Jokingly one day, the Saint made a snide remark to my mom about her idolizing Elvis. My mom does not idolize Elvis, but if memory serves me correctly, she was making some type of comment giving Elvis much praise. To get even with the Saint, she purchased him a little tacky Elvis trinket as a gift. The War was on from that day! They now present tacky Elvis trinkets to each other as gifts. The Saints Velvet Elvis painting is priceless! ha ha... 
She and dad were visiting with us this past May. One day while the Saint was at work, we took off to Lowe's to look at plants. We came across this beautiful Hosta named... Drum Roll Please..........
"Elvis Lives Plantain Lily" Hosta Elvis Vive!
The name alone got our giggle bone but when she read it has Wavy, tapered leaves of Blue Suede (as in shoes) she just had to get the Saint a couple of the plants!
I planted Elvis along with Pink Dreams Cat Mint. They both are 18" tall at maturity and I think they look pretty together. They both like part shade. They get morning sun but being under a pine tree, they are shaded for the most part.
Then one day I noticed something was wrong with Elvis. Look at the picture and see if you can tell what was happening. Elvis had some missing leaves! Any guesses?
Or could it be these cute little Cotton Tails I spotted nibbling my grass?
I don't believe we can lay blame on the deer as they would not have stopped with just a few leaves. They would have probably munched the entire plant to the ground!
I knew in time that Peter Cotton tail would continue munching until nothing but roots remain. Once again, another critter dilemma on my hands. That seems to be a normal thing with us living in the middle of a Wildlife haven!
I found sections of connectible fencing and made a nice little barrier between the plants and the mouths of bunny rabbits! So hopefully, they will go elsewhere for treats. In time, I will add more shade plants to this area but not as long as we are in a drought and the ground is hard as a rock!
June 26,2008

June 30, 2008

I had 4 Hosta plants in this same spot two years ago. At the end of the season I allowed the critters to munch away the leaf since the foliage was dying out anyway. During the winter, the Vole found the roots and no more hosta the following year! All I have of those beauties are this picture and memories...
Every now and then, the Elvis War produces some nice items such as this Hosta. But mom, the glass Elvis wind chime was a bit much don't you think? I always say that one day there is going to be some great Elvis stuff on E-Bay but not this latest treasure! Giggle-giggle...
June 30, 2008
July 10, 2008
July 11, 2008
July 11, 2008
July 14, 2008
Those pictures were taken of the Elvis Hosta the cotton balls had not munched upon. Today I snapped a picture of the damaged Elvis. It has 6 blooms and is doing well. The other Elvis, has produced 4 more blooms!
I am not sure if the hosta will be okay in this spot or not. But for now ELVIS LIVES, In the Garden...
I never knew! An Elvis Hosta! What other plants are named for him? You need an Elvis garden for the windchimes and all the plants named Elvis!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun post and a delight to imagine your mom and The Saint one upping each other with tacky Elvis memorabilia do know that there is no end to the Elvis tacky collectables, new ones are created daily!
Gail, has left the building!
Hi, Skeeter--I love your Elvis hosta, and I know the bunnies and deer do, too! We live with cages around plants as well--and I'm a huge advocate for Liquid Fence. Anyway, I love seeing the deer and rabbits in the yard, even if it means some occasionally strange garden design (in my case, I mean--your fence looks great!)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post --and you're so right Elvis did do alot of good for others. I love the fawn and bunnies --deciding who did it was easy --since I have quite a few LARGE bunnies now who have actually eaten mine. These same bunnies used to be very small and cute until they decided my yard was a smorgasbord of delights, hahaha. The daddy took boy 2 fishing this morning up the lake. I have to get the other three occupied with something fun. Have a great day --my lil Sidekick is still sleeping --he looks so cute:) He is a tornado when he is awake --that is why he looks so cute now, hahaha:) Ciao!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun post! I'm going to have to be on the look out for Elvis hosta, it looks great! Day outside today, it's beautiful.
ReplyDeleteGail, An Elvis garden would be a great idea! I tried to research the Elvis hosta on-line but with little luck. I did find them for sale at nurseries but no other info.... Hey the wind chimes hanging above Elvis, I think we are on to something there! "Thank ya, thank ya very much" for the idea! LOL...
