I thought I would recap my hopes and dreams for 2008 as published in last year's New Year's Eve post. It is a time for me to reassess and look forward to the new year. The sunsets have been outstanding of late. I captured this one off my back deck recently, it is symbolic of the sun setting on 2008. I guess it would make sense that I then post a picture of the sun rising tomorrow we shall see.....
Things I had hoped for this year that did not fully happen: I had hoped for world peace (hasn't happened), the Jimster to find high school cool (he did) and to get all As (he hasn't), a new job (not yet but I am not looking either), and that it would rain between 1-2" each week this year (heck no! can you say drought?).
Some things I had hoped for that came to pass: My family and friends have continued good health, the voles have pretty much left my garden alone (probably owing to one orange tabby cat in the garden), my children are continuing to grow and prosper, (they have seen many changes this year and have all fared well), the adjacent property owner sold his house and I now have super terrific neighbors, my husband's workweek has slowed down remarkably, and lastly this blog has continued and I have met some really wonderful folks. Thanks all for the good things in 2008; which was a pretty good year.
Now on to 2009 and wishes:
1) World Peace.
2) Mr. Fix-it's job of recruiting finally ends.
3) My children will continue to grow and prosper.
4) Friends and family will continue to have good health.
5) It WILL rain between 1-2" per week and no droughts!
6) The garden will be the best it has ever been!
7) I will continue this blog to the best of my ability and have a great time meeting new friends.
My best to you all and I hope all your dreams come true next year!
in the garden....
Thank you all who voted on the Christmas light preferences. For the record, 47 voted, 23 for white (49%), 13 for multi lights (28%), and 11 for a combination of colors(23%). We'll for sure do it again next year.
I really liked hearing everyone's views on the lights. Honestly blogging is about getting views-different ones from our own. All of the comments (views) have made me think I might need a really big grant and some heavy thinkers on how to put together the north/south and white/multi-colored lights correlation for next year. Or maybe it is just all for fun and to get those different views and perspectives on different aspects of everyday life.
in the garden....again.