It is that time of the year when everything in the garden must be cleaned up in anticipation for spring time flowers and new growth. To say I have been busy is an understatement because this spring came upon me a little too fast and the garden for some crazy reason just keeps growing. And of course that means more work for me. While cutting the some two dozen clumps of Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio' grasses I found several praying mantis egg cases. Can you see the one above in the picture? This was the second one I found in a clump of the Adagio and I was fairly delighted. The clumps of grasses are not anywhere near one another so I think I am safe to assume the Adagio, and perhaps all miscanthus grasses, might be a good home for praying mantis to lay their eggs. Fortunately I did not damage any of the egg sacks while cutting back the grass clumps. I was, as usual, late in cutting back the Adagio because the grasses have already begun to put on new growth. Can you see the green in the above picture? I think February is much too late to cut these grasses back and perhaps January would be a better month. My vow is to cut all the grasses back in January of next year-but you know about good intentions.

And simply because I did not want this post to have only one picture I thought I'd show you one of my baby koi. This one was at the surface of the water on a really warm day. It really seemed like it wanted out of the pond for some reason. I took the opportunity to snap some photos of it while it was up close to the surface. The water is so clear and the fish right there that it almost looks as though the fish is floating in air. I also think the baby koi are slowly beginning to change colors. I am now seeing a bit of orange showing up in them....
in the garden....
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden