Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bloom Day-May 2008

This month's Bloom Day has a lot of pictures now that the growing season is full upon us. Hope you enjoy and I tried to share some tidbits with each picture.

Blue wave petunias, red wave petunias are also in bloom but not pictured...

Melampodium, a sweet little annual that is said to reseed but so far in my garden, no such luck...

'Mt. Airy' Viburnum...
Another shot of the 'Mt. Airy', this is an outstanding viburnum (most viburnums are great in the garden) but has a peculiar scent. A neighbor smelled it and said, "Weird." Has anyone smelled this before?

The requisite red geraniums and some more German chamomile...

An unknown hardy geranium cultivar...
'Snow on the mountain', I have been growing this for about 6 years and this is the first time it has bloomed...


A sweet oxalis (I think), and it is surely clashing with its neighbor the red impatiens...

The last of the iberis, aka candytuft...

Some kind of purple bellflower hiding amongst the German chamomile...That stuff insinuates itself in many of the pictures because it is all around. But it is OK as it disappears in the summer.

Silene 'Rollys Favorite'...

'Little Henry' Sweetspire, my first year growing it-I love it...

Lily of the Valley...
Mock Orange (not a fragrant one unfortunately)...

Hellebores, still going strong...

Coralbells 'Snow Angel'...
Cornus kousa 'Wolf Eyes', a SUPERIOR replacement to Cornus floridus. You have to look closely for the flowers because they blend in with the variagation. They are there with the pom pom flower centers sticking up.

Weigela, showing some lingering damage from last year's late freeze...

Kerria japonica 'Plenaflora', I am told this is a great shrub for the shade and woodland garden but it is poisonous to pets...

Sweetshrub, aka Calycanthus floridus, I will be posting on this baby-you all will love it. The flower is the red maroon things on this shrub.
Strawberries are ripening, but the bloom is sweet too...
White bleeding hearts, also blooming are the pink ones...
Columbine, many colors are blooming but I chose to post only this picture, though it clearly shows the leaf miner trails-maybe not such a good picture to post...
Begonias, I also have pink and yellow ones. Though not many yellow ones are left since a huge branch landed on the pot and smashed in the windstorm this past weekend.
Strawberry begonias, they keep going and going...
Red hot pokers, a gift from Susan who gave me about 5 HUGE clumps she started from seed. They are splendid though they do not bloom long enough for me. Susan got tired of them...

Foxgloves, I am hoping my mystery plants which look nothing like these recent purchases are foxgloves. My friend Vonna is skeptical.
Deutzia scabra 'Pink Minor', a fall purchase which is performing outstandingly.
Moss phlox, going by now...
Bachelor buttons, I like these guys. They never fail to surprise me each year...

Blue-eyed grass, actually a member of the iris family. A super passalong plant...

Blue Star amsonia, I am liking this gal and can't wait for the fall color. I planted it last spring and it too suffered a bit with the drought, but now should come into its own and give great yellow fall color.
Coral bells 'Vanilla Spice', a tall variety...
Snowhill Salvia. Also blooming salvias but not pictured: May Night, Bluehill, Meadow Clary, East Friesland, and Caradonna. I can't say enough GOOD things about the salvias.

Polyantha primrose, I love these from my time in Germany, unfortunately they never return for me.
Mouse-eared coreopsis and 'May Night' Salvia. This is a super coreopis. It forms a great mound in just one season and is extremely easy to divide.
Sedum in hypertufa...
Roses, there are a few more colors blooming but I chose to post only this one. I am not a fan of roses but if they can hold their own and not get all diseased they can stay. If not, this is one plant I will pull and toss! I do not spray. My favorite rose is the polyantha 'The Fairy'. It will be in bloom next month.
Dianthus and Snow in the Summer. This Snow in Summer is super! I purchased a few tiny pots from the Amish last summer and just look it at it go! Does anyone know of any drawbacks as I have not seen many people grow this. Is there I reason I am missing?
'Walkers Low' catmint and 'Heart Attack' Sweet William...
'Immaculee' peonies, these are beautiful but not as fragrant as the other white ones I have in bloom, the 'Duchess de Nemours'...

Pansies and annual salvia. The red annual salvia is a mainstay since it makes a huge impact massed together and shines all season.

