Tina take the rest of the week. I know it does get confusing at times though. I have been called Tina many times but I take that as a compliment :-)

    I am thinking of adding a bit of the smaller natural colored peebles to tone down the white...

  14. Congrats on the 3 year mark. Lucky us!!

    I bet it was a pain to mow/trim under that swing so I think less painful mowing/trimming equals happiness.

  15. Your swing looks so inviting and what a great place to set an just take in the care and unwind. Happy Blogiversay to you!

  16. Congratulations on your Big Anniversary! I'm getting SO anxious for warmer weather here - meanwhile, I'm admiring your latest project. I understand your determination to get "just the right" rock. The swing is wonderful. I hope you make the time to sit in it throughout the gardening season :)

  17. Hello Everyone.
    Congratulations Skeeter. I sure enjoy reading your post as well as Tina's. This blog sure is informing & has helped me a great deal. I've learned a lot from Tina & you. It does bring joy.
    I love to sit in my swing & look around to see if I could do anything different. Love your swing, girl.

  18. Happy Blogaversary! It's fun coming here to read about both of your gardens. You are lucky to have so much space to garden in.
    I really like how the rock under the swing turned out, I bet it's nice not mowing under the swing anymore.

  19. Skeeter girl are you trying to scare the beejeebees out of me with I should be wearing sunglasses when I take those SUN pictures !!!! hehehehehe
    You could be right but so far I am OK .. but now I'm going to STRESS over it all the time .. and yes girl I do the moon too (no danger there eh ? hehehe)
    I had that facebook thing happen too and I am so NOT a facebook person .. so that ship sailed.
    I love your swing project ! and I get the need for natural tones in the rocks .. I do have a warning for you though and please listen to the voice of experience .. when I did my garden bench with pea gravel and river stone last July .. I didn't know for over 24 hours how much damage I did to my back and knee . I thought I was fine and I am not afraid of hard work but BANG my body went ballistic (being taken away in an ambulance is not fun, red faced with pain and embarrassment) and guess what I am still in a load of pain from it still .. so girl be CAREFUL !!!
    Other wise wow ! I love your privacy and the woods and your gardens : )
    Joy .. hey .. I'm just sayin' ;-)

  20. Jean, Thank you and it has been fun meeting all I have met through this blog. Such a wonderful thing. Yes, mowing under the swing was a pain in the rump when doing it alone. Holding up the swing while pushing the small mower just “aint” fun…

    HH Gardener, Thanks. We do enjoy the swing mostly in the late evening during summer. No time to enjoy it in the spring as I am busy playing in the garden and no time for sitting…

    Rebecca, Thanks, I was just saying to HHG how we don’t really get to enjoy the swing until the summer months. Spring time keeps me busy playing in the garden and little time for sitting and admiring all my hard work. Such is life of a gardener…

    Lola, Thanks and as I was telling Miss Jean, it has been fun getting to know you all and meeting in person is the best! I do enjoy swing sitting but as any gardener, I always spot something that needs tending while sitting. Therefore, I don’t get to sit for long. The best time is when the hummingbirds are busy in the butterfly garden. Then they get my attention and I sit longer while enjoying them. I guess I am distracted from work with wildlife activity…

    Catherine, Thanks and yes, the swing is fun when I take time to sit in it. We are lucky to have this large yard to garden. So awesome after living 6 years in a small German apartment then 18 months in an American apt. Yikes, not sure we could go back to Apartment living after this...

    Joy, you better watch those eyes girl. Thanks for the warnings on the rock lifting. I am more award of how I am lifting heavy things these days. I use the wheel barrow, wagon or other aides when working now. In the past, I would lift those suckers with my back and walk all over the yard with them. I now lift differently and try to do right by my body. One day I may be living in a non-gardening condo sipping libations in order to relief pains. Ha, joking of course but you know what I mean, I think you do anyway….

  21. Skeeter, how wonderful to keep at this for three years! Congratulations. I love your swing and understand the desire to have the rocks look a certain way....can be frustrating to be sure.
    I just finished a stone wall edging on the pathways of our garden in the back. It was hard and heavy work....and you know, those stones were all at the bottom of the hill where the landscaper left them. The hill got bigger as the days wore on.

  22. I'm pretty sure nothing in the garden is ever finished! :) Your swing looks great.
