Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What Type of Flower Are You?

Two days ago I stated what type of flowers I thought some of my commenters were (at least to me). It was fun. I thought about both the flower and its representations and characteristics, as well as the person's characteristics and what I thought they would like to be as a flower and also maybe what they saw themselves as. Truthfully, I related memories and associations when coming up with some of my pairings.
There is actually a test on the Internet that tells you what type of flower you are. It is a fun test and I took it awhile back. The test said I was a Canna. I can live with that, though it would have to be a bright yellow canna that never gets attacked by Japanese beetles! I know many readers have done the test and know what flower they are according to this test, but what type of flower do you see yourselves as in your own mind? Is it the same as what the test said as far as associations and attributes?
Just for fun, picture yourself a flower, what would you be? Then visit the website and take the test and see if the two match up. What kind of flower do you think others would see you as? You don't have to state the reasons for your choice, but if you like just let us know if the test came up with what you expected. If you wish to share your flower-please do so!
in the garden....
I need some help with the above flower. What type is it??? I purchased it at a plant sale in Maine last year. It was simply labeled "Camp Flower". Does anyone know what it could be? The foliage is similar to that of delphiniums and it is about 3 feet tall.


  1. Good Morning Tina, I took the quiz and it said I was a snapdragon! I do like your choice better!

    Have a good day all.

  2. Tina,

    It would seem that the obvious answer is PPPP...Phlox pilosa for the uninitiated. But no, I think I am Spring Beauty Claytonia virginica...occasionally showy but most of the time quite happy to disappear.

    I haven't a clue on the yellow lovely!


  3. Tina ~ I took the test once before and I think it said I was a Canna. I took it just now and it said Canna again. So it must be true :-)But somehow I see myself as a Gerber Daisy!

  4. I think I'm a zinnia. I'm a simple person really, and I hold up well in both drought and rain. The test says I'm a sunflower. I love sunflowers so that's okay.

  5. All great flowers and choices guys! Love the reasons and ideas too.

    I finally figured out my flower, I am a verbena bonariansis. Tall but unassuming and able to be seen through, always present and a workhorse and spread around. And in a great color-purple! The test said I was a canna.

  6. The test said I was a Canna both times I took it. I agree with part of it, because I do stand up for myself and I love the foliage of a Canna. ;)

    I guess I would be a Hosta. Reliable, low-maintenance, and casually attired.

  7. Hi Tina, what a fun idea, you are so smart! The test said I was a daffodil the first time I took it. I took it again on someone else's blog and it said I was a snapdragon. I like the daffodil better. Your flower looks like some type of dahlia, but that would not be hardy in Maine, it might here though. I have some that come back. Hope you get the right name, I would love to look for some.

  8. Hi guys, I'm a niegela (sp) kinda oddish. I think I'm a peony because I have a hard time staying upright on my stem! Tee Hee.

  9. Your pretty yellow sunflower looks like a double Helianthus maybe Capenoch Star. It's really nice.

    By no stretch of my imagination can I imagine myself as a flower:)

  10. It says I am a sunflower. And I think I agree, my first thought would have been a daisy though.

  11. Funny Mom. We got the same flower. Though what it says about the Canna is somewhat true of me I don't that I am one. I would have considered myself more of a clematis or other viney flower. Goes where it pleased and does as it please and climbs things, but is yet beautiful in and of itself.

  12. I took the test a while ago and for the life of me I can't remember what it said so I will take it again but not now as we are headed up to Dawn's for lobster, steak and burggers. However, if I had my choice I would be a water lily. They are so pretty and graceful and have such a great smell. I also love the water.

    I'm with Frances....dahlia. They are pretty popular here in Maine. But like Frances said, they are not hardy here. Have to dig em up in the fall and put em in the basement. I always used to have them but don't this year but hope to next year. They make a great cut flower. I used to put them in an oblong, low vase with glads on the side and on a low slant. Then scatter other odd flowers among all. It made a stunning centerpiece. Because of people seeing them I have been asked to do them for town functions and was more than willing to do it.

  13. PG, Mom, Frances, Jillybean and all, Love all the responses! Seems there are many cannas and one who can see herself as that (PG:)

    Christine, We have something in common? Would be nice to get your twin to do the test too!

    Marnie, You are maybe all flowers? Imagine all the people....
    I am going to check that helianthus. I know it is not a dahlia.

    Dawn, If you didn't fill up so many trash bags with cans and trip on stairs you could surely stay upright. tee heeeee heeeee!

  14. Since I am true Grits (Girl Raised In The South) I would think more of myself as a Magnolia maybe the little Gem! The test tells me I am a Sunflower and since I love the sunshine high in the sky and do smile a lot, I could live with that. But who does not like a Rose? That is Tina’s choice for me so I will take that also.
    Cream Magnolia, Yellow Sunflower and Red Rose would make a pretty nice bouquet of Flowers!

    Oh my gosh, it just started to rain a nice steady shower! Yippee....

  15. No more cans since last Tues. I do that every couple years, generally having to do with the hospital. What's left? One vise and that's naughty!
    With or without an excuse, still can't stay upright!

  16. I don't know what kind of plant I am. Though I suspect I'm some kind of cacti or succulent. I can't think of an "outdoor" plant that I could be.

    I'll have to give this some thought.

  17. Very interesting Skeeter!

    Dawn, Just kidding with ya!

    Mr. Brownthumb, You give it some thought then come let us know-though cacti and succulents count and bloom too! They have some pretty flashy blooms at that too!

