Back to Skeeter's garden today. How cute are these ducks? They have a history. On one of Skeeter's visits to Clarksville we visited Miss Lucille's and Skeeter found the ducks. Good thing she bought them or they might be in my garden.

This long view down to the woods was so inviting. The grass was perfectly maintained and the paths made it easy to get around. I loved this aspect of the garden! Not knowing where the path leads also adds a little mystery to the trip.

This shots points toward the patio area and storage shed. Loved that coleus tucked in the garden. It made a great focal point.

A further view of the same garden shows how the entire area comes together. There is a stone path to the patio area and storage shed.

Skeeter's gardens are very diverse and contain a lot of plants and flowers. The different textures under foot really set them off well.

This view here has to be one of my favorites. The textures of the angel trumpet, bald cypress, grasses, and plants all join to form a pleasing sight. The swing tucked up into one of the gardens is perfectly sighted.
Thanks for having me Skeeter and I loved your gardens. I am finally glad I was able to see them in all their glory. I must make plans to come visit in the spring as I bet they are totally different. You are quite the gardener! So glad you blog with me....
in the garden....