Azalea, variegated iris, 'Homestead' verbena, purple iris, German chamomile (yes, I know-again), and 'Globemaster' alliums...
Arum italicum, the bloom is the white Jack in the pulpit looking thing. I think I will get some candle flowers this year!
Spiderwort, also blooming in pinks and magenta...
Clematis, still blooming beautifully but starting to drop its petals...Chinese peony, unknown cultivar. It was supposed to be 'Sarah Bernhart' when I purchased it four years ago bareroot and packaged from Wal-mart. Never trust these plants as none of the three types of peonies I purchased that day were what they were labeled. Surprises can be nice though.
Ninebark, not the awesome purple cultivar 'Diablo', but this one works for me. It has a nice growth habit. Rain beats down the branches every time, but as soon as it dries it bounces back.
Delphinium elatum 'Guardian Series', a new purchase. I hope it comes back faithfully, because that blue is true blue and it is fragrant.

Rhododendron. I purchased a few of these and 'rescued' five. There is a house down the road where I always admired the HUGE rhodies. One day two springs ago I saw they were all gone. I stopped and asked the homeowner where were the rhodies?! He had jerked them out of the ground using a chain and his jeep. Then he threw them across the street in a brush pile where they sat for two weeks before I 'rescued' them. They were so big they would not fit in my trunk without hanging out and dragging on the ground. I was a funny sight hauling them two miles down the road to my house, one at a time. All but one died. The one that survived is the same color as this one but is fairly bare due to having been cut back nearly to the ground. You all would not believe it, these rhodies he pulled were loaded with blooms at the time he jerked them out. Who would do this??? I am grateful one survived. I do have some stories about rescued plants. Many failures too.

'May Night' Salvia and Love in a Mist. I like Love in a Mist, a prolific self-seeder. But it is ok because it disappears in the summer. It has a great seedhead used for floral decorations.

Lastly 'Dropmore' Honeysuckle...
I did try to combine pictures and I know it is a lot of pictures. Boy do I know it since I had to upload them all. But this blog is such a good record for me. I have already lost track of keeping up with bloom times so at least next year I can come visit this post and know what plants I can expect to bloom that month.
in the garden...


  1. You have a lot of color in the Garden Tina! Such beauty....

    Calling for afternoon rain so I will be in the yard early today. Knocking down those chorse one by one...

    Have a good day everyone!

  2. Wow! And to think, we are just getting green! Pretty pictures.

  3. Good morning all! I know it is a lot of pictures but a good way to learn what flower goes with what name. Unless of course I am wrong-been there done that. If I have misidentified any plants-please tell me! Thanks. Raining here. Lovely, lovely rain. A good excuse to stay inside and get some chores done.

  4. Very impressive bloom Day post, have fabulous plants~ I do like the field behind the Weigelia!

    Hope the rain doesn'r smush our blooms!


  5. Wow, tina, your blooms this Garden Blogger Blooms Day are quite plentiful! And here I thought I had a lot of photos to post - lol! I am going to have to wait until to after work to make my post though because I left all my bloom pics at home. :(

  6. This is a great record of bloom in your garden. I enjoyed seeing it, it must be wonderful to walk through your garden this time of year, when it is still cool and so much is blooming.

    Thanks for joining in for bloom day.
    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  7. Tina you have a ton of blooms! Our viburnums are basically done now. I need to add the 'Snow Hill' salvia to my collection at some point. I planted some for my in-laws so I'll get cuttings next time I'm up there. The catmint I bought last weekend is starting to bloom. In fact the cuttings I made on Saturday are already rooted.

  8. Beautiful, just beautiful! Thank you for sharing so much of your garden, and I enjoyed every photo. Thanks for visiting my post, too. Yes, I DO love the Itea - I've found Henry's Garnet will sucker, and I just move those freebies elsewhere. It's my absolutely favorite shrub. My blue-eyed grass has never done well - wonder what I'm doing wrong? And I have Snow Angel heuchera - mine is blooming too, and I love it. Thanks again for sharing your lovely flowers.

  9. Gail, I am so lucky to share views of my neighbor's lovely cow field and pond. That was a good pic.

    SuzyQ, I'll for sure check in! I tend to love the garden posts but enjoy all your posts.

    Carol, You are a hard working Garden Blogger this day!

    Dave, I have a post on some cuttings I have prepared as well. I love cuttings and you for sure need to get some Snowhill salvias! These were of course a markdown purchase two years ago. I don't know why more folks don't buy the CHEAP markdown plants. They bounce back no problem.

