Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Unexpected Visitors

Garter snake, aka Thamnophis sirtalis. A snake commonly found in gardens and backyards in North America. As a child I used to capture these guys and handle them with no fear. We used to have a grass snake as a pet for awhile, but not a garter snake. This particular fella was napping under a piece of plywood in my vegetable garden. I was certainly shocked when I picked up the board and found him. I grabbed my camera and had the Jimster pick up the board while I snapped away and researched this type of snake. This snake has eaten fairly recently. If you look closely you'll see a bulge about 6 inches away from its head. The website I used said garter snakes eat all kinds of things, small mammals, insects, toads, earthworms, snails and slugs. I hope its meal was a vole but I am betting it is a toad. We have tons of them in the garden.

While working on my computer in my second story room, this lizard calmly crawled around my window on the screen. I found out it is a male broadheaded skink, aka Eumeces laticeps. For more info on it check out this
website. I have previously posted on skinks as well. They are VERY common in my garden. The website says these guys eat earthworms, grasshoppers, butterflies, cockroaches and small beetles. In my opinion they are good to have around! This skink can be differentiated from the blue tailed skink by being larger and having more labial scales. Their nests are found under rotting logs and in sawdust. Its appearance may be attributed to the recent move of a large pile of firewood in my garden. Unfortunately for this skink, it was not faster or smarter then my little pest control named Orkin. Orkin captured him and was playing with him when Mr. Fix-it intervened. We hope the skink moves on because Orkin is pretty good at her job. She was QUITE miffed when her toy was taken away.

Both of these unexpected visitors WILL bite, but they are not poisonous and will not harm people (other than what could be a painful bite if the critter is big enough). I was bit by a blue tailed skink but it more surprised me than hurt. It did not break the skin, but I think this skink may do more damage and I will not be handling it. As long as these visitors do not eat my plants and don't pose a threat to us, they are welcomed
in the garden....


  1. Hi Tina, you are indeed a brave woman, handling snakes and skinks. Thanks for letting us know they can still bite, even though not poisonous. I think our snake is a rat snake, and we have loads of blue tailed skinks. The skinks don't bother me, but the snakes still cause alarm, can't help it!

  2. Good morning all! Raining here-yahoo! Hi Frances, Snakes alarm me too! I don't handle them anymore. I'll leave that for the Jimster. lol

  3. Cool pictures Tina! I caught a skink this weekend and showed it to my daughter. I think she wanted to pet it but since we were in the house and I didn't want the skink to stay in the house I took it to the garden. I like having the reptiles around, good bug eaters!

  4. I have never seen a skink before. Friends in Florida said they like the coolness of her garage which it attracts gaters, aaahhh. Liz picked up a baby garder and it bite her breaking the skin! Washed it real well because the parasites in their mouth can cause infections. Mine are mean, Tar comes every time when some one yells "snake". He gets them, shaking them so they will hit a rock wall, feels its his duty, they are very mean up here, winter will do that I guess. I remember the lime green grass snake, haven't seen one since.

  5. Ahhh, the wonderful pet snake. How you girls used to love that darn thing. You used to take it out for walks as if it were a dog.
    Funny. But not as funny as Dawn when she first say it!!!!!! Do you both remember that? Oh my!!!

    Hope all have a great day.

    They say we have a chance of some rain on Sat. Sigh.

  6. Maybe this will post this time!

    BTW my earlier comment was clever and absolutely charming!

    Loved this post Tina....while snakes aren't creatures I want to hug...I appreciate all they do for the garden.


  7. AH! Tina! I hate snakes, lol, and that picture really scared me. I'm glad you can handle it with ease. I would run away screaming!

  8. I must admit, I gasped out loud when the snake photo loaded - I've got a bit of a snake phobia. They are the subject of a recurring childhood nightmare :) I once forced myself to pet a garter snake and pretend I wasn't afraid (in elementary school). The boys had caught it in the playground and I knew that if they perceived any chance at "fun" I would be tortured by that snake for the rest of my lunch hour!

