Good morning! This summer has been awesome for the garden. The rains have been adequate and the sunshine also perfect. The humidity we could all do without. And my brand new vegetable garden has exceeded my expectations thus far.

The only real disappointment has been the tomato plants. They simply have not done well. Though there are a few tomatoes on the plants, the greenery is lacking. I am not sure why because last year when I planted a few tomato plants they went gangbusters all summer long. It might be a soil issue because all of this soil had been backfilled from the house build. I'll have to do a soil test soon.

The corn has done well. The corn in the rear that has brown tassels is the early corn and it is already for picking. You can tell when an ear of corn is ready when the tassels turn black and the pointed end of the ear is rounded. Picking fresh corn is a very nice thing.

The tiered strawberry bed has really filled in. My only issue with it is that I have to keep the strawberry plants within bounds by either chopping them off from the gravel or placing them up in their bed. Strawberry plants are beasts as far as spreading and aggressiveness.

The little raised herb garden has filled out nicely. Thyme, rosemary, sage, basil, parsley, and zinnias grow nicely here. I do believe the rosemary will stand a good chance of wintering over.

The cantaloupes are finally growing.

The watermelons appeared overnight. Either that or I just have been negligent in looking for the fruits. We have three watermelons that are just about ready to pick.

The cucumbers are growing like gangbusters. I had to start them all from seeds because the store bought transplants all died. Cucumbers are so good when fresh picked. My only complaint is that it is very hard to find the fruit in all the greenery. Sometimes the cucumbers grow so large they are inedible by the time I do find them.

Here is one that is fairly easy to find.

The central path down the beds is a perfect width of 24". I've found this to be just the right amount for a path without taking up too much room and without crowding from the plants or beds. As a bonus, my wheelbarrow fits through the paths fairly easily.

Squash vine borers got the zucchini and summer squash. I did manage to get a good crop before the vines succumbed.

The carrots were slow to get started but wow! They look pretty good now. I am picking baby carrots regularly.

One last shot of the center and heart of the vegetable garden. The crush and run gravel paths have worked out really well for me. I hope your vegetable garden is bringing you as much pleasure as mine is....
in the garden....