The Cardinal are popular birds at backyard feeders of North America. Here you see both male and female Cardinals eating the black oil sunflower seed. The male is the bright red guy to the left. Ah, if only in the human world the man had to be the pretty one. Then getting ready each day would not be such a task for me. Giggle...
The female Cardinal is also pretty, just look how her crown stands up when defending her eating spot.Here you see the Cardinal with male Purple Finches.
Female Purple Finches are near by the males.
The Wren prefers to eat the peanut butter nuggets in the butterfly bush island rather then the backyard feeder. The next few pictures were snapped back when we had a yard full of blooms and I was patiently sitting on the swing nearby. I don't have such luck with capturing the wren at the big feeder in the backyard during the winter. They along with the...Chickadee...
and brown-headed Nuthatch, are so quick with taking a seed or mouth full of suet that I cannot catch them. They remind me of the fluttering butterflies when trying to snap a picture of them. Darn near impossible!
The Finches dominate the feeders during the winter. Here you see the Gold Finch wearing their winter coats.
Here is a Gold Finch starting to put on his spring feathers.
A Pine Siskin eats with the Purple Finches.
Mr. Blue Jay is a bit of a bully at the feeders. He or she (they both look the same) like to scatter the seed below while eating.
But none of the seed on the ground goes to waste as this furry critter is always nearby waiting for the opportunity to indulge in some treats! We have the feeders blocked from the Squirrels and Raccoons with baffles.
The Hawk's are also an opportunist and they take advantage of our bird feeders even though they do not eat seed. A lot of people don't like the hawks in their gardens and yard but I am okay with them thus far.
The Hawks favorite meal is the dove as they eat from the ground. If only the hawk would eat more squirrels and voles instead of my beloved birds. Sigh...
Here is a bird that people don't care to see in their gardens. Some even put out deterrents in the form of Scarecrows to run off the big black crows. I don't mind them in our yard as they have never bothered anything other then maybe steal a bird egg from a nest. I do try to live in harmony with all the wildlife around us.
This little Pine Warbler is our guest only during the winter months. He shows up and loves to nibble on the suet cakes. This one flew into a sun-room window and was getting his thoughts together before he took off again.
Another of our guest that mainly show up during the winter months is the ground feeding Flicker. A woodpecker that loves to eat grubs from the soil. He is my friend as he can have all the grubs he would like from my garden!
Grubs mean Japanese Beetles and I don't like them in the garden at all.
Soon the red Breasted Grosbeak and Cedar Waxwings will be Coming Through then I will know Spring is officially here!
Even though winter can be a dreary time for us, we can look out our window and still see COLOR DURING THE COLD MONTHS, In the Garden...