Friday, February 18, 2011

The Secret Patio After One Year

Secret Patio newly constructed February 2009 looking south toward the garage.
From In the Garden
I thought I might update everyone on my Secret Patio project from nearly two years ago. That original post talked of my building a circular brick patio made entirely from salvaged bricks I received from a fellow Freecycler.The patio was completed about this time in 2009 with the addition of a very large serviceberry tree. The first summer the patio gardens grew and did well. That was in 2009; which of course you all know we had a pretty good summer as far as rainfall. That was a big relief because it enabled all of the new plantings to settle in nicely which brings us to this past summer, the summer of 2010.

Secret Patio gardens looking west.
From In the Garden
These pictures were taken mid June 2010 and I tell you I just love how it all turned out. This is one garden I won't have to be moving any shrubs or trees-that's a first for me. The serviceberry (directly straight ahead on the other side of the chaise) has come along nicely and is doing well. I did not get a bloom from it last year though. I'm not sure why but hope this is a better year for both blooms and berries. The two 'Tamukeyama' Japanese maples I brought down from Maine in the back of a pick up truck provide a nice frame for the 'Royal Star' magnolia planted in the foregarden. Columbines, bleeding hearts, Solomon's Seal, a leucothoe 'Rainbow', a yellow twig dogwood, and miscellaneous other perennials round out the repertoire in these Secret Patio gardens. 

I call this area the 'Secret Patio' not only because it is tucked into the gardens and you can't even tell it is there until you get close to it, but also because it is in a convenient place for Mr. Fix-it to relax away from his GARAGE. He'll be doing a lot more relaxing because he is retiring from the Army very soon after a more than twenty year career.
Secret Patio looking south toward the garage.
From In the Garden
Now if I could only find the time to relax and enjoy the new sitting area....away from the GARDEN....

in the would be so sweet!

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden


  1. I love your secret patio and the gardens surrounding it. It looks like a lovely, serene place to relax and let the stresses of life flow away. Congrats to your DH's soon to be retirement.

    Happy Gardening and relaxing in that secret place.


  2. You've inspired me...I plan some hardscaping this year after we put a hottub in the back yard, and I'd love to do something like this nearby. Congrats to Mr. Fix-it on his soon to happen retirement--and you two take time to relax and enjoy your secret spot!

  3. Flowerlady, Thanks so much on hubby's retirement!

    Jodi, Ditto!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous! You need to make time to enjoy this special place you created :)

  5. It turned out beautiful Tina! So Mr Fixit is finally going to retire. He will have so much fun working in that garage on those cars and taking breaks in the secret patio. I love that furry help (1st pic) you get in the garden. I had some furry help myself yesterday with OJ digging in the garden with me. I had great progress in the garden! Yippee, spring is here and I am back at it girl. Early spring for sure but I will not put houseplants out nor will I plant anything other then seeds. This is just a wonderful warm snap of winter and I must remind myself of that. Phlox are blooming and trees budding in the garden and I am sure after this warm weekend, more stuff will be blooming….

    The Saint is off for the next 4 days and we have the log splitter scheduled to pick up this afternoon. It will be a long working weekend but hopefully, we can finally get all the darn trees off the ground….

    Everyone have a great Weekend!

  6. I do remember you doing this -- was the first time I had heard of Freecycle. I think your patio turned out very well. It is funny, we put these nice areas to sit and relax in our gardens....but when do we do that? hahaha Take time and enjoy!
    Retirement is wonderful.

  7. It looks great! I think everyone needs a place to get away form things sometime. Congrats on his upcoming retirement and thank him for his service!

  8. Cute ending on the post. It all filled in nicely and looks great. Is that BJ or CC in the first picture? Too far away with my old eyes to really tell.

  9. Christine, Hello and welcome! I am surely working on relaxing. One day...

    Skeeter, Furry friends indeed, if only I didn't have to worry on the mutt running away. I'll be thinking of you splitting logs-hope you get it all done!

    Janet, I can't believe it has been nearly two years! No big projects lately except for drainage pipes and privacy fences. Sigh, someday I'll relax-I swear! Hubby, he works all the time too so we'll see.

    Dave, I surely will thank him for you. He is thrilled to be out soon!

    Carla, I'm so looking forward to it. Jimmy will bring a guitar. Should he bring acoustic or electric? Maybe I'll let him decide. I'm sure he'll let Carson play too. He relates to musicians well. See ya tomorrow! Have fun at the Grand Ole Opry tonight!

    Mom, It's the old man. He is always close usually fighting off the evil dog called Lady. Poor Cece she just lays around inside. Doesn't like the outside anymore. She's my girl though. I think we are set for our visit to see you this summer. We are planning to go to Florida to get Uncle Rick. Can't wait and before we know it will be here! He's excited about your big party. Suppose you want some fireworks?

