Sunday, September 21, 2008

September Blooms

I have one new bloom in my Georgia garden this month. The Illustris Elephant ear decided to give me this neat yellow bloom.
Look at this September surprise, Honeysuckle! Yep, honeysuckle blooming in this Georgia garden during the month of Sept. A first to my eyes!

Purple Queen still has its tiny pinkish purple blooms. She is such a dainty little bloom.

The Gold Lantana is thriving in my hot dry garden. See how it has taken over the pathway into the garden? I will cut it back a bit when it starts to tickle my legs while walking on the pathway into the garden. I do not want any sneaky snakes to hide under it and strike as I walk past...
The Cosmos that Tina passed along to me in the form of seed continues to show me color. I am hoping for lots of reseeders for next year!

Pink Wave Petunia continues to bloom as well as the accompanying White Alyssum.

Susan continues to pop up here and there from self seeding throughout the garden.

The multi colored Lantana is thriving even though it does not have as much sun shining on her this year due to the growth of a dogwood nearby shading her.
This Silver Checkerspot or is it a Variegated Fritillary? Anyway, this is one of many flying flowers that continue to show their colors in the garden.
Purple Verbena and white Vinca are intermingling and looking beautiful. All the white Vinca are self seeders from last year.

The Crepe Myrtles continue to show their pinks. Gotta love those Southern Belles!

Marigolds are looking strong with little water being splashed upon them.

Catmint is looking good after I took it out of the ground and potted it due to its sad state with lack of water. I will replant it once the rains start to fall in my drought ridden garden.

Begonias in pink and white colors continue to bloom with lack of rainfall.
Hyacinth bean continues to show its tiny purple blooms.
All the self seeding Spider plants still have tiny blooms on them.

Hibiscus is glowing with beautiful blooms for their second go round.
My two Mexican Heather bushes are full of tiny blooms.

Vinca in colors of pink and white are popping up all over the garden from self seeders.
Blue Salvia continues to attract bees and butterflies.

This close-up picture of the Salvia looks a bit like a water color print.Moonbeam Coreopsis is thriving in the heat and dry conditions.

Purple and White Sage continues to bloom next to each other.

Red Canna gave me a late bloom. The canna keep popping up from the ground so I guess they are doing well where I planted them this spring.

Purple Wave Petunia, even though very scraggly is still producing blooms. Look at the horrible looking stems in the background to the right.
And of course my favorite and very first thing planted in the garden is the profusely blooming butterfly bushes. I will have butterfly bushes where ever I live! Just look at those September blooms in colors of white and purple.

Even though I have lost lots of flowers in the garden this year due to drought conditions, I am not discouraged. Look what I went and picked up at the Garden Center this past weekend! The Aster, Coreopsis and Sage/Salvia were just calling to me as I walked past them. I will keep them in pots until we have cooler temps.

Notice a theme in my garden? Drought tolerant, bloom longevity in colors of purple and white seem to be my theme. If you have been taking notes, you will noitce that these are pretty much the same bloomers since late spring. For this hot, humid, drought year it has worked, keeping me happy with many SEPTEMBER BLOOMS, In the Garden...


  1. Looks like your garden is still full of blooms. I couldn't resist those plants you bought either. I'm ready for some new things for fall.

    Always Growing

  2. Hi Skeeter, so much still going on, I love the butterfly bushes. That hibiscus, something I don't grow for some reason, is a wow. I bet the hummingbirds are attracted to it. That punch of red really jazzes up the softer colors.


  3. Hi Skeeter, you still have alot of flowers, I'm with Frances, hibiscus is sooo beautiful. I had one in a pot one year and went to purchase it this year. The tag said it's Hawaii's state flower! Only in pots!

  4. I'd say the drought hasn't held you back a bit--your blossoms are lovely. I'm a big fan of buddleja, too--they go on and on and on. Great September garden!

  5. Drought resistant plants are big on my list of plants for future purchases Skeeter. Our summers keep getting hotter & drier each year. Butterfly Bush is a standby in my garden too, and who couldn't love the ever faithful Crepe Myrtle. Looks like your garden is still going strong in September, wonderful blooms!

  6. I can almost smell your huneysuckle! That multi-colored lantana turnes into a weed in Florida - it's pretty but invasive. I had to dig it out several times.

