The tree itself seem to be a mystery tree as no one could identify it. I was taking a stab and calling it an Elm of some sort but others debated that guess. So I snapped some more pictures so as to get a better peek of our mystery tree.
Winged elm (Ulmus alata), also called corked elm or wahoo elm, can be distinguished from other elms by the woody, wing-like growths along the branchlets.
A Google search reveals, The wood is very flexible and springy but is also hard and resists splitting. It is categorized as a rock elm or hard elm and is used in flooring, boxes, crates, furniture, rocking chairs or curved pieces and is the wood of choice for hockey sticks, due to its resistance to splitting. The fibrous inner bark is used to make baling twine.
Winged elm is a native species, found throughout the southeastern corner of the United States, from southern Virginia, west to the Ohio valley and Texas, and south into Florida.
There sure was a beautiful blue sky the day I was trying to NAME THAT TREE, In the Garden...
Nope! Not me-learned something new today. That is pretty cool!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the lesson --as you all know I learn from your posts, lol. Now, if I remember the name then I am really doing good. I can't wait to see the frog picture --we certainly did have alot of lil froggies yesterday. The weather was perfect --not too hot and not at all cool --hubby even took the kids back out to swim last night --they wanted to swim with the deck lights on --what a sight I tell you, rofl. They all slept really well last night --Sidekick fell asleep as soon as his little head touched the pillow, heheh. Have a great day --off to church in a few.
ReplyDeleteohhh, I have a couple of those in my woods here.
ReplyDeleteNope I did'nt know it. Very neat and lucky you. Good job in figuring it all out. I thought the leaves looked too small but the bark gave it away.
ReplyDeleteGood morning everyone! I woke up without that stinking headache so starting out to be a nice day!
ReplyDeleteI have already read our local paper, made the Saint breakfast and now we are headed out to play pick-up sticks! I hope no cute fawn will stop that chore as it badly needs to take place. Oh, the neighbors downed tree (that took out our fence), is still laying on the kids trampolines! He is so not into caring about how his yard looks or that his poor kids cant play on the tramps...
I thought that maybe some of you may not know what this tree was since it is not in the TN area but thought that maybe some of you northern people may know of it due to the hockey sticks... Anyway, it was fun to discover this mystery tree.... I will probably not remember the winged part but will remember its an Elm…..
Anonymous, the camera is still downstairs; I will get it up here at some point and pass along the frog pics. He is a pretty awesome looking dude....
Off to the yard for fun, argggg...
Thanks for the info on this tree. I didn't have a clue what it was Skeeter, to be honest with you. I will have to keep an eye out in my area though and see if it grows here too. I'm in Virginia, but not necessarily southern VA.
ReplyDeleteSo lucky, hope it's not getting the Elm desease, I thought the leaf looked like my beech.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting. What a good lesson on a neat looking tree. I'm glad you figured it out.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on solving your mystery! I have several trees in my yard that I'm still trying to identify. I found that just looking at the leaves isn't enough, just as you figured out the answer from looking at the twigs. So, do you have any hockey players in your family?
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you figured this out Skeeter. I thought it was an Elm but had no clue as to what kind. I've seen this tree several times but for the life of me I can't remember where unless it was the Elm we had in the front yard at the old place. I had ordered it & planted when it was very young. That was almost 30 yrs. ago. Time, where did it go? I remember breaking the wings off some fallen branches thinking it was some kind of disease. I also had brought trees back from Tn. & N.C. & planted them in the yard. Trying to make it as much Tn. as I could. Sadly not the same.
ReplyDeletePerennial G, you may have them in your area but not sure about that. The info I found on their range was pretty vague.. sigh...
ReplyDeleteDawn, I dont believe it has elm disease but it is bending over and at some point, I do fear it will snap to the ground. But since they said it is bendable, it may take something like ice to snap it. Ice is something rare for here but has happened in our 8 years of GA living....
Cindy, It was a bit of a challenge to ID it but the twigs was the major clue for me....
