Thursday, April 4, 2013

Baby Birds


Oh, YES... Spring is going strong here in my Georgia Gardens!
The last batch of "late planted" Daffodils and other bulbs are blooming. I think I may be on to something here.

I did not get all my bulbs planted at the same time nor did I get them into the ground in Fall.
I planted this years bulbs in January and February. They were stored in the shed for the winter and I reckon the cold was enough for them to do their job. I have been getting staggered blooms since early February with those bulbs being last years bulbs. So instead of all the spring bulbs blooming at once, I have enjoyed them throughout the gardens for 3 months!

I do not know what type tulips these are but they have been the only repeat tulips in my gardens after planting many bulbs 3 years ago.

Creeping Phlox is looking awesome! I pulled many sprigs and planted them all over the gardens for more spring blooms. And it is paying off with a beautiful show.
Columbine is now blooming as well. As you can see in the background, some volunteer Jew plant is starting to climb up the side of the house! I had Wandering Jew Plants hanging on the front porch one year and some sprigs fell below onto the ground and it has really enjoyed the freedom of creeping along. It never did completely die out over our mild winter. 
Back to the Columbine to see a bud opening up for us. Can you see the pollen all over this bud? Not pollen from the Columbine but rather from the Georgia Pine trees. It has not been too bad this spring as it has been in the past. The rain is keeping it washed away. But today, it has really popped out on us again and we are hoping for an overnight rain to keep it at bay.
As the bud opens, it has a creamy yellow/green color to it.
As it opens more, it looses the yellow/green and turns to pink/white. It always amazes me to see blooms change colors as it ages.
The Fully Open Bloom of the Columbine.
Remember an earlier posting about a Wren building a nest behind a birdhouse on my front porch post? That determined bird was able to build the next large enough to lay eggs and they have hatched! Wow, April and we already have BABY BIRDS, In the Garden...
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden


  1. Baby birds... so exciting! Looking forward to seeing more. Your Spring looks lovely.

  2. Hi Skeeter! How wonderful to have baby birds already!! That Wren must have been really frisky!! I love Columbines and yours are beautiful. I just bought a few more to put into my garden! I hope they do as well as yours!

  3. That's a lot of pollen! Yikes on it being everywhere. Lovely flowers. You are way ahead of us here in Tennessee. It does seem early for baby birds but how sweet!

  4. I love seeing all your beautiful flowers!! Its still to early here!! I hope the little bird houses I have up get used this year only one was used last year.

  5. My na taką piekną wiosnę i pisklęta musimy jeszcze poczekać, bo u nas jeszcze zima króluję. Pozdrawiam.
    We on this beautiful spring and chicks we still have to wait, because even in our winter reigns. Yours.

  6. Looking good Skeeter. I seem to be in a low spot as things here aren't as pretty. I do have my feeder pole in the concrete, now to get the feeder. I put it in the side front so I can see this one.

  7. Beautiful blooms! So happy to see spring finally coming! I love the columbine. I tried growing one, but it never returned the next year. Not sure if it was the heat, or if I weeded it out (I have a bad habit of doing that!).

  8. Skeeter, do you know the name of the first daffodil you show? It's a nice one.

  9. Gorgeous spring garden, Skeeter. And what a feisty bold wren you have there...:)

  10. April is more like March here so it is wonderful to see your blooms and birds!