ReplyDeleteCosmo, thanks! I love the animals also and have restrained myself from planting too much stuff over the years in this house but lately, I have added more and more to the yard. It is a constant struggle to keep every thing secured from the Jaws of Death! I laugh at yards with lots of deer fencing and say why bother as it looks ugly with all the fencing distracting from the flowers but what’s a person to do when they love to dig in the dirt? I have been thinking of fencing in the entire garden but I like an open inviting feel of no fencing. Animals and flowers, a difficult balancing act to juggle...
Anonymous, those cute little babies got all fat from eating in your yard! LOL... Oh, I would like to go to the lake fishing with Boy 2 and daddy! We have not fished one time this year! The Saint will not get up early enough on weekends, he prefers his sleep! LOL... Kids are so cute when they sleep especially the tornadoes being so peaceful. You know Sidekick is building up energy for a big day today! Better come up with something good, If nothing else, a new pool game! Have fun...
Dawn, Glad you saw the humor, We all must giggle at times! I am sure my mom will enjoy this posting as well. LOL. Enjoy your day in the yard!
Saint took me to the Drive-in movie to see Wall-E last night. On the way home we noticed the wet roads leading to our house. Looked into the rain gauge and found 1/2 of rainfall! Weatherman at 6:00 had said no more rain for the day. Ha, he has not been on target at all this week but that happens at times since we live so close to the ocean, the weather can turn around really quickly. Anyway, I spent money on water twice this week when I should not have. arggggg...
Hi Skeeter, I was a bit on the youngish side during the Elvis era, but had an older brother who graduated from high school in 1955, (he was a lot older) and he took me to see an Elvis movie at that time, before he (Elvis) went in ther army. The entire theatre was packed with teenage girls and they screamed the entire time, the previews, the cartoon, and the feature. I held my fingers in my ears and could not believe they all could scream the whole time. When I was older, I liked the early music especially and still do. The film made of his earliest performances are the stuff of magic, how the crowd responded to him and how he fed off them. Magic!
ReplyDeleteI got carried away with nostalgia there, sorry. ;-> Your post was great and it needs to be reread several times for there was a lot going on in it with the Elvis wars, plants, critters, fences and fun. Loved it all. You are getting good!
ReplyDeleteFrances, I have so much to say, so little time! LOL... I like the Gospel Elvis. I dont know why but when trashing old albums all the stuff went into the trash but a few select and the Gospel album was one I still have today! Moody Blues and all the others were left at the trashcan of the apartment complex in Shreveport, LA. What a young dumb ding a ling I was to trash them! Needed the space I guess and had to grow up and give up silly things such as albums! But I still have the AM/FM Stereo 8-Track Turntable system! Duh…. Sitting behind me now and I use the stereo all the time! I can only hope that someone found the records and kept them instead of them ending up under ground! Live and Learn…
ReplyDeleteAs a child I grew up in my grandmothers house which was used as a boarding house at one time. When we kids came along, she still had one tenant that lived upstairs. She was a total Pack Rat! She kept everything that went up the stairs. I was freaked out at it and swore to never live like that so I guess that is another reason why records got tossed… Use it or loose it…. I am over that tossing thing now as I keep lots of “stuff”…
This is a cool post! My mother is going to love it as she is an Elvis fan for sure. I love the sequence of pictures. And I even think the bloom of this hosta surely does Elvis proud! Waves on the leaves are just a bonus!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it fun watching buds open?
ReplyDelete~ Monica
Hey Tina, I have missed you the past few days! Glad to see you back... I kind of though Miss Jean would get a kick out of the Elvis hosta! LOL... Where are you Jean???
ReplyDeleteGarden Faerie, it is fun to document a plant from bud to full bloom but one must remember to snap each day! LOL I missed a few days but got a pretty good grouping though. It is amazing how quickly it changed each day.
Tina, have you heard from Nina lately? I hope she and hubby are in the RV cruising around since we have not heard a peep in so long…
I am here. Trying to remodel a room, plant plants, and catch up on school work and emails. Sounds like not so much but it really adds up! I just heard from Nina this morning. She is on her way to visit her sister and is planning on plant shopping. She is fine. My mother is probably sleeping in, trying to recover from our visit-though we did the hard part! ttyl
ReplyDeleteI used to have the Elvis Lives hosta but it died on me. I bought it and it was extremely small. I should have left it in the pot for a while instead of putting it in the ground. Yours looks great.
ReplyDeleteLong live the king! :) Great post, entertaining and informative at the same time. Thanks for sharing Elvis the Hosta with us.
ReplyDeleteGreat pics, great info. I was much "younger" when he was going strong. "Crushes" are a bad thing when you get over them. I've been to his home in Memphis. He sure loved his Mother. I think he still loved Priscilla but was showing otherwise. A shame.
