By Skeeter
I showed you the lightening struck oak tree on Tuesday's Blog. The tree was struck just before our planned trip to Tennessee. While in TN, we attended the wedding of our niece. It was an outdoor wedding under a tent on one of the hottest days of the year. Thank goodness the reception was inside in the cool Air Conditioning. Just one month prior, this entire facility was under water from the flood! Lots of hard work and the facility was back into shape for the wedding.
My dad, the grandfather to the bride, was not sure he would be able to attend the wedding with his hip jumping out of place and leg now in a brace. Brides mom came up with the idea for him to be driven beside the tent so he could easily slip out of the back of the van and into a seat to view the ceremony. The Saint was his chauffeur and it worked well. Shorts, no shoes and all. A Wedding with a touch of redneck but hey, I am the one with chamber pots in my garden right?
It was a beautiful wedding and all went according to plan. Here you see the beautiful bride, her groom and my parents just after the wedding, before the Saint drove dad up the hill to the reception hall.
The Saint returned back to Georgia that following Monday while I stayed on a bit longer to assist my parents. I had a set back with my cars Air conditioning draining into the floor board of the car! Yikes, I was getting flooded out of my car with running the AC but in that heat, I had no choice but run the air. Luckily, the puddle of water was on the passengers side and I was driving alone. The car had just lost its warranty with my many TN trips so the Saint said he would repair the problem once I got back to Georgia. So down the interstate I go with a flooded floorboard. This is the sight I arrived home to see.
Can you imagine the look on my face to see this monster in my driveway? The thing weighs 22,500 pounds, moves about 3 mph and has one heck of a boom that can reach the tallest of trees!
I knew the Saint was renting a Cherry Picker of some type to assist in removing the large Willow Oak that was struck by lightening, but I had no idea of the type machine he had in mind! The Saint had already pruned up the tree and was now attaching the rope to secure the tree while cutting.
The rope was attached to the tree way up high, then around a tree in the woods, then back to the front of the house where the rope was attached to the machine. As the Saint directed the machine, the rope was kept tight, thus a perfect fall where we want the tree to land. Once all were happy with the rope being attached, they cut a notch out of the tree in the direction for the fall.
All was going as planned until the rope broke! Yikes, they had to stop what they were doing and run to town for a new rope. Meanwhile, I sat in the sun room staring at the tree hoping she would not fall before they returned. And yes, the wind started to pick up! This was too close for comfort but I remained calm. I have all this on video but for some reason, Blogger will not load the video for me today....
A happy ending with new tow ropes being purchased, Quick zap of the Chain saw and the tree fell exactly where they wanted her to land. They measured the trunk and the Willow Oak was 93 feet tall. This was a mighty oak indeed!
I had the Saint also limbing up the two sweet gums that we plan to take down this fall as well as two other trees in the front yard. He also remove two more trees along side of our driveway that were a danger for future storms. The Saint and our neighbor (The one which gave me lots of Lilies) worked their butts off that weekend with removing many trees and branches in our yard as well as his yard. I had to joke with them that they picked the hottest weekend with record breaking temps to tackle this job. Silly guys....
Later that night, the Saint spotted this bruise on his thigh. He has no idea how it got there. I would think that hit would have made an impression with him but not so. He will whine over a fly bite but when playing with big machines and getting a big boo-boo, he never complains. Gee....
We now have tons of limbs on the ground. The Saint has been cutting them into long branches for a chipper which we will rent soon. I can see lots of pretty mulch in my Gardens near future....
That was some job and stress CUTTING THE MIGHTY OAK, In the Garden....
Note: The Saint repaired the car within 10 minutes! AC Drain clogged. He is my hero...