  9. Dave, Reptiles are good in the garden for sure.

    Dawn, Look for the skinks in rocks or logs. They are good critters. Good Tartar protects you.

    Mom, I LOVED my little grass snake. Such a fun thing to have as a kid. I wasn't too concerned when Jimmy went after this garter. He was disappointed it got away. I did warn him he may get bit but what kid thinks of this? Mom, Hoping you get some lovely rain. We got some today again! Now mildew and fungus are growing-but hey-I'm NOT complaining!

    Hey Gail, What is wrong with your posting? Nina has had trouble and Lola lost her password so she isn't posting either. It isn't the blog is it? Glad you got thru.

    DP, As long as the snake is not poisonous, I am ok with it. They do such a great thing in the garden by being a part of the food chain. Running away is best...not sure about the screaming though! This is what I do when I see voles!

  10. Amy, I was posting the same time as you nearly! Boys! Just don't know what is up with them! How brave you were to pet one!

  11. Hey Anonymous, We miss talking! Kick the boys off for some mommy time. Hope you are enjoying the pool and the summer!

    Skeeter, Here's hoping you are doing great! Hello to your family!

  12. Tina, I wanted to let you know that I've been having problems with posting. Since you changed to register user it has been difficult to figure out how to do it. I was wondering where Lola was. I went to sign up (forgot my password so just submitted another as they have emails) using the blue highlighted sign up---once I did, the blue highlight changed to me. Well I ended up having to do that for the last three post. Just now....I found out I have to open the blue highlight----sign in using email, then it changes to me again and I can post. Also found out that by subscribing to it , it mails the comments to me. Also showed my avatar. Make sense? I mean....a string of duh moments.

  13. Hi Everyone, Dawn, I also found out Skeeter did not know you can have comments sent directly to your email. It is such a great feature and prevents having to check EVERY post for new comments. I will take off the security things at some point, but all should be able to comment if they have a google email. This is what I use for the blog. It works so well-my favorite email now! Another long day in the garden....I am relaxing tonight. Tomorrow looks to be the same.

    Nina, Thank you for my agapanthus and yard art! The stake looks great next to my new dogwood and I put the medallion in the front garden. Love 'em.

  14. Tina, I STILL don't have g-mail, just sign in on the sign up page. The sign in is at the top. I don't mind another email 'cept I think I'll lose track, can't remember my freecycle-----hopefully it's the same. Nite all. B-ball game canceled for tom., other team doesn't have enough players. Thank gawd. Back to work on the yard as it will be a thur. right? Everyone is messed up because of memorial day. Whew summer vacation can't come soon enough. Oh yah, school concert tom., rearranging things for fri., father in law needs staples out. Done rambling now.

  15. P.S. Forgot to say, ditto to Nina, (what Tina said) your a sweet lady. Glad I've met/talked to you.

  16. Dawn, that must mean that Gene did get out of hospital. How are he and Judy doing?

    Tina, for some strange reason these words seem easier to do than the other ones. Knock on wood.

  17. Oh darn, now I forgot. Anonymous, Lola, Nina and Skeeter,
    I sure do miss you guys!!!! Hope you are back soon.

  18. Yes, he got out on last friday and I was surprised, went home with a puree diet. Maybe because of the holiday weekend and his dr being off rounds they did not want to over keep him. She did well, with it and sleeping thru the whole night! A fear of falling during the day suited to keep her alert, she mentioned all this to Gene last thur and he told us. I worried the whole time. Whew!

  19. Dawn, I had no idea about the mail. I knew on the Leaf site you had to have a google account, but I guess not here. Mostly when I comment on other blogs, as long as they are Blogger it is easy-I thought because of my gmail. Now I have to think that one. Glad your father in law is out of the hospital.

    Mom,I have taken off the word verification for now. It seems to help. I know many people complain about the letters but if you can't see them just refresh your screen, of course when you input the letters and they are wrong, it refreshes automatically so 6 or 1/2 a dozen-the same.
