Sunday, June 8, 2008

Birthdays, Baby Birds & Blooms

What cute picture's of Tina's twin girls, Christine and Liz, taken when they were mere tots.

Look at those great big smiles... Mom and the rest of us here at In The Garden hope you both have big smiles upon your faces today and always.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLS!

Tina recently posted on the birth of baby Bluebirds and everyone seem to enjoy them so much that I decided to add a few pictures of some of the babies in our life as well... My all time favorite of course is the baby wren hatching from an egg. I was so lucky to be able to capture this moment but did not hang around after snapping the picture out of fear for disturbing nature.
I caught this baby Chickadee peeking out into the world getting ready to leave the nest...

Later on that day, I spotted the little guy on the watering hose watching my every move!
The Chickadee are such a small bird as an adult so this baby was really tiny...

Here is one of many baby Bluebirds we have had in our bluebird houses. The best we can tell, our houses have been home to about 75 baby bluebirds over the 6 years we have lived here! Unfortunately not all survive as the hawk and cats catch their share of unsuspecting babies...
Here is a baby Brown-headed Nuthatch. They have a cute squeak to their voice and walk upside down on trees looking for bugs...
This little baby bird is either a Downy or Hairy Woodpecker. Not sure which as they are so similar. This is the first woodpecker baby I have ever seen in the wild before so I was really excited to spot him this spring!
Here is a baby House finch nesting in a hanging plant. Each year I fight the little buggers off as they are so messy. We now have a deal with them, if you get a nest made and eggs in it, you win the plant but must deal with me watering it. I must get the step ladder with each watering. argggg....

I don't mind the wrens nesting in my ivy box because they are not messy plus the box is located on the railing of the porch so I do not have to get a ladder when watering...

The Eastern Phoebe nest on a metal beam in our garage each year. Last year while building a nest, we found one of the parent birds dead on the garage floor. Think the neighbors cat is to blame for that one. I have seen Phoebe this year but so far no one has made residency in the garage... Look at the cute baby swans! A pair of Swans nest in the Saints parents yard each spring. This year they had 3 babies and this was taken the day mommy kicked them out of the nest, which is within 24 hours of birth!
Here they are out for their first swim. These babies don't have a good survival rate as large snapping turtles will get them. The last I heard, Mom and Dad B reported only one of these babies remain. Nature can be so cruel at times...

Speaking of turtles, look at the cute little baby box turtle I found in the flower garden this morning when I went out to water a few things. Cute as can be...

Now to Blooms... I cut my finger this morning and typing is difficult as I keep having to stop and wipe up blood from the keys so I will just let the pictures do the talking for me. These are things that are blooming now or have bloomed and just now getting recognition from me...





I have Jasmine climbing along the trunks of 3 trees and the scent is wonderful and can be smelled throughout the yard!

Ignore the moss and weeds growing in the gravel. This picture was snapped before weed control...

The Ligustrum was blooming at the same time as the Jasmine and the lush green foliage of the leaves with the white blooms were spectacular together!

The Nandina Royal Princess plant which keeps my beloved Skeeter boy company at his grave, is now blooming as well.

I have never seen such white blooms on all of our bushes until this year. I assume they are happy and more mature now...

Here is one more picture I will share with you even though it does not fit in with the topic. As I went to replace a horrible looking zucchini in the veggie garden, Mr Peter Cottontail joined me. He let me walk right up to him as the Saint took this picture! I talked to him and he just sat there as if my little friend!

Am sure he had his eye on the veggie garden more so then me. Probably trying to see how I get inside the fence...

So Happy Birthday Liz & Christine and keep your eyes out for more Baby Birds and Blooms, In The Garden....


  1. If anyone would like to see the Pileated woodpecker we spotted yesterday, you can check it out on the Pet People Blog.

    Sorry, I dont know how to link...