  18. Hello all you beautiful flowers, cyber friends. I hope all of you are having a lovely day.

    I took the test earlier & it said I was a Canna. I like Cannas---now I'm really getting involved with them. I made a Canna bed this Spring. All colors.

    As for the flower I think I am. Not a clue. But I do like the Lily that Tina associated me with. I like yellow---Sunny, bright. Strangely a couple days ago I purchased a Lily that has a bloom that looks just like the one Tina put with me. The name escapes me at the moment.
    Distractions. Later

  19. Hi Tina --busy day here --will take the flower test later. Had our usual morning run, catch up on laundry, piano lessons and a few stops to pick up cards and gifts for friends out of town. Tonight Boy 1 will go to High School Cross Country practice --I'll be going too. I asked him if he'd mind if I ran with him, hahahah. He said honestly it wouldn't bother him but that could change when he gets there. We did have a quick shower earlier --did nothing but make the humidity skyrocket over here. It looks like we might get another shower --trees are moving and bending so maybe another quick shower. I'll take any rain --GREAT news too --my little crepe myrtle that I cleaned up in the back yard bloomed the prettiest deep pink color --all my others are white and I WANTED a pink one. Now, I have a pink one --it didn't bloom last year. It looked like it wasn't going to make it last year since it was just a baby. Now, it is BEAUTIFUL!!! Not a ton of flowers but enough for me to enjoy. Have to get hubby ready for work --feed the kiddos and visit my neighbor before practice. See you all later! Ciao

  20. It is finally raining here. I got in in the nick of time from moving some hydrangeas. The rain will be good for them!

    Lola, That is quite a coincidence you just purchased a daylily...hmm. Lots of cannas here!

    Anonymous, We are just now getting rain-glad you got some and that is GREAT news your little crepe bloomed in a color you wanted. It will grow fast! Stay outta trouble and have fun with the kiddos.

  21. I must have a multiple personality disorder, I've taken that test 4 times. Twice I was a daffodil, once I was a snap dragon, and once I was a canna. HUH? I like the Lily description on my blog the best. I haven't dared take that quiz again though.

  22. Tina, I can't stand tests so I'll skip that one. I'm a sunflower although I don't love the full sun, and I'm short. My mood improves on a sunny day. A sunflower always makes me smile - there is something so funny about a huge flower, larger than life. It's strong, vibrant, natural and not girlie. I love painting them too. Fun question.

    Interesting intro to your commenters below. Your blog community is really a big part of what makes your blog so special - an open front porch feel to it.

    I too used to publish by FTP and I do NOT recommend it. After my blog froze for days in January, I switched to custom domain with an auto forwarding from my old address.

  23. Cinj, Do NOT take the quiz again at all! I agree. lol Lily it is!

    Sarah, Jillybean also chose sunflower-great choice. I am glad to hear another say NO to FTPs. I hope all bloggers reading this take it from us it is not the way to go, but I did get to meet some nice people thru it all. Your blog is such a good thing! I took some pics of the 'mall' on my way out of town but it is hard to relay to readers. I think you can do it though. Do you know I remember when they built that bandstand? And it is so overgrown now. Phooey. Hope jet lag has left you now. I always hated that part of traveling across the pond.

  24. Tina some of the cannas were sent to me from my sis-in-law in Ga. They are the ones blomming now. I checked to see what the name of my new purchase was & it's "Double Talk". Is that the name of yours? I'm thinking of putting it in with some cannas & iris in my flagpole garden as it doesn't get very tall. The cannas are in the back view away from my house. There are some lelf over wild flowers that come back every yr. Aspargus "volunteer" Glads & others. That is where I have the plant that I ask you to help me ID. It looks as though I may have to enlarge it. It sets at the front of the row of large azaleas. Hopefully they have stopped dieing. Trimming them seems to have helped some although I didn't get it trimmed the way I really wanted. More next yr.

    Have a good night ALL.

  25. According to the test, I am a coneflower. While I like them, they are not my idea of me. I am most definetely a Confederate Rose flower. I am in a constant state of change.

  26. Lola, Your cannas sound great. I don't know all of my names. I have a couple of passalongs (unnamed), plus a yellow one, red and hopefully orange. I like the foliage but the Japanese beetles take their toll on them here. Send me a close up pic of the unidentified flower and foliage and I'll see if I can help out.

    Eve, Great choice and good reason for being a Confederate Rose! Coneflowers are good too.

  27. Tina, after you said Jillybean came out a sunflower, I couldn't resist taking the test. Guess what? It said I was a sunflower! Know thyself?

    I'll definitely take photos of the mall and bandstand. First I have to do more unpacking, sigh. At least I'm over jet lag. Still a bit of culture shock.

  28. Sarah, I am so glad you took the tes! And yes, you surely know yourself-it is great to be a sunflower! Glad you are over jet lag. I will look for the mall.

  29. Tina some of the names of my cannas are Lucifer-red/yellow edge, Wyoming-orange, Eureka-Yellow, Rosemond Coles-red/orange with yellow edge & back, Tropicanna-?, & one that may be beige. I also have a red {name unknown-passalong}, Strip veined {name unknown}. Just a few but would like to add to my collection. But you know what that means---Make the bed bigger.

  30. Lola, That is a bunch of cannas! Have the young one help out with making the bed larger. Love the cannas.

  31. No, kids too busy now to help. Enlargement will have to be done slowly & later.
