Is it fall or what? Actually this film was taken on July 28 so the leaves have been falling for a while now.
I do not know much about tree types but I believe this tree to be some type of Elm. Does anyone know if it is an Elm? I really should study up on trees.
This pitiful tree has been dropping its leaves for some time now and is starting to really become bare. Some of the leaves are turning yellow and falling while some remain on the branches and turn to brown.
The yellow and brown leaves are starting to litter the ground reminding me that Leaf Blowing, Raking and Mulching season is right around the corner. 
The landscaped areas are littered with speckles of yellow! Arggg, it is not Fall time yet Mr. Tree so why are you dropping your leaves? I can sum that up in one word. DROUGHT. 
The Georgia drought is starting to take its toll on us. Just look at that once beautiful Garden Princess Dahlia to the left. All that remains of her today can be seen in the twig of a picture to the right! Yep, lost the second of two beautiful Princess's! How sad for me. Sniff Sniff...
Just look, Even poor Elvis is trying to leave the building! I am about to loose 3 Lobelia as well. Such a sad time for me...
It never ceases to amaze me how some things can thrive as others slowly succumb to a drought. Look at the surprise I had in the flower garden this morning! Okay Tina, this is one of the tiny seeds you passed along to me. What do I call this pretty lady?
Compare the bloom size to the Periwinkle blooms.
She is a big gal and so bright white that she just glowed at me upon entering the garden!
Yum, look at all that pollen just waiting for a bee or butterfly to drop in for a snack!
Isn't this trumpet shaped lady a beauty? A nice surprise for me indeed...
Even though it is looking like IT IS ALREADY FALL, In the Garden, I assure you, it is not!
Your tree does not look like an elm tree to me. And you are right: when the drought gets severe many trees begin to loose some of their leaves. They do this to decrease guttation (reduce the evaporation from the leafedges). Strange to see your dahlia in such poor shape, they should bloom almost continously until the frost gets them.
ReplyDeleteNiels, I wonder about the tree type.??. Hum, maybe someone will ID it for us...
ReplyDeleteSo many young trees are dying all over town in landscaped yard, business, woods, etc. It is so sad to see that happening when there is nothing we can do.
The poor dahlia is nothing more then a stick. Was too hot and dry when I planted it this year. I may try again next year because she was a beauty...
Good morning. So sad to see leaves fall so early and in such a state of distress! I agree with Niels, probably not an elm, maybe a wild cherry. Bring a leaf next time you come or email me a close up of the leaf with branch and trunk and I might be able to positively id it. Poor dahlia. They do need a lot of water to look best. The white flower is commonly known as moonflower or Night blooming Jimsonweed. It will go and go and go and will self seed for next year-but not to a fault. I love these guys! They smell heavenly and I am so happy you have one! They need lots of sun but not picky about water at all. Tropical plants really. The seedpods are very cool. How did you get it to grow? Start inside? Usually they have to sprout on their own and I just sprinkle seeds over the ground. Geri gave me a few seedlings last year and I always wondered how I gardened without it. You'll have more next year too. ttyl
ReplyDeleteForgot to say, don't worry about the hosta. By this time of year they often look a bit ratty. It will come back great next year and maybe you'll get some rain-finally!
ReplyDeleteHey my house this morning, it was 58 degrees! Ohhh, I was lovin it. The drought has done lots of damage in my yard as well, and since we live so close to the lake you wouldn't think the water would be such an issue for us but if you are caught doing ANY outside watering here it is an automatic $5,000 fine. No questions asked. They have even shut down several car washes and stuff like that. It doesn't seem as bad this year to me as it was last year though. Last year the lake got down to 28 feet below normal, all the boat ramps and camp sites were closed by this time.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with the others Skeeter, drought has that effect on trees. They should be okay next spring, they are just conserving their energy. My dahlias didn't do well either this year, but that is because I kept forgeting to give them extra drinks. They requires lots of moisture! Don't know what kind of tree that is, sorry. Oh and the hostas will come back next year fine, mine always start looking ratty this time of year especially with the lack of rain.
ReplyDeleteSkeeter, I can't get to the clip, (getting rr in a week, yah,yah)But I agree with Tina, it looks to be a wild cherry, if it's normal for the leaves to drop. I have two pin cherries we try to train, the bloom white in the spring. They are loosing their leaves now and I ALWAYS say....not long for fall.