  2. Boy! you sure do have alot of wildlife to keep you on your toes! and yea, Bunnies were studying to way to get in.

  3. Whoops, happy birthday Christy and Liz.

  4. Happy Birthday girls! Skeeter, this is a very nice post! Love all the pics and the ones of the chickadees are my favorite. I also covet that peony and lavender. I have been looking for that type of lavender. Do you know the kind? I saw the pics of the pileated and they were great pics. I think the birds ugly but not when in flight. Your critters must be thirsty and hot for sure! Too bad about the barbed wire but I don't think it spoils the pic at all. Good morning all!

  5. Skeeter, The link worked perfectly. I have never seen a brown headed nuthatch. They are so cool. And good pic of you with that bold bunny.

  6. Good morning to all and hope everyone has a great day.

    Happy birthday to my first born wonderful grandkids. Love you more than mere words can say. Will never forget the feeling when I first saw them, I cried!!

    What an awesome thing to see the bird hatch from the egg Skeeter. The baby swans sure are cutie pies.

    Skeeter, thanks for honoring my awesome granddaughters!!!

  7. Wonderful post! Thank you for all the sweet baby bird photos...

  8. Yes Dawn, I am convinced the bunny was watching for the entry hole to the garden! LOL

    Tina, the Lavender is Coco Purple. I still have the tag so that is how I know. Again, until this Blog I thought Lavender was just Lavender. LOL... I think the Pileated Woodpecker is a fascinating bird and real exotic looking. We saw the pair again while we were sitting at the patio having lunch!

    Jean, it was neat to see the baby bird coming out of the egg. I just happen to peek in the nest at the right time. I was afraid of stressing mommy bird so I just left after snapping the picture. Wish I had hung around to watch it shake the shell off its head though... I love birthdays so always glad to wish others happy birthday as well. Hope they are having a good day today...

    Your welcome Gail. Baby birds are just another reason I enjoy the springtime so much...

    Saint and I were in the yard by 7:00 this morning in order to get our chores finished before the heat of the day. Moved the Lobelia to new spot and planted Clematis under the mailbox. This one likes shade and should be fine with our winters. Watered a lot of stuff then washed the vinyl siding to the upper part of the house. We both agree that our next house will be one level and all brick! Job finished and now letting the sprinkler feed the poor dry grass... Now to the sunroom for an old classic movie on TV...

  9. Happy belated B-day to your twin girls. My twins turned 25 this year and I see yours are identical. How neat. Mine aren't, but they are still fun and those guys stick together when it counts. Take care, Andrea

  10. Hi everyone! Missed you once again but we had a really good friend move away --he went back to Japan:( Lots of tears --this is a very nice post --love those baby pictures --Happy birthday gals!!! Super hot here --have to wait until night to work outside --we had church this morning and got the boys hair cut. The bunny sure is cute --he is probably checking out his midnight snack:0) hehehe See you all later --stay cool! Sidekick loves the posts with cute critters in them --he caught a baby painted turtle yesterday at the fishing tournament. LOVES IT! :)

  11. Happy Birthday to the twins! You two sure look alike!

    Great bird pictures Skeeter. I like that chickadee house. The rustic look is great! It looks like your garden is really starting to bloom.

  12. Hi Andrea, I think twins are special… People thought that me and one of my brothers were twins due to our being the same size for many years. We even dressed a like at times so in a way I had a sort of twin growing up. To this day, he and I are really close...

    A painted turtle? Wow what a catch! Any fish caught? I bet y'all had a blast at the tourney...

  13. First, happy birthday ladies! Next, how are all you contributors related? Bath, ME to Georgia? Love the baby birds. I guess I should pay more attention to baby birds. I can hear the baby wrens chirping in the birdhouse! They are keeping their momma busy!

  14. Hi all! Just got back from Kingston Springs, where I spent a delightful afternoon with master gardeners, talking of gardening! One of my favorite things to do as we know. Not gonna stay long as we are trying to get the pool up. It has been all day with two hoses full blast and no where close. Sigh.

    Thanks everyone for wishing the girls a happy birthday. Liz doesn't check often, but I am sure Christy will be on tomorrow. Andrea has twins as well and gardens in Germany, she is on the sidebar.