    Kim, This is my one day a month to visit all of the consolidated posts of many, many garden blogs. I always like to leave a comment and enjoy so much reading about Texan gardens, though I can't relate to them as I think our weather is much different. Not sure though as I have never been to Texas. Do you have your blue eyed in full sun? If so that may be the problem. I find here it does well in some shade. It is a keeper and I always share it with my friends. It amazes me it is an iris.

  10. What a lot of blooms for us all to enjoy. Thanks Tina and Carol. Here in my yard I still have tulips. Lilacs have good buds, so won't be long. Hosta and peonies are about a foot high so will be nearly another month for flowers!!!
    Now I am off to enjoy all the other bloggers blooms.

  11. Hi Tina, hooray for the link, good job. Isn't it fun? Your flowers are all wonderful, I love the story about the rhodies and can picture you dragging them. Maybe they were too big for his space, so he yanked them. Well, at least you got one to survive, a success story there. It looks like R. Roseum, maybe? You have many of the same plants as we do, but I am lacking powis castle. ;->

  12. Mom, I am so happy you are enjoying gardening-again! About the ticks-yes heebe jeebes no matter who you are. Gross!

    Frances, Powis castle coming your way. It will fit right in to your garden. I can't live without it. The guy (a city engineer) had aspirations of putting J. maples in place of the rhodies. (I had to tell him the name as he only described it). The house has been on the market two times since and there is NO garden in front of it to speak of. He could not figure out how to prune them so out they came. How silly. This act goes in my category of "What were they thinking?!!" I wish they all survived. I will be linking to you in an upcoming post. Forgot to tell you earlier like I did Dave. It will be next week.

  13. I love your Chinese Peonies! Awesome Rhododendron story. I cannot even imagine why someone would destroy them especially when in full bloom. Great rescue! Thanks for sharing.

  14. Tina you have so many beautiful plants! I was looking along and thinking "how are her coral bells blooming already? And clematis?" and then I realized that you are in Tennessee and I am in NJ and what a difference that makes to the timing of our blooms!

  15. Love my cottage garden, Welcome! Thanks for the comment. These peonies have finally come into their own though not what we gardeners generally consider to be peonies. I have added you to my sidebar and great to meet you!

    Sarah, Welcome! I am originally from Maine and my first husband was from a place in NJ. I am familiar with your state and actually love the 'Garden State' (except for all the state troopers quick to give tickets:). I am in Zone 6b or 7. You are 6 or 5? A few degrees of lattitude do make a difference. Amazing seeing everyone's blooms! I have added you to my sidebar as well. Take care. Rain is coming your way.

  16. Hello, I enjoyed my visit to your blog. You have quite a number of plants I like myself (like the rhodos - I would have acted just like you). Love the white salvia you have. I planted a lot of them this spring and hope they will return next year again since I really like it. I am sure I will return. Greetings from Germany, Andrea

  17. Hi Tina --awesome pictures of great flowers. I told hubby you had lily of the valley and I wanted some --he ever so nicely said I know where I can get you some?? I was like where --he said Tina's yard:0) Hahahahaa Don't worry we won't be taking them --I wouldn't know where to put them --too much sunshine out here --they seemed to thrive in the shade back home under the Christmas trees.

    I weeded yesterday so the rain could produce another nice batch of weeds for me to pull:) Today has been on/off raining --I won't complain since the flowers and trees around here look absolutely gorgeous with all the rainfall compared to last year.

    Hi Skeeter -Sidekick would be in his glory with your little snake friends:) He had a toad --took it down to the tree stump last night while I was weeding another flowerbed and it jumped in -GASP -my boy stuck his naked little hand down that tree stump even though he has already told me he saw snakes in there --I was FREAKED out! He was hoping to pull something back up to play with --whether it be his toad, snake or a lizard. Thank goodness it's been raining so much today --I can keep him away from the backyard:) He is a true lil BOY!!!!

    Hi Dawn --I never heard that about bread and wallpaper --but it sounds like it might work --same consistency as those Mr. Clean magic erasers and they take stuff off the walls without damaging them. The fine sandpaper really does enhance the scent of the cedar when you do it -- I loved that closet --you are right someone should make that in a perfume scent --I'd be lining up to buy it:)
    Better get a move on --we had lunch with the girl model and did a little stop for a few grocery items afterwards. So, the house needs some attention now.