  7. My Hyacinth Bean is still blooming well. The roses are starting to come back some after the hurricane weather brought cooler temps. I love your blooms! Can't wait until my butterfly bush is bigger!

  8. Good morning all! Late, very late start for me this morning. Schoolwork-trying to get it ALL done as we have a lot. If you all have never done an online class, be prepared to WORK! Anyhow, Skeeter, your garden is LOVELY! Lots of lovely blooms and of course my favorite is still the lantana. The one you brought me is doing great, though not as great as yours-not enough sun I think. And yes, I can see those pink coreopsis and asters just calling your name-buy me! plant me!

  9. All your blooms are beautiful! Is moonbeam coreopsis and cream brulee the same thing? I have cream brulee ( that's what the tag said) and they look like your moonbeam. I love them!

  10. WOW, Skeeter you surely have a lot of flowering going on for the Fall. I'm taking note so maybe next yr. I will have more blooms. I really like the blooms in the Fall as all is so evergreen around here.
    I didn't know the multi lantana is invasive here in Fl. Maybe I should just keep it in the pot I put it in till cooler weather. I have a red Crepe Myrtle that needs to go into the ground. I sure hope she makes it. I did get my Golden Rain Tree planted. She will be pretty.So many, So much work. I need HELP. lol

  11. Hello EVERYONE, we just returned from the Georgia coast as the fresh Wild GA shrimp were calling our name so off to the beach we went... Wow, I can hardly wait to post on this weekends trip. Can we say Live Oaks and Spanish moss? I wish each and every one of you could have seen what my eyes have seen the past two days! A gardeners paradise for sure! More later....

    I do continue to have lots of color in and around the yard even though some stuff is dwindling down a bit. The Hibiscus is in a pot on the front porch. I will show it more in a future posting so stay tuned for that....

    I did not know the multi colored lantana was a weed in Fl but that does not surprise me as it does seem to grow like a weed in my garden, even the gold one does...

    I dont know if Moonbeam and Cream Brulee are the same. We will have to ask the professional about that one. Tina, are you listening? If so you may answer that one....

    Lola, get your Belle (myrtle) in the ground....

    I am really tired from our world wind weekend so I need to get off this thing and unpack and get settled back into the real world again. I just wanted to pop in here and let you know I have indeed taken a minute to read your comments….

    I hope everyone had a great weekend!

  12. Hi there Meadowview Thymes and Skeeter, No the two are not the same. Cream Brulee is a hybridized coreopsis, and Moonbeam coreopsis is a cultivar of coreopsis verticillata. Zagreb is another. Which simply means they are bred for different traits. Hybridized plants are a cross between two different types of plants with desired traits. Not sure of the crosses of Cream Brulee. Seeds will not come true from hybridized plants. Minor differences but not the same thing at all though both are coreopsis aka tickseed.

  13. Thanks Tina for the info. I was wondering about that myself.

  14. Considering the drought there, you certainly have a profusion of blooms. Those butterfly bushes are huge!

  15. You have a some many blooms still going strong. I like that Elephant Ear bloom. I don't recall mine ever flowering.

  16. Looks like your garden isn't slowing down! The hibiscus is lovely, and that elephant ear is amazing. I had the same variety of elephant ear and I was always amazed by the multicolored leaves.

    Looking forward to more pictures from your very interesting garden :)

  17. Rose, the butterfly bushes are huge and just think, I cut them back to about 3 feet each spring! I wonder how big they would become if I left them alone. I cannot find out for the power lines above though...

    Cindy, I did not know they bloomed either! I had two blooms on it thus far.

    Parsec, yep, still a lot of color for me and the butterflies to enjoy. Hopefully it will continue to bring me color and joy for a few weeks longer.

  18. Tina, thanks for the professional take on the question of the coreopsis. Funny how something so similar can be so different...

  19. I love gardening..this blog is awesome. The photos are great..Keep up the good work..I'm inpressed..

  20. Thanks John! We all do enjoy sharing our gardens...

  21. Skeeter, Your Golden Lantana, is it yellow? I have a yellow one that I put in a pot, will it come back next yr. or will I have to replace it? I thought the Golden was a new variety. I've seen the Orange multi before & thought it only came in that color. Could they be planted close together or should they be apart to avoid cross pollination, maybe. I don't know, help.

  22. Lola, Mine dies down in the winter but returns every year! Mine is in the ground so your yellow lantana should be okay with you being further south...
