Oh my goodness, a tiny blue egg! Could it be an Bluebird egg?
And now naked baby bluebirds in the gourd! This brood has fledged the gourd house and we cleaned it out soon afterwards.
A big ole ugly spider has made a second gourd his home. I guess I should have made a sign which Says "Birds Only" on the front. Oh well, he is catching bugs so as long as he is happy in the gourd, I reckon he can stay there...
It has been so gratifying to take a seed, place it into the ground, harvest a gourd, turn it into a place for my beloved bird to call home and raise a family! Tina, thank you so much for encouraging me to grow these gourds! It has been most rewarding of anything I have ever grown in the garden!
Mommy bluebird is currently sitting on eggs as she has once again decided to REVISIT THE GOURDS, In the Garden...
Note: the 4 links above should give you all the information you need to turn a gourd into a bird house for your enjoyment! Come on, give it a try, I did...