    Great pictures --and what's even better now you will know where everything is at if you want to plant something else. I planted two strawberry plants in the early spring and now one of them has a big hostas covering it up --I didn't remember it being there last year or that big for that matter. So, I have taken a few pictures to help me out with future planting when I will put in more bulbs.
    Ciao -

  18. Sure is a lot of color and chit chat today! Great....

    I ran to town twice today. Once for 20 more bags of dirt to fill holes. This is the last load as I am not loading and unloading any more bags of dirt!

    Then back for another 27 bales of pine straw. I may have to go back for more depending on how this load will fill the 2 large islands and the patio area.

    I made the barrier to the Forsythia and a Crepe Myrtle larger and filled with fresh pine straw. It was a tough job removing all that grass and in this humidity. Rain coming so humid today. Sweat was rolling off my forehead! Argg, I am supposed to be a lady! LOL…

    Enough work for me today so Saint will take me to dinner while we run a couple more errands!

    I beat the ran as it has not started as of yet. Calling for it tonight and tomorrow morning. We need it badly...

    Anonymous, I found toads, lizards and snakes while removing old pine straw. Sidekick would have been in his own little world with me the past few days!

    Tina, you asked what kind of snake, I will tell you in a posting I am working on. Same for the pine straw spreading as well…

  19. Andrea-Great to talk to someone in Germany. I miss it so much. Should've seen the odd looks at my husband and I when we came back from Germany and told our realtor we needed some 'handies'. Not a real word over here. What would Germans do without their handies? For that matter-Americans too!

    Anonymous, Funny as always! Join the ranks of gardeners-planting under and too close to other plants. It is a sad fact of gardening that it will inevitably happen and I am happy I am not the only one! Yup, rain is bringing more weeds.

    Jillybean, Thanks! Did I win that contest? Or my mother? I need to check in don't I? I hope whoever one is very happy!

    Skeeter, You are so busy I am beginning to think of mulching some more beds-in your honor! I hope I get it done before you come. I'll see the post when it comes. Lots of chit chat today because it is such a big day in the garden blog world.

  20. So many photos, such colour! Fun to see the respective blooming times between our gardens -- you are clearly several weeks ahead, as shown in the roses, heuchera and others.
    My dad used to get a kick out of rescuing discarded rhodos, sometimes from the bin at the back of the Nursery (always with permission) and sometimes from empty lots where someone was leaving "compost" -- it's nice to see that someone else enjoys this kind of nurturing.

  21. Whew, spent all day outside with Jack of all trades, we got the roses done and managed to rake a big part of the yard. Well worth it.
    Mom, might be one for b-ball, Zack now has a 89.2 in Algebra, WHY! doesn't he do that when expected!?! I'll know more tom.
    Ps. Nikki's going to Boston tom with the school, she is soooo excited, got a camera, has to be up at 5 am then picked up at 8:45. Gosh, long day.

  22. Hello to Everyone, To those that know about the health problems that my sister has been having, I thought I would give you an update. Today she received the report on the bone marrow biopsy. The diagnosis is MDS (myeladysplastic syndromes). The next step is seeing a bone marrow transplant doctor at Vanderbilt Hospital.Thanks to all of you for your concerns! Nins

  23. Nina not Nins, sorry!
    I changed my password, thinking that might help, but still cannot get a post. I can't figure it out!

  24. I have snow in summer. They're a wonderful plant. I suspect that most people don't grow them because of their short bloom time. I enjoy the foilage too though which is what helps me to enjoy them so much.

    You really have a lot of wonderful flowers in bloom over there. My post looks pitiful in comparison!

  25. Absolutely stunning. Thanks for sharing these great pictures.

  26. Materfamilias, Welcome! I do so hope you enjoy your trip to France-even if you do miss a bunch of blooms. You can enjoy the hydrangeas over there. Great your dad rescued rhodies. Did he have a great garden? I really don't. Take care and thanks for visiting and commenting.

    Dawn, What did you do to the roses? Bananas and eggshells like Lola said? This is a good time. I picked one this afternoon and found out it is a David Austin rose! I never knew but that might explain why it does so well, even in the shade. It is one I have not yanked yet. You should get some if you ever get more. Great on Zack! Algebra is hard. Very hard. I hope Nikki has a great time tomorrow in Boston. Why is she going there?

    Nina, I am very sorry about your baby sister. I have no idea about this disease but best wishes for a speedy recovery. Vanderbilt is a super hospital.

    Cinj, Thanks for the info on the snow in summer. I like the foliage too. It can grow and spread to its heart content. Your post looks great. No comparison on blogs, I think we should just enjoy and learn from each other. Your tulip is stunner.

    Aunt Debbi/Kurts Mom, Thanks! It has been a busy day today hasn't it? Great pictures from all over the world.

    Where is my mother today? And Lola? Goodnight you all!

  27. Wow your garden is full of color, everything is so beautiful.
    PS – Thanks for stopping by my blog

  28. Tina, wow, you've got a lot going on in your garden! You have such a nice variety of blooming things.

  29. Tina, Zack was recommended for a-high by his eight grade teacher who he LOVED. He would stand by the desk and pop the solutions out, next to this teacher. Mr Shaw. Mr Shaw was stunned telling Zack he couldn't do that. The bad thing one likes the teacher this year and she teaches both a-high and a-1. Course Zack does very little for her and to boot....she told him only 20 students are passing A-1 which he dropped to after 2nd quarter. Ughhh. He gets the idea he is not so bad....doesn't want to have any greater expectations put on him, she has already told him he is under his potential, she discovered that from the nes testing.
    Nikki and the 4th, 5th, and 6th are going to the boston museum. It is arranged by the pto, they do it every 3 years. Zacks year fell in the 6th grade. She bought a camera just for the event, won't be back til 9.
    My roses had run amuck so we moved some around to fill in bare spots and planted the 3 new ones. I cut down all the existing ones, :( No blooms til next year. I'm going to do the bananna and egg thing but I have to wait 2 weeks when the new ones are anchored.
    Least cutting them down gives me space to repair the wall. Later...I have a whole free day!! Woo Hoo!!!!

  30. Welcome Rusty, I do love my garden, but it can't compare to a beautiful garden in Miami, such as yours. Thanks for dropping by!

    Garden Girl, I do enjoy your blog. You are one busy lady and I wish you much success with your career. I will be following it along on your blog.

    Dawn, How cool is that? Nikki can go to the Boston Museum with the school? I remember those field trips when I was a kid-but never the Boston Museum. Lucky her. I hope she has an awesome time. Good job on Zack. Everyone needs math. Problem is, the kids don't know why while they are in high school. Once they are out they figure it out. Sigh.

  31. Your pics are gorgeous and you have so many things in bloom already. We must be patient here in cool, rainy, W.PA. I especially like the rich velvety Sweet William. Enjoy your beautiful garden.

  32. Wow, alot blooming there. The colors are really pretty. That columbine is so vividly purple-really stands out so much more than what I have.

  33. Cindy, Thank you for your kind words. You have much the same blooming as me in your garden-except your rhodies are so much more beautiful. It must be great gardening in PA.

    Bonnie, Texas is a great state to garden in and you have much in your garden. That purple is a keeper-if you overlook the tunnels on the leaves, though I kind of like them. Do you get columbine leaf miners on your colombine? What should I do?

  34. Tina, I found a plant in the back yard that the bloom looks like Snowhill Salvia but the leaves look like a broad width grass. Sorry no pic. Can you help me know what it is?
    The roots look like small fingers--kinda like spider plant roots.

  35. Lola, I have no idea-maybe send me a pic?

  36. Wow, Tina - just how enormous is your garden? You have so many blooming plants and shrubs, and so many iris you had to make a separate post! I was once an iris collector myself and enjoyed both walks through your gardens.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  37. Hi Annie in austin!, I garden and live on exactly one acre. A good part of it is gardens. Sometimes I think to myself "WHAT was I thinking?!" Actually often I think this but when I can relax at the end of the day, I realize it is ALL worth it. I, like most garden bloggers have this innate need to grow things. What kinds of irises did you collect and do you still grow them?

  38. An acre of garden is huge, Tina - but it also looks like you're having fun.

    I used to have dozens of bearded iris varieties when I lived in Illinois, both standard and dwarf varieties. I'd go to the Iris Society sales each year and add a couple of new ones - also mail ordered some Siberian iris.

    Here in Texas I grow a handful of very tough iris, mostly passalongs that can take the weather.