Rose, No hockey players in my family. LOL. I have two tree books but still cannot ID half the trees in our yard! I have about 5 different bird books and have to refer to several of them to ID a bird at times. lol. If only they made one big book with all the details!
I am waiting my turn to shower. Just got off the red rider. I mowed the entry way to our street and the county way to our property line. This time I weed whacked and blew up the mess as well so a big job. Saint played pick-up sticks all by himself. While on my red rider, I went ahead and mowed the yard again also. It grows so quickly when we have a bit of rain and it loves the heat so green and lush again! That is the beauty of St. Augustine grass; it will turn green even during a drought with only a bit of water. Wow, my arms are so, so time to shower and rest a bit with my kitty cats at my side....
Lola, you sneaked in on me when I commented. lol... I am not sure the Winged Elm grows in TN as the book kind of says not. But I do recall seeing them or something similar to them in TN as a child also. I remember the winged bark on the limbs. Maybe there is another tree or bush that has this winged characteristic...
ReplyDeleteI wish I could get back to TN to Lola. I would give this all up in a heartbeat to be back with my family... sniff sniff....
Time to shower now, I stink! lol
ReplyDeleteHi! I don't have a tree id book but I use an online What tree is this id site...great fun! I do like knowing what's in the garden and yard! Have a great week!
Gail, the books never seem to have enough detail because they are small pocket size books for easy carrying in the woods. lol. I have so many pockets sized books on everything from birds to reptiles! Fun to ID something though....
ReplyDeleteSaint made homemade tamales today and they were so good, I ate way too many! Reckon I better do a bit more walking on the treadmill, tomorrow!
Lola, I just watched the weather and they are predicting that Fay will come right over the top of us! I believe she will be a bit west of you but so close you will get her wrath as well..... As of today, they are predicting any where from 4-10 inches of rainfall...
ReplyDeleteThings with the storm are subject to change but we have plenty of food, gas bottles for cooker, bottled water and I will fill the bathtub with water as she gets closer! We will try to be prepared….
We had a good shower (1/4 inch) this afternoon so the yard and gardens are finally happy again with these wonderful rain falls the past week...
HI Skeeter, I am so glad you were able to ID your try. The twigs are cool and that big vine on the smaller tree next to it it very mysterious! I am waiting to read the post about it.
ReplyDeleteLooking a little closer sure helped! Those winged branches are so distinctive. That's a good feature to look for on a plant. I'm glad you figured it out, I was still thinking it was a wild cherry until I saw the bark.
ReplyDeleteSkeeter do you remember a tree in Tn. that had leaves that looked similar to those of the Elm. It also had small triangle nuts. For the life of me I can't remember the name of the tree but seems I remember that it had wings on the limbs too. Will have to figure that one out.
ReplyDeleteFrances, I am so not sure about the vine! lol. It goes way up into the Elm and twist but I have no idea what it could be... Another mystery maybe for the winter to solve so I can see it better....
ReplyDeleteDave, several people thought it was a cherry but I figured it was not because it does not have blossoms in the spring and I think all Cherries have blossoms...?...
Lola, I am not sure but I do remember seeing this winged shaped limbs in the past, I just know I have seen them and think maybe as a child in Tennessee. So maybe there is something else out there similar... I will look through my books to see if I can spot something else with winged limbs...
Good night all…
Lola, In my tree book, I find 3 elms in the TN region. The American Elm, Slippery Elm and the Winged Elm. Each of these elms has different type seeds but none of them have the funny winged branches but the Winged elm. So I am not sure what you and I recall seeing in TN with a winged branch! Maybe some sort of bush. All the leaves of these maples are similar in appearance.
ReplyDeleteThere is also a Rock Elm and Cedar Elm but they are in the northern part of the US...
Skeeter, check out the vine. I think it may be what we use to call a wild grape vine. We use to swing on them as kids. Sure was fun.
ReplyDeleteThat’s what I am thinking too Lola. I dont see any leaves on it. My brother broke his ankle at about 13 swinging on one of those vines! There are several in the woods behind us…