  10. your secret patio looks great! a perfect place to enjoy and relax

  11. Hi Tina,
    I love the space you created! I hope you find time to enjoy it. If you have a lap top computer, you could sit out there and blog. ;o)

    Today, I saw a mouse going back and forth between under our deck and to the bird seed I had put on the sidewalk in hopes of getting some bird photos. I have been thinking I'd like to take the deck down and put in a smaller patio of some kind, and then do some plantings around it, or else put in a small swing set. This really makes me want to do that. Plus, we have an opossum under there that causes us to have trouble getting Heidi in some nights. The area is not flat, though, so I'm not sure how much of the work we could do, and how much it would cost to hire someone to do it.

    Congratulations on your husband's retirement.

  12. It really turned out so nice! What a nice spot to relax in for Mr. Fix-it. I bet he's looking forward to spending more time with you and the family. Thank him from me for all the years he dedicated to our country.

  13. Wonderful place to sit and relax! Congrats to Roger on his upcoming retirement.

  14. Your secret garden turned out great. Mr Fix-it will have a nice place to relax, that's for sure.
    Thank him {and you} for the most appreciated service that makes for a most pleasant freedom. On his retirement the 2 of you can enjoy a much earned time of leisure together.

  15. I don't much like secrets but this one is really really nice. :)

  16. Yup, I am excited and the time will be here before you know it. I will see when it gets closer whe the time gets closer if I will need you to stop or not. I plan on making a couple of trips down before that but then I always plan on it but usually end up going the week before. I know you do not like the fireworks but it is out tradition to have them, so, sorry. Too many people plan on it to cancel it. Josh is looking forward to it.

  17. The secret patio area is beautiful! Mr. Fix-It is going to love it!

  18. That's pretty. Thanks for sharing.

  19. It looks like a relaxing spot! My Dad always teases me about all the seating in the garden that I never use. I hope you get some time to enjoy this.

  20. "Secret Garden" - what a wonderful idea and so well executed.

  21. I'd love a little brick patio somewhere, but I sure can't figure out where I would put one! But you sure have me thinking about freecycle. Hmmmm.

  22. Looks great Tina! Those bricks were quite a score!

  23. hi tina, it worked out great, i do love before and after pics. shame it's not a secret now (lol) cheers, cm

  24. Your secret patio looks like a beautiful place to visit!

  25. That really did turn out beautifully. Do you mean to tell me that chairs and benches in the garden are meant for sitting?!? They are not just decorative?!?

  26. What a wonderful patio! I love the secretness of it and that the bricks were free. Gorgeous serviceberry! I had take out two serviceberries this year after voles/moles ate their roots. Grrr!

  27. fer, Thanks! Occasionally I sit there. Not too often though.

    Hi Sue, I someday hope to get a laptop. It's kind of nice when I can use my son's-never had that feeling of sitting in my recliner and blogging. Must be nice!@ Change is always good. I hope you figure out what you wish to do with your deck. Myself, I love decks too!

    Catherine, I sure will and it is nice having around. Occasionally he has been helping me in the garden-with a big ole guilt trip of course:)

    Thanks Cameron! It is going to be sweet-we might be able to travel more now. I met a fellow NC blogger yesterday-Carla. We had a fantastic time! Hopefully next year if they have the Spring Fling in the southeast we can all hook up again.

    Lola, I sure will thank him for you. He'll appreciate all of the support. I hope he can relax here and we will enjoy it very much.

    Glad you like it Troutbirder! It is an 'open' secret now:)

    I was there a few years ago at your celebration Mom and had a great time! Fireworks are fine, I just don't like them for me. It will be great seeing Josh and everyone!

    Sweetbay, Thanks!

    Missy, Thanks!

    Rosey, Yes indeed-we simply must slow down and enjoy sitting-if only occasionally.

    Shyrlene, Hello and welcome all the way from Illinois! It's always a pleasure to meet a new blogger close to my gardening zone.

    Robin, It is hard to find spots but sometimes one is right in front of you-for me it takes a while to figure it out then it works well. I hope you can find a spot.

    Linda, Yes indeed! I've been a lucky gal with Freecycle-I'd sure like some more though.

    Catmint, Nope, no secret now:) Yes, before and after pictures can be so dramatic. I enjoy them very much too.

    Heather, Hello and welcome all the way from Canada! I'm hoping for a win on your Proven Winner give a way!

    Carolyn, Sometimes we gardener work too too hard and I know you are one who is guilty of this-you really must sit a bit and enjoy-if only for a few minutes:) Decorative chairs and benches are sweet too!

    TS, I totally sympathize you with those darned voles. I hate them! They do cause a lot of damage. So sorry they took out your service berries!

  28. Now your secret is exposed, we will all join you for a toast :) All looks grand. Enjoy!

  29. What a lovely place to sit and rest. I particularly love the view looking west. I'd forgotten how lovely your garden is - I've not seen pics of it for a while! Role on Spring and all those lovely Spring flowers.

  30. What a sweet little patio tucked away in the foliage. I love it and all your garden places make me want to walk through them.