    Layanee, Hi there! You all, another blog from the northeast (on the sidebar and mom will love the name). I had to answer Layanee about the contributors. My sister Dawn is in Maine, and Christine is also in Maine, (Bath) she is my oldest daughter. Not a regular poster but had some pics of wildflowers and I wanted her to do it. Dawn is an often poster but now that she has her own blog might not have enough time. I hope she does though. Skeeter is a friend I met thru blogging. She is from Clarksville but lives in Georgia. We have met several times and I asked her to join me on here. She was almost the first commenter, but even if she wasn't the first, always the most regular from the first, then others joined in. We have gotten to know each other pretty well. She graciously agreed to contribute. I do so appreciate Sundays off. So does hubby. I think the contributors all bring different perspectives to the blog, and I like sharing with them in this way.

    But you have a great evening, gotta get back to work. Anonymous-Lola-Nina-we do miss you and think of you guys! Hi Gail, Dave, Skeeter, Mom, and Dawn!

  15. Layanee,I don't think Tina or Skeeter will mind me answering you. I'm Tina's sister, we are from Maine, Christy is one of Tina's twins pictured in todays post, she is all grown up, and Skeeter is a good friend from Georgia, she has been a loyal commenter in the garden since the beginning.

  16. Whoops! Missed it by that much!

  17. Hello Layanee,
    Got it all straight now? I had to laugh at the replies being so close Tina and Dawn… too funny…

    Glad you had fun today Tina and get that pool ready. It is hot enough to take a dip! Does BJ’s pool still have plants in it? If so, get them out, that boy will need some pool time after playing ball… LOL

    Saint is out watering his Japanese maples as I type...

    See y’all tomorrow!

  18. Funny you Skeeter asking of BJs pool. I noticed this morning there were tons of pollywogs in it! Full of tadpoles! Guess that is what I get for taking too long to refill it with clean water. My plants are still enjoying a bath though.

    I missed Dawn's comment, and I SWEAR we were not getting our stories straight but she said almost the same thing-especially about you. How funny indeedy...

  19. Layanee, I do not post but am a faithfull commentor and have to brag...I am Tina and Dawn's mother and I live in Harpswell, Maine. Must also say that you have great pics on your blog.

  20. Thanks everyone for the Happy Birthdays. More importantly though my younger cousin Terri-Lynn's daughter graduated from high school yesterday! We are sooo proud of her!
    Skeeter- I LOVE all the pictures of all the little guys that you get. Wish I had that much wild life in my 15x10 dirt yard! We did have a skunk last year...I was devastated...Bella (my baby dog) got sprayed. I cried. Right in her mouth and face, the smell was awful and lasted forever!

  21. Skunk! E-Gads, you can keep the skunk! That is one critter I might not welcome in the garden! LOL...
    Poor Bella puppy....

  22. I hate killing things and skunks are really cute from afar, but if I had a gun I would have killed the little turd right then and there...and cried and hated myself later for it. The dog suffered for hours with the burn and foaming from her mouth...I suffered ALOT longer with the stink!

  23. WOW! Babies everywhere! You are so lucky.

  24. Okay, LOL at that enthusiasm and glad to meet you all! I thought ChristineLynn was two people but then realized twin 2 was Liz! Where is Liz? You Southerners have great names (where does the name Skeeter come from)! Thanks for the explanation and glad someone (Tina, Mom of the twins?) is home from Iraq and that the hydrangea is blooming its' head off! Oh, and thanks to Jean for her clarification and compliments! Hope to hear from ya'll again! Still chuckling....

  25. Hi Layanee, Glad to see you back, we wouldn't want to run anyone one off. I am the mom of the twins. Liz doesn't read, though she gardens. I retired from the Army four years ago, now garden pretty much full time. I am originally from Maine, that is what attracted me to your blog way back when. The title ledges. We in Maine know this term well.

    Skeeter's name is a nickname, taken from that of her beloved orange kitty, Skeeter. For a long time I spoke to her on here and had no idea if she was a man or woman! No one else seemed to know either. lol You can gets lots of laughs here, chuckles count too...