ReplyDeleteTina, you are supposed to be on vacation, the remolding of the room can wait or is that vacation to you? LOL...
ReplyDeletePhillip, I have never heard of this plant until my mom and I spotted it but I guess they are out there if you had one also. I am sorry your Elvis croaked on you! I have lost several young plants this year that I should not have planted during a drought and in the peek of heat! Oh well, live and learn I say.
Perennial Gardner, I think it is fun to learn about new plants and especially the ones with funny names but oh so easy to remember!
Lola, Hi and yes crushes can be scary as Frances mentioned in her comment about all the screaming! LOL. He was over all a really good person at heart just took a wrong turn in life but drugs will do that to a person, even the legal ones if not monitored correctly...
I have been to Graceland also Lola, Twice as a matter of fact. I should have mentioned this when Frances was chatting. What year did he pass away? 76 or 78 maybe, well anyway I was young like 13 or 14 and my mom’s best friend was devastated over this loss. She and her sister took the pilgrimage to Graceland the week he was laid to rest! They wanted my mom to go with them but she declined. I went along to keep her young (5 years old?) daughter company on the trip. So I was there to see Elvis when he was buried in the crypt at the cemetery instead of the house.
I went to tour the house at Christmas time I think in 1999. Lisa Marie and I are close in age so I could relate to her toys under the Christmas tree! I was shocked at how small the house was considering how rich he was at the time. Gouty yes, but huge not…
Remodeling the room is kind of vacation. Mr. Fix-it doesn't see it that way as I am putting him to work too. Poor thing. I have to finish so we can walk down the hallway! Soon school starts and who knows what else.
ReplyDeleteLola, Crushes are a great thing and everyone needs them.
Here I an Skeeter and Tina. Just been doing some things today. Did read the post this morning but then went to eat so I could take my pill. Don't like having to eat so early. Never been one to eat in the morning in my whole life. I gotta get in a good routine, somehow, sigh, sigh, sigh.
ReplyDeleteElvis was a very generous person. But his drugs got the best of him and it is very sad to waste such a talent.
He got his big start when I was a year or 2 from being in high school. So I became one of the screaming girls that followed his every move and song.
Skeeter, talk about being a ding a ling. I had EVERY ONE of the original Elvis 45 records and the 33's. When I was at Ft. Benning and had 2 small kids and not a lotta room I gave them ALL to my landlord's grandkids. What a real FOOL!! We just do not think of something being worth some money some day when we are that young. When the girls father went and sold my stero cause he was tired of moving it, I figured I had no use for the records. So I came back to Maine without them.
Actually Tina, for this ole lady, driving is much better than cooking for a bunch of people, and with my foot now it is a real chore. If I can handle that, you can handle driving!! But I do know it is hard on all but glad you came. GREAT VISIT!!! Thanks for coming. Also thanks for all the help in cooking.
Well since I have written a book anyway, I might as well keep going....On Dave's post about the Black Widow Spiders Lola and you had talked about the outhouses. as Dave had mentioned them. I remember when very few people in Princeton had running water so most all had the outhouses also. By the time you girls came along most people did have running water but Grampie Peter still did not. When you were born Baba thought I should have running water so he and Uncle Rick came up and put it in. Got rid of the wood stove in the kitchen and put in an oil stove. But never did have a bathroom. I would still lug the water from the well to fill the old wringer washing machine to do laundry. What I am getting you remember how many holes in the outhouse? They were all a different size!! One for kids, one for women and one for men!! That made it a 3 hole outhouse. Things have gotten crazy in this world but the good ole days were not always good ole days either. I like my comforts in my house. My dishwasher, vacum, washer and dryer, freezers are true friends that I love!!
I am an Elvis fan but he is not on the top of my list but does bring back a lotta good memories.
Dawn is the big Elvis fan and always gets something to do with Elvis for Christmas from me. She is still trying to get the eyeglass case in that thingy at Wally World!!!
Dawn has not gotten that thing at Wal-Mart yet? Dawn, you will be so upset when you go in there and notice it is gone! LOL...
ReplyDeleteJean, my great uncle had a two holer and water pump in the front yard. They got running water later on but he refused to use it. He was scared of it or something like that. They never had electricity but lived a long happy life! As a child, I was scared to death of the outhouse because it backed up to the bluff of a creek! I was afraid that old rickety thing would fall off the cliff with me in it!
