Thursday, November 12, 2009

Normal and Not?

By Skeeter
I have not been in my Georgia Garden for a bit as my parents were visiting and we had other fun things to do. So I find it well into November and time to peek at the Garden. I find the little people in the woods are ready for Fall...
Then I find this Fern still standing tall on the stump. Hum, I think normal for this time of year as it is protected from the cold by the trees above...
Okay, this Hosta is turning yellow and Browning up and getting ready for its winter nap. This is normal...
As is the fading black of this elephant ear...
But this sure is NOT normal! The boat hooked to the truck and ready to take off to the lake? It is Nov 8 on this picture snapping day right? A beautiful warm day in Nov for sure...
A bit of color at the lake but nothing as last year. With all the Georgia pine trees, we really don't see much color at the lake anyway...
Here is a close up of the yellow in the trees...
Berry's on the Monkey Grass is so normal for this time of year...
Honey Suckle blooming is so NOT normal this time of year...
Leaves falling on the patio table is so normal...
Petunias blooming is kind of normal as long as we don't have freezing temps... After Tina's post on Tuesday, we know this Camellia is normal for this time of year...
All 4 bushes are full of buds and really starting to bloom for us now...
With no freezing temps yet, they are keeping their white color while dropping petals on the ground. I hate when they get cold and turn brown...
This is so NOT normal for this time of year... Why does blogger turn my pictures around? Arggggg
Not sure if this is normal or not as this is my first year with African Daisy...
The Loquat blooming with bee's visiting are right on time with its blooms...
Cosmo's still giving a show...
Lantana in purple, yellow and mix are still showing their heads. Blogger, stop turning my pictures around will ya......
Begonias still blooming this time of year is not normal as I usually don't have luck with them in my garden! But I have the past two years...
Not sure if Serena Angelonia is a normal bloomer this time of year as she is new to my garden...
Ah, Red Dogwood Leaves and Berry's are right on target with their colors...
Mexican Heather is a normal bloomer this time of year since no frost as of yet...
Gaura is blooming and again, not sure of her timing as she is new to my garden...
Canna are still popping up and I guess will continue until the first frost...
Butterflies in my garden this time of year are so normal. I have seen them in Dec and Jan as they drop by on warm days during the winter months...
Blogger, stop that messing with my pictures will you!!! Geranium in November? Not normal for me but the Granddaddy long legs on it is so normal...
Butterfly bush continues to bloom as it will until the front hard frost...
And of course my Pretty in Red Nandina's are on target with their red berry's...

So what is NORMAL AND NOT anymore, In the Garden...


  1. Good morning Skeeter, hope yesterday went smoothly for you. I am impressed with all that is still (or again) blooming! Wonderful

  2. Wow! That s'lotta not normal!
    Hope you are feeling better.

  3. If it wasn't for the camellias and the fall foliage, I wouldn't know what time of year it was.

  4. Normal is overrated, LOL! Guara is still blooming here in Michigan and we've had several hard frosts. Can you leave elephant ears planted out over the winter? (Pout!) Mine's long-since been moved inside.

  5. I agree with Monica, normal is over rated. Bring on the blooms! Hope you are doing well.

  6. Hi Skeeter, who knows what is normal anymore? You are lucky to have the fun boating day with warm temps and still plenty of flowers blooming, even butterflies. Hooray for climate change?

  7. Wow, whether normal or not your garden is still producing good blooms. I did see a Black eyed Susan bloom yesterday which was odd here. I'm enjoying this mild fall right now!

  8. Your garden sure is looking great for a November!

  9. This has been a weird year altogether. Me & Janet saw a Monarch on Tuesday on our roadtrip. Seemed kind of late for one them to be lingering.

  10. Monica hit the nail on the head for sure!! However, I think that is a lot of pretties for November, even in the peach tree state.

  11. You are making me laugh, at all your cussing at blogger.
    Your blooms are pretty, normal or not!

  12. I survived Surgery yesterday but was a long morning with a splitting headache due to no food and coffee. They had the IV in me by 9:45 and they ran behind schedule and finally wheeled me into the OR around 12:45. Finally home around 5:00 so a long day. Saint was true to that name and was at my side for the entire time, well, except for the Operation Room but if they would have let him, he would have been there with me as well. I am so blessed to have that man! I am a bit sore today and groggy with medication and will keep this short as it is about nap time. Thanks for all the well wishes and Prayers as I will need them to mend properly. Doctor says I must stay out of the yard for 10 days and with all the leaves and mess on the ground from the Tropical Storm passing through (5 inches of rain) I will be going crazy soon! But must follow orders to keep on the mending track...

    Monica, I keep my elephant ears in the ground year round but it does not freeze much here. My parents in TN keep theirs in the ground as well. I am noticing the elephant ears are smaller this year for some strange reason...

    Off to nap land now...

  13. Talk about not normal... I have azaleas blooming right now! Robin at The Flying Orchid

  14. Hello,

    I think you have proved a great point...just when you think you know what is normal for your garden - it does something else ;0)

    I especially love your Gaura!

  15. Hoping your doing good.
    I couldn't tell which season it is supposed to be if it weren't for the cooler weather.
    A couple bloomers here but not too hearty. Even the mums are acting strange this yr.

  16. It sounds as though Georgia is not the only State acting a bit strange this year....

    Back to my resting now...

  17. You sure have a lot of blooms there still. We have some things blooming here now that don't normally, sure is a nice "not normal" surprise.

  18. I find that "normal" varies from year to year. This year we had an early frost so most of the garden turned brown or yellow early. My geraniums are still blooming, though; if they're in a protected spot they can withstand the early cold. So much still blooming in your garden, Skeeter, but the butterfly is my favorite! I've never seen one like this here; do you know if it's a Julia? (I know that name only because I saw one in Arizona.)

    With everything looking so good--and so warm--in your Georgia garden, you can rest easy...and do, Skeeter. Glad to hear the surgery went well; now take the doctor's orders and take it easy!

  19. Rose, I believe this little beautiful butterly to be the Gulf Fritillary. It looks much prettier from the bottom. Go back into the files to "Flying Flowers" to see its beauty...

  20. I hear you, Skeeter, about Blogger. Three times I've tried to upload a video I took of monarchs, and three times it's been over an hour trying so I gave up. Love the normal and not-so-normal aspects of your world. Whatever happened to that phrase that was so popular just a few months ago--The New Normal?

  21. W2W, Howdy Lady :) I think the phrase should be.... "What's Normal Anyway" lol....

    Have a good weekend!

  22. Hi Skeeter, I hope you are continuing to heal. Yes, what is normal? The weather itself hasn't been normal for awhile, so the plants aren't quite sure what to do it seems.
