Today I ran into my friend Celeste. I have not seen Celeste and her family for quite a while but sure had a good visit with her this morning in St. B Wal-Mart. She used to be my neighbor out here in Woodlawn and was a super neighbor. To my great surprise she knew everything that was going on in my life-I am a grandma and the garden and my mom and so on. Can you guess why? Yup, she reads my blog every day. Her habit is to rise early and check out all the online versions of newspapers not only for Clarksville, but for other cities she and her family have lived in. Her son Zachary, who reads the hard copy newspaper in Rossview middle school, told his mother and father about my blog as he recognized my picture in the paper. Astounding since it has been a good year or two since he has seen me-he has a great memory! Since then, Celeste has read all of my postings, including the comments. Celeste has not gotten the hard copy newspaper in years because she likes the online versions better. I am completely opposite. I love the hard copy and could not live without my morning paper. It is a luxury I find necessary. Since blogging I do read more online information-but I always skip the Leaf's headlines if I have not yet read my paper. It would be like finding out who was kicked off Survivor without watching it-or who won the Superbowl the day after (very common when you live in Europe and there is a seven hour time difference) without watching it. I want the little details and I want it in person.
Celeste, I was looking for a reason to post this picture and now I have one. It is for you and this posting is for you! So good to see you and Jacob this morning and thanks for reading along! This picture is one of my favorites and is in a special gardening frame a friend (Mary) gave me because she knows how much I love gardening. Celeste's oldest son, Danny, and Jimmy were good friends and Danny would come over and hang out sometimes. I managed to convince both boys to go pick some vegetables from the vegetable garden on this day. Getting family to pick vegetables is hard. I feel that since I plant, grow, nurture, water, weed and store the vegetables the least my family can do is pick them! But I never have problems getting vegetables picked when friends come over because they are always happy to help out-thus Danny and Jimmy wound up in the vegetable garden with green peppers. They were 10 years old in this picture and aren't they cute?!
I would be remiss in not saying hi to Dan and "The Girl" since I got the other three kids in here-hi Vonia and hi Dan!
in the garden....
Ah, I see that pool does get some use at times in the summer! Yum, we love green peppers and can wait to try your pickles you gave us on our last visit!