Friday, May 22, 2009

Mt. Airy Viburnum Revisited

The viburnums are a wonderful genus of flowering shrubs. One of my most favorite types is the 'Mt. Airy' cultivar of Viburnum dilatum. Can you see why? In my humble opinion there is no other viburnum that can compare except maybe the snowball types of viburnums (Chinese and Japanese). The shrub is simply glorious in full bloom.

I initially posted about the Mt. Airy way back in 2007, but wanted to update you all on its status. Mainly on the fact I got berries for the first time this past fall! Okay, so it wasn't very many but I did get berries! Why is this a big deal? Well viburnums are supposed to be monoceious (having both male and female flowers on one shrub) but do not often self pollinate themselves. It is recommended to have more than one cultivar of viburnums around to ensure good pollination. I did not have any compatible cultivars around this Mt. Airy last year and still I got a few berries. And they are pretty red berries too. The birds quickly devoured this berry.

I have since rectified the problem of cultivars near the Mt. Airy and now have a: Doublefile Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum),
Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum 'Summer Snowflake', an 'Emerald Triumph' hybrid viburnum, and finally, a Korean Spice viburnum (Viburnum carlesii). I hope all of these will provide just the right touch to ensure I have extra good pollination this year. Some are still in bloom, some have gone by but hopefully the pollen floated to the Mt. Airy!

The flowers of the Mt. Airy don't smell too particularly good. The smell is not sweet but not quite unpleasant either. It is the most uniquely smelling flower I have ever smelled. It is extremely hard for me to put a name to the fragrance, just one of those indescribable scents. Does anyone grow the Mt. Airy who can help me describe the fragrance?

The Mt. Airy is quite easy to grow. Mine traveled quite a bit before it finally grew too big for me to move. It seems happy now too! It is approximately 12-15 feet tall and a good 10-12 feet wide. It has stayed fairly stable the last two years or so with more growth coming in the form of clumping stems. I am glad because this viburnum is really big and I'd rather it not get too much larger.

I have found Mt. Airy grows in partial shade with no problems. It takes regular moisture but does not suffer unduly from drought conditions. The
fall color is outstanding and the multiple stems provide excellent winter interest, as well as a good habitat for birds.

This viburnum did have a slight problem with tent caterpillars last year. I simply cut the branch out and disposed of the pests, branch and all. No more problems have surfaced.
Can you just imagine bright red berries where all those beautiful flowers are located? I can, so I am dreaming of Mt. Airy....

in the garden....


  1. The birds get to my honeysuckle before anyone else, I get a breif glimspe. Only red berries on my holly. They are great to have, they stand out so well.

  2. Tina,

    I've never been a big fan of Viburnums but this one really gives a fabulous show indeed. In our garden we like to have plants that attract butterflies hence the reason for not being a Viburnum fan.

  3. Hello there Tina !
    I can't think of my viburnum's name right now but it is a plain yet pretty one .. the flowers remind me of Queen Anne's Lace .. these shrubs/trees are very tolerant of bad conditions so I am happy to have this one fill an awkward space : )

  4. It's going to be beautiful will all those red berries! Why don't butterflies like Viburnum? If that cute little gate was at our house it would have an arbor over it, but then again, I would probably make them everywhere. Jamies says I can't have anymore arbors or trellises right now. :-(--Randy

  5. Morning all!

    Dawn, berries are wonderful in the garden for sure! I wish I had some holly berries, none here though. Our honeysuckle is going full tilt.

    Randy, Do you know why the butterflies are not attracted to viburnums? It is true I've not noticed any butterflies on my shrubs, but the birds do love the berries.

    Joy, That is one of the best features of viburnums. Easy to grow and not picky at all! My kind of plant. If you find the name let me know.

    Jamie and Randy, I am not sure why butterflies don't migrate to the viburnums. Perhaps they have another type of pollinator, the wind or flies? But the bush is wonderful regardless and birds like the berries. You know, that gate had an arbor. It had a grape vine on it but the area was just too shaded so I moved the arbor to the other side of the house. Now clematis reside there. I love arbors but just not sure what kind would work here. Any suggestions?

  6. Hi Tina, I've never met a viburnum I didn't like. I don't grow Mt. Airy but have three others and I keep looking at Blue Muffin;) Yours certainly covers itself with bloom. It's lovely.

  7. Tina that is an exquisite plant. It surely is pretty with all those flowers. The berries must be something else before the birds get them. Winter interest for sure.

  8. I need this huge beautiful thing on the west side of my house to absorb the construction noise.

  9. Very pretty! I can see why you like it. It does have a nice shape to it too. I have summer snowflake just starting to bloom here.

  10. It looks like a show stopper to me and WOW, you HAVE to show us the berries when they come out.

    Got 5 more rows planted in the garden yesterday....another row of peas, brussels sprouts, 2 types of cabbage and celery. Christy made the rows and I planted. Then Christy, Jay and I weeded the flower garden and Christy planted 4 plants that I got at Lowes last week and I planted 3 Dahlias. Christy and I each had a visit from our first tic of the season.:(
    My honeysuckles are ready to pop out with fresh blooms anyday now, as are the lilacs. I could not resist and brought some lilacs in yesterday to force them open. Wish you were here Anonymous!