ReplyDeleteSorry you all are droughting. We had evacuations yesterday and almost a shut down of Freeport due to flash floods and road washouts. The left side of Maine and New Hampshire was under a flood advisory all day. Gloomy and dry today, but rain for the rest of the week. Unusal August, What happened to the dog days!?!
ReplyDeleteI had a tag in the ground in that area and wondered if it was the Jimsonweed. It is a wonder it grew, the Saint stepped on it several times during its beginning. It is beautiful and I have two but the second one has not bloomed as of yet. I started it in the house a long time ago and they were not taking well. I finally put them in the ground once warm enough and they just kind of sat there doing nothing. Most of them died but these two survived. I sprinkled the remaining seeds in the area and it looks as though none of them took but you must have water to germinate so no wonder. Finally the two started to grow on me and just look at that beautiful bloom! I hope for more next year.
This tree does not bloom in the spring so could it still be a cherry?
The other hosta I kept in a pot is still looking beautiful. I will still dig them out because the Voles will get the bulbs this winter if I don’t take them out of the ground...
Hey Jilly,
our temp was reading 71 this morning so we did not get that yummy cold air you had but you are a bit in the mountains so to be expected I reckon. They were calling for 65 but no such luck. It is a nice mild day and beautiful though. No humidity at all and light breeze. So we are headed to the yard for a full afternoon of chores.
We can still water 3 times per week and all car washes still open for now but if this continues, things will become stricter around here. Our lake is huge being the largest manmade east of the Mississippi at 75,000 acres. It has depths of close to 200 feet so pretty big lake. It is now 13 feet below normal and falling. Rain has been going all around us this summer but WE cant seem to get enough to keep things healthy. arggggg.. Most ramps are closed at the lake but our county ramp was extended last year because they have a huge ESPN BASS tourney that brings in lots of people with money to spend so was worth it to spend the money. Part of Sonny's Fish Georgia Campaign paid for it. Once on the lake, we must be very careful though...
Perennial G,
I had the dahlia's planted in an area with some clay dirt and I know I did not give them proper watering as I should have. I did the best I could though watering every day, I guess the clay did not allow the water to penetrate. The only thing that seems to do well in that clay soil area is the Brown Eyed Susan’s. They never need water but this year they look horrible with a disease or something. I think this fall I may make a raised bed in that area and hopefully, I will have better luck next year...
I wish you would send us some of your rain. We dont want washouts just some water please! Mother Nature sure is acting a bit mean this year. No rain here, too much there, fires in CA, etc. This tree does not bloom any blossoms at all in the spring. Sorry you cant get the clip, it is leaves falling from the tree with the wind blowing. No talking on my part this time. Tee hee...
Saint and I have a long list to start making off so off to the yard I go....
Skeeter, it looks like it could be an elm, but it's hard to tell, as I can't enlarge the photos. Since there's more than one kind of elm, there are variations in leaf shape and size. Elms I'm familiar with drop small, roundish paper-like sheathed seeds that sprout baby trees all over the place.
ReplyDeleteIn my last house I had elms that started dropping their leaves early, the first year in August, the second year in July, and the third year in June, not long after they'd leafed out. Unfortunately, Dutch Elm Disease was the culprit, and I had to have those stately trees taken down in an effort to protect the few others remaining in the neighborhood.
If your tree is an elm, I hope it's just the drought causing it to lose its leaves early, and not the dreaded Dutch Elm Disease.
Hi Skeeter, I am so glad the jimsonweed grew. Those seeds may continue to sprout for awhile. Geri tells me you never know where they will grow. The hotter and the sunnier the better. Still don't know what kind of tree you have there. Hmmm...
ReplyDeleteThings in a garden are always changing, some for the good, some for the bad. I guess we just have to roll with the punches. My Lantana, of all things, is looking a little bit tired. My Sunflowers are not so sunny and my poor gardenia is trying to comitt sucicide in spite of my love. Oh well, hope spring anew each Spring.
ReplyDeleteHi Skeeter, don't know what kind of tree you have. Looks like a cherry of sorts. Your hosta will be fine but if you have voles I would take it up also. I don't have that problem down here thank goodness.
ReplyDeleteSorry you haven't gotten any rain yet. We got a few days of it--enough to lay in ditches for a couple days. But now it is very dry again. The plants in pots are for the worse.
I will have to watch them better. I got my Sky Pencil Holly yesterday. I put it in a pot today but to my surprise there were 2 of them with the same massive root system so I just cut them apart. So now I have 2 plants. Hope I didn't do wrong.
