This nest was found in the driveway island Belle. Notice how full it is of white fluffy stuff? That is a funny story. I set small pine trees on the porch as a winter decoration. Since we don't see snow in the Deep South, I place fake snow (pillow stuffing) under the trees for that cozy winter snow look.
The squirrels steal the snow and take it high into the trees and make nice warm pillows for their nest. Just look at that brave squirrel on my front porch stealing snow! 
In time, the fake snow falls from the trees with the blowing winds. The birds find the snow on the ground and use it for pillows in their nests!
Here is another such nest in the Belle in the front yard.
When we had storm damage to the Belle by the house, we had to prune some of her branches. I carefully took the nest out of the tree for a good picture for you to see how soft that bed must be for babies. The Mocking birds never had babies in this nest as something took the eggs. I am guessing the crow I saw nearby. Argggg...
After I snapped the picture, I placed the nest on the ground at the bottom of a tree. Now look what happened within two days. Every bit of snow was gone with nothing left but the twigs! I can only assume the squirrels took the fluffy stuff back up the tree for another soft pillow. Recycling at its best! The critters in the yard are real funny at times and they do amuse me.
Our Southern Belles were gracious this year in providing lots of SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY to their guest, In the Garden...