Remember those huge mums? Well they didn't last long enough to bloom out. I cut them down in their prime. It really hurt to do it but hey, timing is everything right? And I needed to move them. Now the question begging to be asked is, "Could I have waited until the mums bloomed out?"
Yes, I certainly could have waited a bit to cut the mums. I could have waited a whole season, but since winter was coming and I wanted to get these mums established in other spots, I could not have waited any longer, therefore the blooms had to go.
What do you think? When is the best time to move perennials? And then, when do you really move your perennials (be honest)? Have you cut down lovely flowers in their prime just because you wanted to move the plant on your schedule?
Which reminds me, almost time to divide and move the daffodils, I'll try my HARDEST to wait until they bloom out:)
in the garden....
Note: I have been trying to comment on blogs that have the new style pop up comment box with a pop up letter verification pop up box. This box will NOT load letters for me. Therefore I cannot comment on your blog. I have left email messages at Blotanical but am also posting the reason here. So sorry for not commenting on your blog, but this is why.
Honestly, I move my plants whenever I want to. That is one rule I have never followed. Come to think of it, I don't follow very many "gardening" rules in my gardens. Have you tried to click submit without the word verification coming up? I do, and then viola! there it is.
ReplyDeleteGood morning dear Tina, the word verification is a vile vile thing, isn't it? Ooops, that is not what I was going to say. HA Here is what I do with that same yellow button mum, not according to the rules at all, move it AND cut it up while still blooming, cutting nothing off. It does fine, just like the daffs. I like to divide them before the flowers are open, but if you want a certain color in a certain spot you have to wait until you see what the heck it is! Just water afterwards. Live dangerously. Not everything can be treated like that of course, but those particular mums and the daffs both can. Breakin' the law! HA
Good morning Tina, I too tried to comment on a few blogs that have the pop up word verification, tried to do what Darla said, didn't work for me.
ReplyDeleteAs for dividing perennials, depends on the perennial. General rule of thumb for our zone is to do most divisions in the fall for root systems to develop. Some spring plants disappear during the summer, which makes it hard to divide in the fall. As it is early I am hard pressed to name one, but I remember it occuring this past year.
I love a flower too much to be able to divide it when it's blooming. Refresh doesn't help to load the box?
ReplyDeleteWell, rules are meant to be broken.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I am not the only one having trouble posting comments. I was beginning to feel singled out.
Good morning all!
ReplyDeleteDarla, We garden alike then! No, the refresh-nothing works. It is the type of box where you comment then go to post THEN the verification comes up. Mine simply says Loading... and never loads. I've tried submitting, everything. Very frustrating.
Frances, Yes it is a VILE thing. I hate it. I am glad I don't usually have to have it on here. My goal in the more than 18 months I've had this blog and it has worked pretty well. Those mums are so hardy! I am going to divide some daffys today-glad you said you do it too:)
Janet, Yes, that word verification is a pain. I just wanted the bloggers to know in a general way as I can't email them all. Sometimes the bloggers have no idea. Spring and fall division are good times to divide for sure. Anytime you are not thinking of those plants to divide-it'll pop in your mind. I have the same problem.
Dawn, You are pretty smart-well said! Not me though, gotta do what you gotta do-chop it up if need be. No, nothing is working. It may be a bug on my computer or with Blogger. Not sure.
Les, You bet they are! As long as the poor things don't suffer too awfully much.
I move or divide plants only when it is not too hot or dry. If it is summer I'll do it only if we are expected a lot of rain over several days.
ReplyDeleteThe verification box has also prevented me several times in the past few days, in stead of loading the word it stalls at "loading.."
I can cut back perennials, especially mums, but I have a hard time digging things up. I would be so scared to move daffodils! Not enough gardening confidence I guess. I'll have a terrible time pulling up the panises when it's time for zinnias! :)
ReplyDeleteHave a good day Tina!
Oh I'm a sucker for blooms. As long as there is blooms I won't cut it. On the subjec of mums, I planted some that were beautiful last year, but now in just one growing season they are coming up from the roots and have covered an area about 3 X 3. Is this common? Because if it is they have to go? Though the way it looks now, I'm not sure I can get all of them out.
ReplyDeleteI tend to move during spring. I have moved quite a few during the summer but those need extreme care. Most of the time when I move I try to take a massive clump of dirt from around the roots and move all of it together. That way the roots don't get exposed too much which helps reduce shock.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Everyone,
ReplyDeleteI hope all have a lovely day. I tend to let things remain in their original place. I'm afraid of killing the poor things. Although in the past I have moved even small trees. I guess my youth had something to do with it. I do have a few things now that really need to be moved so guess I'll give it a try.
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained" as they say.
Randy, VERY good advice. It is a big problem having to water so much in the summer. Definitely need to move or divide when water is plentiful.
ReplyDeleteLinda, You can do it! Plants are hardy little bunches. I too hate to remove the old flowers, but gotta do it.
Jamie and Randy, Yes, depending on the type of mums you have they do tend to spread quite a bit. They must be happy there. Maybe you could share them with others?
Dave, I've moved stuff in the summer too, but this year I VOW not to water. 30000 gallon water bills just don't cut it. Therefore I can't move or plant anything until the fall. All things are staying put in pots this year. Let's see how I do. Are you planting right now? Great time for it as I am heading there myself.
Hi Lola, Good morning! Now is a pretty good time to move some stuff, lots of moisture I bet:)
ReplyDeleteHi, Tina. I move things when I want to move them--sometimes, as Frances says, it's because I have to see the particular shade of the bloom to know where I REALLY want it to be--and sometimes it's because early fall and late spring are really, really busy times with the job so I can't spend as much time gardening as I need to. Mums and daffs, I have to say, seem to do fine whatever you do to them.
ReplyDelete(And Randy, yeah, mums can be pretty invasive--I have a whole yard full from a little 6-inch pot we received as a house warming present years ago . . .)
I was reading about your difficulties with the word verification. I had to remove mine, since many bloggers could not leave a comment. And now I have the same kind of pop up box that you do. Things seem to be working a little better.
ReplyDeleteI do divide my perennials in the spring, and in the fall. I know that the hostas should be done in the fall, when the foliage turns brown, but I did not do it. Now I know why, all the beautiful little spears get crushed when you try to empty them out of the pot onto the deck. LOL.
When I think I should move plants is in the fall or early spring. When I actually do move plants is anytime of the year except maybe the coldest parts of winter. Plant moving is a problem I have :) If I move them during a warm time I'm just sure to keep them well watered. I really haven't lost too many that way.
ReplyDeleteForgot to mention that Blogger has posted that there is a problem with the word verification now and they are working on it. I just took it off mine for now. Also there is a apparently an issue with missing blog followers since there is something else they are trying to change with that.
ReplyDeleteHi Tina, I almost always move stuff in the early spring. We don't have long autumn seasons here like you do. There is a good chance a plant won't establish and winter kill here if moved in the short dry fall season. However, moving plants in the fall usually guarantees they will bloom the following season. That's good.
ReplyDeleteI've had the same problems with word verification. It seems a good time to give an opinion. I don't like word verification. In the period I've been blogging I have only had to remove one commercial comment on my blog. Unless people are being annoyed by commercial messages or some other kind of problem posts, I hope they will consider 'not' using word verification. But that is just my opinion and perhaps not worth considering.
I went through the same thing Tina. It'd stop at 'loading' and--nothing. Glad that phase seems to be over now.
ReplyDeleteI move my perennials any old time of the year otherwise I would forget to do it. I've moved plants and left the flowers on too. The only time I would hesitate is if the weather is very hot and dry.
ReplyDeleteBTW I'm having the same problem with the new word verification pop up. It's the one where you begin by choosing from a "drop down" identity profile list. I have given up trying to comment on those blogs now.
Hmmmmm.... I've never had to move, but I need to repot 'em and am procrastinating it - nervous that I might do it wrong!
ReplyDeleteDear Tina,
ReplyDeleteI move plants when ever I need to move them, but find that fall is the best time. The key is watering!
Oh, am I ever glad that people are talking about word verification! I hate it..especially on days we are participating in blogasphere-wide memes! It takes up a lot of time! I am convinced that many bloggers are unaware that they have it...since the blog owner never sees it. I discovered that I had it turned on when I used someone else's computer to visit my blog. You have to go into setting to check to see if you have it set.
Sorry about the rant..I should post it!
I try to never move plants once planted. But had to last year due to the drought conditions. I put some stuff back into pots and will leave them there until we are out of this now working on 4 years drought. arggg....
ReplyDeleteLast fall, I dug up some mums from the woods and put them into the wishing well planter. The cold temps arrived shortly afterwards and they browned up. I hope they made it but only time will tell....
I have not been able to comment on some blogs either. Maybe they will get it all worked out....
I pretty much move plants whenever I feel like it. :) In summer I usually pot it up in shade and let it regrow feeder roots before setting back out.
ReplyDeleteIt must have been hard to cut down the mums while they were blooming. Daffodils seem so far away with all our snow. I'll have to check out spring back here.
ReplyDeleteIt depends on where you live, of course, and that's why I never move anything in the fall if it's not absolutely necessary. Especially mums, which can be very temperamental about surviving winter. I've found that mums do much better if they're planted in the spring and left where you plant them. Of course, I've been known to move them, but I try to make sure it's well before fall. Some things aren't that sensitive, and I've moved things in the heat of summer, too, and as long as I keep it watered well, it's been just fine.
ReplyDeleteI am the worst at moving plants, I do it all year except when the ground is frozen. I have had good results waiting until a rainy day to move them though.
ReplyDeleteHey all, It seems the word verification is somewhat working now. Yeah! Thanks to everyone who let us know there are problems with both the following thing and the word verification thing. These durned computers!
ReplyDeleteGreat tips on transplanting perennials and when we do it. Very interesting.
I think the word verification thing is a Blogger thing, not a Blotanical thing. I also noticed Blogger has been screwing up the "following" list. Three people who were following me recently no longer show up, and I no longer show up as a follower in other people's blogs that I am in fact still following! I'd complain more, but it IS a free interface...