Excuse me everyone. I forgot to say "HI" to all my cyber buddies. I truly hope you all have a wonderful night.
ReplyDeleteI understand your concern about your tree; judging from the others' comments, this may be a natural response to the drought and it will be fine next year. I'm no tree expert, but established trees seem to be able to withstand cycles of drought or flooding.
ReplyDeleteI have had the opposite problem this year. We have had too much rain at times which has caused problems for some plants--my tomato vines are beginning to wilt, probably from extremes in watering.
Hi Tina, Skeeter, Lola, Dawn and Nina!!! I am so excited to tell you all that Sidekicks watermelon recovered from the house being pressure washed --we had the plants close to the house for him to watch them grow and water them of his watermelons is at least football size now:) He is so excited and can't wait to eat it --he told me he would share it with me. I'm so happy it rebounded and produced such a nice size watermelon. Now, he might want to plant more things in the garden since he had such a productive first time:) Skeeter, last year my trees dropped leaves like crazy out here --we were under drought conditions. I hope it's just the weather and not fall, that is causing the premature dropping of the leaves --I'm not ready to give up swimming and warmth for fireplace ashes and warm heavy sweaters just yet, lol.
ReplyDeleteJean --oh Jean where are you?? If your getting some rain --can you send it down our way:) My rose of sharon are looking thirsty tonight and naughty me didn't water them:( Had alot going on --I'll have to get them in the morning.
ReplyDeleteThat is a nice Datura (Jimsonweed), I have grown it in the past as an annual in my neck of the woods. I am currently growing a Brugmansia which is a relative of this plant, one with a peach coloured flower. You should look up this plant and maybe give it a try. They get rather large, with a similar flower to your datura but the flowers hang down.
ReplyDeleteIt over winters in the basement, I just pull the pot in, stop watering and let it go dormant. I will sparingly water it over the winter if the main stem starts to wrinkle. Asides from that it just sits leafless in the dark until spring. It may over winter outside in your area through.
I will post photo's of it on my blog on the next garden bloggers bloom day, Aug 15th.
Sorry about your lack of rain Skeeter. All I can say is I know how you feel. We haven't had a significant rain in at least two weeks here in our town. It could be a cherry. Can you add a close-up picture of the leaf? Does it produce any kind of fruit or seed?
ReplyDeleteGarden Girl, I hope it is not a disease but it could be as lots of trees in the woods surrounding us are in bad shape. Way too many trees and too close together. They should have been thinned out years ago but were left to nature. So we will leave to nature as well. This tree is also bending over really badly so if we should have ice this winter, which is rare but has happened to us while living here, we will loose this tree.
ReplyDeleteTina, I do hope it returns next year. It is so pretty but the bloom has wilted on me. I may have given it too much water. As soon as I spotted the beautiful bloom, I watered it thinking I did not want to loose the plant to the drought. I should have known if the thing bloomed it was doing fine. lol... I guess I panic a bit.
Eve, the entire yard has been a trying time for us this year. Too much rain in the winter and just before spring, then no rain from spring on. What a sad time in the yard this year. My Lantana looks great so that one is a winner. I laugh and say I am going to take everything out and plant only periwinkle, lantana and verbena as their blooms go on forever! lol
Lola, two for the price of one! What a deal. I hope it they will be fine but with a little TLC I am sure they will be okay... We had a sprinkle tonight when they were not calling for it. All that did was get our clean car all spotted. Argggg...
Rose I do hope the tree will be okay, it is hanging over a fence and I dont want to deal with that if the thing decides to fall. ARgg. My veggies have had a tough year also. No rain and probably too much tap water from me! But we are harvesting a few things so not a total loss...
Anonymous, I am so excited that Sidekicks watermelon survived! That is awesome! I am also glad he will share it with you. lol. Does this type have seeds? If so the kiddoes can have a seed spitting contest! Winner gets a ball of rubberbands! ROFLOL....
We had a full day today. Took a load of stuff to Goodwill drop off then out to breakfast before our big day in the yard.
We gave Miss Myrtle and her sister big time hair cuts! I hope the big deep pink one will make a great comeback next year. I may have to talk about her again as we did a major job on her today. Pruned the Snowball bush and then had to stop and take a shower! The powder on the bush started to burn our skin. Ouch! We showered then back to the yard with wet hair. We played pick-up sticks with fallen limbs for 6 red rider wagon loads! We did not get around the driveway and up to street as we ran out of steam. So more pick up sticks play in the future! Lol Our humidity was gone but the temp was 94 and the sun took it out of us. I then pulled the hose out and the Saint removed all the compost out of the area and put a bit at a time back in place as I watered it down really well, then added another layer and I watered and so on. She is now ready to do more cooking. Breaking down nicely and looking good! Then I dragged the hose around and watered every single plant in the entire yard! Also cleaned out the birdhouse from the third brood of Bluebirds. This time we had three babies fledge and two eggs stayed in nest. This all took us until 6:00 and we did not come close to completing our list of To-Do's for the day. I was too tired to cook dinner so we showered and ran up the road to eat a salad. We ran into a co-worker of the Saints and sat with them and enjoyed their chit chat... A neighbor up the street wanted our expert (LOL) advice on removing a tree from his yard so we ran up there to check things out and ended up touring his new home and seeing all the renovations they are making and we just chit chat away and just now getting back home and it is 11:20 and time for me to say goodnight! Hopefully we will get the boat on the lake tomorrow for some relaxation....
Wow, what a day!
Ops, two more pop ins and this late at night.... We’re hour ahead in GA….
ReplyDeleteDan, I will be looking for the Brugmansia on the GBBD posting! That is great it over winters for you... We dont have a basement though and our crawl space is truly a CRAWL space... LOL
Dave, I will try to get a close up shot of the leaf... The limbs are way high up but if I can spot a good specimen leaf on the ground, I will go for it... Tomorrow though, too dark tonight… lol…
One more thing then I AM off to bed! lol...
ReplyDeleteTina, guess what we found in the compost? A tiny egg but I did not pinch it and am sure it is one of the lizard eggs you showed us a while back! We snapped a pic but I have not downloaded it yet to see if it is a good shot. I knew what it was a soon as I spotted the tiny thing! I was like, hey a lizard egg like Tina showed us on the Blog! Too cool. I carefully put it under some dry stuff. I was afraid the wet compost would cool down the incubation process…. I see a big blue tail in that area often so it may be from that one…
I told the Saint I bet that is the size of a Hummingbird egg!
Anonymous, so glad the sidekicks watermelon is doing good. That reminds of my GGS first corn crop. Maybe he will keep an interest in "farming".
ReplyDeleteSkeeter, I think the leaf drop is due to drought as my brother has some trees that are doing the same thing. He lives a couple hrs. from Atlanta. They are in a drought & water restrictions. So I think {hope} that your problem will hopefully be corrected if you could just get enough rain.
Nighty Night.
I guess I went to bed too early as there are tons more comments on here. Movie night for us as the Jimster HAD to insist we watch a pay on demand movie he loves. "Stay Alive", pretty good movie, imagine horror with gaming. Skeeter, I hope you have a great day resting today and that is great you found a lizard egg. Good not to pinch it! lol
ReplyDeleteDan, I grow brugmansias and I heard of a new way to overwinter them so hopefully you don't have to dig. Not sure of your zone but I am 6/7. A local grower places a 40+ pound bag of compost or potting soil (still in bag) over the root ball once it has been cut in fall, then mulches heavily. He swears by it. I am going to try. I lost a huge one this past year when I left it out. Thank goodness I had another under the house. Good luck!
Hey everyone!
Hi Skeeter, your datura is one of the hardiest of that clan, and can over winter where you are with a little extra help. Our neighbor has gigantic brugmansias, not as hardy as your datura, that he covers with a wire circle about three feet tall filled with leaves in the fall. He adds leaves as they break down to keep the cages filled and waits until the last frost is absolutely past before freeing them in the spring. Good luck with yours and so sad about your tree. Our birches are losing their leaves as is the Yoshino cherry, but both of those are always early in the leaf change/drop. The drought seems worse now than ever. our ground is cracking more each day. Come on rain gods, wake up and give us some relief, please.
ReplyDeleteI know the leave drop is from the drought. I see trees dead all over town. It is horrible to see this happen while knowing there is nothing we can do....
ReplyDeleteFrances, I hope I can get the pretty one to return next year. She sure was a beauty! I have a second one and am waiting to see is she will bloom also.... fingers crossed here...
Skeeter, I think that tree might be an ash?
ReplyDeleteIf I dont "forget" I will snap some close-up shots tomorrow, especially since this seems to be such a mystery tree…