![Fall Plant Sale Sign [Converted]](http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6061/6110326844_54f0d46cd1_z.jpg)
See you there....
in the garden....
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden
Our ground has had 4 inches of rain in the past week so I am sure the ground is soft enough for me to now dig. I will have a BUSY WEEK AHEAD, In the Garden...
Note: The next Public sale of McCorkles Nursery will be June 14-16, 2012.
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden
Above, you see the Black Elephant Ear thriving in the spot I chose for its new home. Next to the Air Conditioner Unit for free watering during the hot, drought summer we had...Other happy plants from this awesome sale were the fringe plant's and,
The 3 Rose of Sharon's just to name a few. I shall show you more in time.
This Red Rooster Crepe Myrtle is healthy but not so large right now.
Branches and Blooms keep falling off the Myrtle. What is causing this you ask?
Well, this little toot of course! Grrrrrrrrrr...
Due to the extreme heat, drought condition and hard ground, I have yet to plant 6 Monkey Grasses, a Rose Bush, a Canna and...
This flat of Ivy. They will find their homes in my garden once we have rain and the ground softens up a bit. Thank goodness the extreme heat is gone.
Anyway, even though I have yet to get these items into the ground, I am headed to MCCORKLES NURSERY FALL SALE, In the Garden...
NOTE: For anyone in the Georgia area looking for super bargains, get to the Nursery this weekend!
McCorkles Nursery Fall Sale 2011
Friday Sept.23 from 8:00-5:00
Saturday Sept. 24 from 8:00-3:00.
Bring a wagon to assist your haul to your truck!
McCorkles Nursery Info Click HERE.
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden