By Skeeter
This is so not in my Georgia Garden but cute enough to share with you all today. The Saint and I attended the annual "Wags to Witches Fur Ball" benefiting the Humane Society of Clarksville, TN. We left late after work this past Friday basically to attend this wonderful event. Then we returned back to Georgia on Sunday. Yes, one quick trip but so worth the drive and all for a good cause to support the homeless animals. Plus I was able to squeeze in a quick visit to "Tiger Gardens" to drop off a Dogwood tree and pick up a Angel Trumpet from Tina! Tina our visit was awesome as usual and my mom is still talking about your gardens, dogs, birds and killing that leaf, sigh....
I went dressed as a Witch with a Spider theme and had been collecting items found at thrift shops and at bargain prices all over town. I needed some direction of how to put all the goodies together to make a unique costume that no one else would be wearing. And look at what I found with a "witch costume" image search on the Internet! I found cats and dogs in Halloween Costumes! A lot of us gardeners have pets in our life and I thought you may all get a little chuckle from seeing these cute pictures.
Since Halloween is just around the corner, Maybe you will get inspired to dress your little fur ball such as these pet owners have...
Ha, I cannot imagine putting a hat on either of my cats much less getting them to pose for the after picture!
Look how cute this homemade costume is on this little pooch.
This little kitty looks like it is ready to cast a magic spell. Maybe on its owner for the costume...
I am not sure this little girl looks too happy about her costume...
Another cute witch.
Can you believe this picture of not one but two cats in costume?
All this doggie needs is a broom to take off over the moon!
And I saved the best picture for last. Is this not the sweetest face you ever saw? Notice the ears through the hat! What is this kitty thinking? Maybe, "why you do this to me" These Fur Babies are the reason for driving through Atlanta Rush hour traffic on a Friday night in drizzle rain! Raising money to help the homeless fur balls is all worth the effort, plus we have so much fun each year with our animal loving friends.
Here is the costume I ended up creating for the Fur Ball. 
I was covered with Spiders and Webs from my hat to my toes!
The Saint of course is my Scrooge and does not dress up for the Halloween fun but he did at least put on a Skull and Crossbones shirt. He will dress up next year, he just does not know it yet...
I am happy to announce the Fur Ball raised $20,147 for the cause!
I know this is a Garden blog but occasionally we need to leave our gardens for a good reason and I could not help but share these FURRY TREATS.. Now lets get back, In the Garden...
*Note: All animal photographs were borrowed from the Internet...