Yep, I am not the only one to trash good collectable stuff in the past. If only we had known…
That is so funny. Dueling Elvis fans. I think that is a good theme for a garden. Someone should do that.
ReplyDeleteI like to create garden beds with a theme. Like a butterfly bed or planting only plants that appeal to mockingbirds. A freind of mine has a fairy bed. It is really cute.
No, I haven't gotten the case yet, and what's worse....Jack of all trade told me last night, the machine has gone from $1.00 to 50 cents, he tried again yesterday, got it to the top where it jerked and it dropped! My daughter thinks she has it figure out and that she can do it better than her father. Too funny Skeeter, I was just saying "Watch! One day we will go in there and it will be gone!" Kudos, I gotta tell ya, 'bout 30 buckroos and building!
ReplyDeleteFunny Skeeter!!!
ReplyDeleteHe died August 16, 1977.
I also was at Graceland 2 times. First time was in 1980, I think. It was before the estate was settled and you drove right up to the famous gate and walked in. Only a handful of people there. There was a tin can on the front steps to put a donation in. Wild!! The downside was the house was locked so could not tour it. Could walk out back and see the swimming pool and the graves. There was one tacky souvenir shop across the street and the land around it was a big sand lot. The second time I was there was in 1985 and the estate had been settled. Boy oh boy, what a change!! The sand lot and tacky souvenir shop was gone. All pavement. You had to park a long way away and pay a bus or walk to all the things to, plane, ect and pay to do almost each thing. There was a big pricey souvenir shop. The best visit I had there? 1980!!!! Without a doubt. I have no urge to ever go back there.
Another little bit of trivia on Elvis. Had he died 24 hours later than he did, he would have died in Maine. He was to give a concert at the civic center. Instead of going to the concert the folks that had tickets to the concert went to a memorial service at the civic center instead.
Eve, I will have to look for more Elvis plants but doubt there are many out there but who knows, I may get me a Elvis plot.... Tina has a Flower “BED”... Now I think that is cleaver!
ReplyDeleteDawn, you nut! Go on EBay and buy the thing for $5.00.... I saw a young man walk into the front door of Wally World and go straight to one of those machines, win the prize and walk right out the door! I wondered if he knew of a trick or had he seen the stuffed toy set in the perfect position as he walked by and he had to return or what. But I thought that was strange....
Jean, I did not know Elvis was headed to Maine the next day. I bet those tickets are worth some money today! At least he was at his beloved Graceland when he went to be with mama... In 99 we rode a bus but really nice set up I thought. I have heard it has change a bit since we were there... Was nice to see the place all decorated for Christmas... Amazing how they saved all that stuff when he died....
Heck they had to auction off some of James Browns stuff this past week to pay Lawyers and court fees. That is a real mess down here. Something in the paper weekly about the Estate mess he left behind. My goodness they sold his hair curlers, brush, hair spry and gels as a Lot and someone actually bought them!
I like Gail's suggestion for an Elvis garden!:)
ReplyDeleteLoved the photos of the budding blooms day by day. I hope your fence deters the cottontails. Surely anything named Elvis can withstand the bunnies.
I remember when he died. Sure was a hot summer in Maine, as summers in Maine go.
ReplyDeleteHi Tina --you need a vacation:) Save those projects for the cooler months when the plants are dormant:) I'm happy you had the chance to go see family. I wanted to head north this summer but hubby's schedule didn't allow it. I didn't want to go without him --we would've felt bad eating all the good foods without him, lol. It was another nice hot day here --we saw all of our church friends tonight --it's nice to visit with them. And, Skeeter I did find a new game to play with the kiddos, hahaha. It involved the same two pool toys (beach balls) but a new way to toss them across the pool. They kicked them --and if it went out off the deck they had to get out and get it --used lots of that energy up. I'd like to go see Graceland --it's a shame I've lived in TN more years than anywhere else and I've never been there. I did attend a concert in Memphis years back but never made it over to Graceland. I wonder if the kids would like it? Oh, today I had the most sweetest peaches ever --my neighbor said I could have some off their tree. We only took one for each of us and the younger two LOVED them --they were so sweet and juicy. They also have blueberries --kind of look like the swampers back home. Nighty-night y'all --
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, So good to hear from you! Yes, I do need a vacation. We were on the roof caulking the chimney cap; which leaked in last week's rain storms. That was exciting. I had to go up first to show Mr. Fix-it it was not so bad. Then Mr. Fix-it broke an antique mirror 'fixing' it. I am sick about it but we are going to salvage what is left. It was a huge mirror with the stamp on it from the year it was made. He is upset too but with big mirrors these things can happen. What can you do? We are so busy working on the inside of the house but I got some plants planted. Your peaches sound delicious! Have you had the chance to go get some blackberries and blueberries? I know you and the family would LOVE it. My blueberries are still coming in, sweet too, but peaches sound good. What a nice neighbor to share. I have never seen Graceland inside, but saw the outside many many years ago. It is so expensive! I can pass on it and probably you too. The kids might miss it completely since the King died so long ago. Anyhow, shower and goodnight time. Long muggy day. Sweet iced tea sounds good.