ReplyDeleteAs to your dividing question, I tend to divide either before bloom (as with hostas, I do them when the leaves are still curled tightly) or after bloom. But I did dug up someone's mums this fall (and other plants at other times) while they're in bloom. I cut off the blooms, though, to make sure the plant sends its energy into the roots. So far, so good.
I just read what Dan said about moving plants in rainy days. I've also found that shady days or evenings are the best time to divide.move things, esp. things in bloom (though as I mentioned, I do cut off the blooms, sad as that is).
ReplyDeleteA few years ago I signed up for Freecycle and we formed a special gardeners division for plant sharing. I don't move many plants but now when I have something to divide I post it and someone usually is more than happy to take some - even come dig it up for me.
ReplyDeleteI know you're not suppose to, but I move things when the mood strikes me! Never been known for my patience.
I prefer to move plants in the spring when they are just starting to grow. There is less shock to the plants, and I keep enough soil on the roots that they normally will still bloom. Also, last fall, I waited to divide some plants that needed it until spring, because I donate plants to a sale for an herb club I am in.
ReplyDeleteIf I need to make room for new plants, I'll dig up plants and give them away or move them any time during the season.
I quit having word verification a while back, but right away, got a spam comment. I have had people tell me they can't leave comments on my blog recently, and I went in and changed who is allowed to post comments to "anyone", including anonymous people. Maybe I'll try dropping the word verification again.
I have had lots of people find my ornamental sweet potato post by using search engines. I went in and wrote a note to them, and asked them to leave a comment to let me know if they tried eating theirs, but no one has left any.
Great post!
Interesting Tina. I couldn't bear to cut flowers off so I couldn't have done what you did with the mums. I have to concur with Frances ~ live dangerously! I transplant, divide, etc., every month of the year except deep winter. I've never had problems but I do tend to baby everything I move around.
ReplyDeleteThanks for mentioning the word verification thing. I was having problems but thought it was just me.
I am like Dawn and Skeeter....Like the flowers too much to cut and have always left plants alone and it never seemed to cause a problem. The one and only time (several years ago) I ever divided a plant, I lost it and it was the huge Bleedin Heart that Nana had planted.
ReplyDeleteMonica, Yup, the following thing is a bug or something. It is a pain! You are so right with dividing-need shade and lots of rain! Those daffys of mine got moved today-rain tonight:)
ReplyDeleteJGH, I love Freecycle! Your sharing of plants is a very good idea!
Brenda, Straight to the point for sure! I am still waiting to see how that fan palm took the move and the garden room.
Hi Sue, So spring for you? A good time for sure. That word verification thingy is a pain. I find the spammers go in cycles but I've not had a major problem-knock on wood. I too have all options available for commenting-including anonymous. One of my friends-that's her call name and I would hate it if she could not post. I have been so lucky. The thing with search engines finding your post-I find most of those web surfers will not comment no matter what. They are just looking and sharing in the experience or whatever-more anonymously. That's probably why they don't comment. I have no idea if those tubers are edible, I have some too I saved but I haven't tried them.
Hi Kathleen, My kind of gardener-live a bit dangerously. Seems everyone was having issues with that verification thing I had no idea it would hit such a chord. Nope, not just you for sure.
Mom, I can totally understand why you would not divide flowers if you lost one of Nana's. It happens at times for sure.
ReplyDeleteI'd have to agree with Brenda. If I decide something needs to be moved, I move it, blooms or no blooms. So far, this has worked in my favor. But, I'm sure this lack of patience will come back to get me someday!
One comment on "comments"... since I have changed to wordpress, my only complaint is that it is difficult to post messages on blogger blogs that do not have the Name/URL option. There have been times when I have been unable to post at all. It's a bummer!
I tend to move things whenever time allows. I try to take into consideration what the "experts" say, but lot of times I just wing it!
ReplyDeleteI move things whenever I have time, spring or fall, but I like spring best, because the plants are smaller and easier to manuever, hostas, for example. My worst experience at moving things, though, was a few years ago, when I decided to move quite a few things to prevent overcrowding. I had spring break in early April and two glorious spring days. After I moved them all, we had a hard freeze. One rosebush didn't survive. I learned then to wait until the weather is WARM!
ReplyDeleteI have been having problems on several blogs--mostly newer readers--with a different comment box, too. I get an error message in the corner of my screen, and my comment won't post. I hope somebody figures out what's going on!
I move around things whenever I get the urge but I know that is the wrong way to do it too. Did you at least get to enjoy the blooms in the house? Those were very pretty mums. I transplanted some daffodils one year and they didn't bloom that following year for some reason. I wondered if I did it at the wrong time. Probably should do in the fall for that one...(-:
ReplyDeleteI try to be good & let things finish blooming before moving them. But sometimes you just can't wait. ;) Anyhow I find that fall & early spring seems to be the best time to divide & transplant perennials & bulbs. A cloudy day with rain in the forecast is perfect too!