Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Who Cuts the Grass?

Not me! At least not this time-thanks Sweetie!

Who cuts the grass in your household? Is it the gardener (like me usually!), the teenagers (yeah right!), or the man of the house (once in a blue moon!). I know Anonymous is always busy cutting hers whereas Skeeter and the Saint switch duties. Lola's 'young un' cuts her grass and Nina usually has a helper to cut her grass. The man of the house in my mother's house (Papa) cuts both their grass and my sister's grass (lucky her!). Not sure about others on here though.

I don't think yardwork is entirely a gender thing, but it might be, or maybe just a role thing or a duty by default?
There is a wide variety of ways household duties can be broken down in households and in mine I usually do the yardwork since I am the gardener, how about you other gardeners out there? Who cuts the grass in your house?

in the garden....


  1. My husband use to but now my son does it. (shocking) He likes to do that chore, it's the only one he can do (missing areas) and no one says anything.
    I recently bought a plaque which is inscribed "Hire a teenager while he/she knows everything".

  2. Both of us! I do the front yard and Mr I Don't Garden does the back yard! Neither of us have any liking for mowing! It's a bit of an uphill in the front yard!


  3. Hi Tina, The Financier used to cut the grass at our first TN house, an acre on a steep hill. That's when we saw the wisdom of making less lawn! As the boys got bigger, they cut it there. In Texas the lawn was tiny and I bought the electric mower and cut it until it was made into all flower beds. Here I continued with the electric mower on our mini lawn, but the last two summers it has not needed to be cut hardly at all, no complaints here either!

  4. Hi Tina ~ We both do! We have so much grass to cut, there's plenty to go around. Although because of the slopes, there are some sections I can't/won't do - I might tip over! Of course lately no one has had to cut any. My husband does all the trimming though.

  5. I mainly cut the grass because like you I'm the gardener. When my boys did it I was constantly hearing "Oops, sorry Mom." :)

  6. I do most of the grass cutting with the Saints occasional help. I will NOT let him do the weed trimming as he misses way too many weeds! LOL. He usually walks behind the trim mower and some times when I am really feeling nice, I will let him hop on my Red Rider for a few laps around the yard while I push the trim mower...lol... We do make a good team when we mow together and it seems this summer, we have shared a lot of the grass work...

    GA bound this morning. Sure had a nice TN and KY visit and it went by way too quickly but need to get back home to our fur babies. I miss my little girls. I cant wait to see if the veggie garden has any treasure for us....

    I sure dont want to see TN in my rearview mirror but we must do what we must do. If only we could live without a pay check.... argggg... Clarksville is growing so maybe one day a job opritunity will be here. Until then, I can only dream....

    Sorry I was not able to meet up with more TN Bloggers. Maybe I can with my next visit in late Oct....

  7. Mr. Technosavy cuts the grass, Smartypants and I both do the weed-eating.

  8. My husband does all the mowing, because
    a.)he doesn't like housework
    b.) we have five acres to mow!
    c.) it would take me twice as long to mow, since I don't drive the "monster mower" as fast as he can.
    But I do most of the trimming--I learned that was wisest because he often can't tell the difference between a weed and a flower!

  9. I don't mow. I don't even know how to start the thing really. My parents never had us mow and if we did it was for fun and giggles on our riding lawn mower - that I could figure out. But an actual push mower that requires you pull that thing...prime I think they call it before you start it. No idea. :) So, needless to say my husband does the mowing. :)

  10. Good morning Tina. I mow because there is no one else in my household to do the job. I would never, ever trust a lawn care service;)

    Question about the beautiful brug in the previous post. Are they usually grown from seed in areas where winters are very cold? I think they are gorgeous and wouldn't mind trying one if it doesn't involve digging and overwintering inside. Thanks.

  11. Good morning all! Very interesting on who mows what in your household!

    Marnie, I have not heard of angels being started from seeds. Usually I think cuttings or starts from mail order. Cuttings are so easy so if you know someone who grows one or a garden somewhere they don't mind you taking cuttings, that is the way to go. Here in my zone 6/7 garden they are marginally hardy. I lost the one I left out last year. This year I will try to protect it which I did not last year. I am told to put a 40 lb bag of compost or potting soil still in bag on the root ball once you cut it down, then place a wire basket over the whole thing and stuff with leaves or hay or some similar type thing. I am going to try this. Failing bringing it in or protected it, I think cuttings are the way to go each year. I will winter mine over inside with other cuttings. I think it is worth it because this plant grows so well and makes such a big statement that you can't lose. It is drought tolerant too. I will post more pictures soon. Hope this helps!

    Lola, I saw you asked about lantana cuttings. I have found these EXTREMELY easy to root. I have a flat on the deck that is blooming and I only took the cuttings two weeks ago. I will also winter these inside like the angels.

  12. Papa does do it all with the lawn, including your sister's. However, we get the better of the deal as your sister takes care of the pool and most of my housework, a lot of my shopping and drags all the holiday decorations out of the basement for me and puts them all back. Plus she puts up all the outside decorations. Works for us!

  13. I cut the grass at Cam's house because he has very bad allergies to the grass dust or pollen that flies out after you cut it.

    Cutting grass sure is a chore. It gets so hot in the summer here that it takes a real effort to want to stay outside that long.

  14. Thanks Tina.
    Yes, Young'un mows here but I had much rather do it myself. My leg keeps me from doing it. It would be cut more often if I did it. Not wait till it's knee high to a giraffe. lol
    I use to do it all & loved it.

  15. What a great post Tina :0) I am the MOWER at my house --I love red beauty, want my front a certain way but absoultely hate the weed trimmer. Today I had to do the trim stuff --around trees, bushes, swingset etc. I did that first and then went for my run --I sure was a stinky person, hahaha. The grass does stick to you so I probably looked like a scarecrow. We've been super busy over this way --and it looks like it will stay that way for a while longer. I miss you all --wish we'd get some rain to help pull the weeds:) Have a great day --

  16. The Mr. mows sometimes. The teenage monkey mows sometimes. I mow sometimes with shocking results.

  17. Ok--I know this is crazy, but I like to mow! In the heat of the summer, we share the job though.

  18. That's my job around here. I don't think I'd trade it in to anyone else though. I enjoy the time out there with the mowers to think. It's almost a meditation for me.

  19. Hey all! Seems like there is a BIG mix of who mows the lawn and for many varied and very interesting reasons.

  20. i actually like to mow the grass. i get on tractor and put on my ipod and it's like i'm in another world. my boys weed eat and use the push mower for the smaller areas and dh does the riding mower around the trees and pergolas. it takes about 4 hours.

  21. It was me up until I got sick a few years ago and could no longer do it.
    Now it is whoever owes Billy a favor for helping them, usually a brother. I don't know how he does it but he manages to find someone, often enough so he doesn't have to do it. LOL...he hates mowing.

  22. Marmee, 4 hours is a long time! Glad you like to mow and it takes you away. I think it neat Meems is your sister. She has always been kind to me and always thanked me for my military service. Glad you love blogging and joined our world too!

    Eve, That is a first for someone to find another to mow the lawn-calling in of favors! :) Glad you all made it thru Gustav.

  23. I'm the grass cutter around our place. THAT'S why we are getting more and more beds, to make less and less grass. :-)-Randy

  24. Randy-That is a great reason to start more beds! You'll have your yard filled in in no time:)