ReplyDeleteAll the times I have been on here today and I forgot to give my BIG news. WE GOT 3/4 OF AN INCH OF RAIN late yesterday. Heard thunder all afternoon but no rain. Finally it came. We had 2 big downpours which is not as good as a nice gentle, steady rain but at this point I sure was thanking God. They had one at the town office that we did not get:( but we did get some. Now they say we will have more tomorrow night and into Monday. That sure will be great, if it indeed does come. On the down side....2 people killed by lightening and a lotta damage in another part of the state. Lotta people lost power also but not us.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, Forgot to say, we thought of you when passing thru PA. Nice area. We went thru many states but mostly NY. Stopped by Niagara Falls and saw it lit up! One part of PA we go thru has tons of red rocks. I sure wanted to collect some but we didn't. Maybe next time and soon you can go up for a visit.
ReplyDeleteMom, Great on the rain-no watering and your well can catch back up. Your wildflowers should start coming in great now! Too bad the damage. No rain here but we are ok for now I suppose. Some of my plants are looking rough, but hopefully they will recover. All are downloaded and I got the 3 hydrangeas planted. Gotta go.
ReplyDeleteTina it was in 1985 when we went to Graceland. Brian was an infant. I had flown to Clarksville to bring the twins back here while you got ready to go to Germany and then you came to Maine before going across the pond.
ReplyDeleteTina, At first reading of your chimney repair, I thought Mr. Fixit had broken the mirror while on the roof! I was trying to figure out why you had a mirror on the roof for chimney repairs. LOL...
ReplyDeleteJean, Glad you had some rain! We too had rain but still need so much more. I should be good to go without watering much this week!
Anonymous, Keep those kiddos busy! If only we could bottle that energy. Just think of the money you could make selling it! LOL.
Mom, I do remember the trip. Still sorry we didn't hook up with Wilma.
ReplyDeleteSkeeter, Not even I am that bad about decorating! But I do have a thing for mirrors. This one was dated and stamped. "Carolina Mirror Company, 1969". It was in such good shape. Sigh.
Sorry about your mirror Tina. I know how it is to like something a lot & have something happen to it.
ReplyDeleteI believe it was 1993 when I went to Elvis' home. I didn't want to be rude or offend anyone, but green shag carpet on floor & walls? I to was disappointed as to the size of the house. Even the dinning room & living room was small for the outside appearance. He had most the back part of the house built onto after he bought the house. At that time his Aunt still lived upstairs so we couldn't go there. His bedroom & bath was upstairs. Now you can go there as his Aunt passed. I was shocked when I heard that Lisa Marie had sold most of her stock in the company. If it had not been for Priscilla the company would have went bust long ago. But like it was said he was a good person at heart. Just got the wrong things in his system.
Thanks Lola, It is ok about the mirror. The sad part was he had spent 2 hours putting it all together to have it break when he finally had mounted. How sad is that. Never been inside Graceland and not sure I would like green shap everywhere, but he was a character and there will never be another.
ReplyDeleteLola, The shag rug was a bit much! I did like the wall fountain though! Sheba my water nut cat would love it! In 1999 they would not allow us to go upstairs, reason being stairs were in bad shape and too narrow to get everyone up and down them. I am not sure that was the reasoning as I believe they did not want people to see where he died. I say just close off the bathroom...
ReplyDeleteTina I am sorry about the loss of the mirror. I will remember to stay away from Mr. Fixit now that he has 7 years of bad luck coming his way! I dont want to be standing next to him when the meteorite hits him...
Yup Skeeter, and he actually believes that voodoo stuff! He now thinks he'll be stuck in recruiting forever and each year recruiting is like 3 in regular Army so he will get his 7 years easy! But we hope not!
ReplyDeleteKeep your head up Tina, I see retirement right around the corner!