    Today I need to hang a very pretty 4 piece owl on a tree to watch over my garden. I have a very pretty white birch picked to hang it on. It will show up so nice and I have always loved owls, and have collect many over the years. This one is special as it came in the mail from a sweet lady in FL. Yup, sweet Lola!!!! I will think of you everytime I am in the garden Lola. Thank you, thank you, thank you so very much.

  11. Wonderful, beautiful shrubs. I miss not having them here (too hot in the sun). Lovely photos.


  12. Hi Tina, You know my heart belongs to Rusty (V rufidulium)...a native here in our part of the garden! I do see plenty of nectar collecting bees on the flowers when it blooms. But I will say this is a pretty flowered shrub with nice fall color;-) gail

  13. I've never had viburnum. I guess I need to get more shrubs and quit buying flowers. I'm working on it! Very nice.

  14. Such a beauty and I see them here. I have the snowball and love it but it grows really quickly and was planted in the wrong spot by the previous homeowners. So we must get out the ladder and snip it twice a year to keep it in line.

    The links are working differently now. What’s with that? I had to solve the puzzle on that one...

    4-day weekend for the Saint and we plan a lake trip but weather may not be in our favor... :-(

  15. I wonder if that's what is growing wild around here, a type of viburnum?

  16. That is one huge & beautiful specimen plant Tina! I don't know what to tell you about the berries, since this fall coming up will be the true test if my produce adequately. They were filled with berries when I purchased them last fall.

  17. I agree with Marnie ~ I've never met a Viburnum I didn't like. They are all magnificent in my book. I have several solitary specimens then a whole hedge of another whose name I don't remember. I hope yours is covered in red berries like you envision. The birds will eat it up!

  18. I too love viburnums. Mt Airy is pretty indeed. I have a fragrant early, pink-flowering one, whose cultivar I don't recall, which is my favorite.

  19. You are welcomed, Jean. I hope you enjoy.
    I pictured the North woods, the rocky seashore, & a lovely lady living amongst all that splendor.

  20. I'm still a little confused by the male/female pollination rules. Hopefully it's not as complicated as human sexuality.

  21. Great post! I didn't realize you should plant 2 viburnums like you would with a holly. I was going to get one but now I'll 2. -Jackie

  22. Sounds like a wonderful plant! A good one to add to the garden. I didn't realize that butterflies had an aversion to Viburnums.

  23. That would be a fabulous shrub covered in red berries. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  24. Oh Jean --I totally envy your lilacs right now:) My aunt in PA had her lilacs hit with rain and frost last week:( I can smell them just by thinking of them:0) And, those honeysuckle really are delightful --
    Hi Lola --I'm glad that you are getting a bit of rest from your yard work --is it still raining?

    It was very nice today - a bit humid but I expect that this time of year. I still have lots of weeds to pull --they will come out sometime this summer:) hehehe

    Skeeter --I hope you can get out for a little boat time. So hard to believe one year it's dry as a bone and the next lots of rain.

    Tina, I'm sure you are as busy as a bee with all the nice weather we are having.
    My red beauty is fixed and back up and running --Boy 1 sure gave it a workout --didn't treat it as gentle as me, lol. It's his chance at driving --he made our backyard look like the golf course -but it is starting to come back to it's old self. (Just visualize shapes and a young teen having the time of his life driving). This will be a long summer if I don't get back out there soon, hahaha. Have a great night and weekend everyone! Ciao

  25. Hi everyone, Yup, long day going here there and everywhere and busy with hubby back home.

    I am not so sure if butterflies have an aversion to viburnums, but I just haven't noticed any near these flowers or actually any of the viburnums. Definitely haven't seen caterpillars on them but I will watch.

    Lola, Mom, and Anonymous, So glad you guys are all chit chatting! I know that owl looks great and so nice of you to send it Lola! Anonymous, don't you worry, weeds will be there. Yup on the teenager. Dad has let the Jimster practice and can we just say ear to ear smiles for days? I know Boy 1 is the same way! Hard to believe but every now and then I remember back to when I was a teen-as I am sure we all do.

    Everyone please have a great Memorial Day weekend. Jazz on the Lawn starts tomorrow and we here are looking for some relaxing. Take care.

  26. Thanks for the recommendations, Tina! I've been wanting to plant a viburnum for awhile; looks like now it will have to wait until fall. I've been eyeing one called "Cardinal Candy." I wonder if anyone else has planted this cultivar?

  27. Good morning Rose, I think Frances has this and one of my friends here has one (Nina). In fact, there are several who have Cardinal Candy (don't know all) and I think they like it. Again, it might help with fruiting to have a compatible viburnum close by. I think Frances planted 'Winterthur' with hers (not entirely sure). Cardinal Candy will get big too, but maybe not as big as Mt. Airy. Cardinal Candy has blue/black berries.

  28. Can you believe I've never grown a viburnum of any kind before? Must be rectified!
