Monday, May 5, 2008

Blue on Blue by Bobby Vinton

"Blue on blue, heartache on

Blue on blue, now that we are through

Blue on blue, heartache on heartache

And I find I can't get over losing you....

And I'm as blue as I can be......"

I won't embarrass anyone by asking who remembers this song, but being a bit sentimental, I couldn't help but use it on this 'blue' post.

My garden goes through many, many iterations throughout the year. Right now it is in its blue phase. I mean really blue. I never really noticed it before, and I am thinking the blog has made me a bit more contemplative? Maybe not, but it sounded good.

As I am wont to do, I walk around the garden frequently. I try to notice every little thing. It dawned on me that without me really noticing it, my garden has changed from the exuberant yellows of daffodils and the multi-colored tulips, to the blues of the irises, clematis, pulmonaria, forget-me-nots, salvias, and one delphinium (a new purchase).

Along with the blues are some pinks that seem to tie in with the blues. The transformation is incredible. I am eagerly anticipating the opening of the peonies (mostly all white) and rhodies (pinkish/purple and whites). Every day in the garden is joy and a wonder of colors.

"Even my 'Forest Pansy' redbud is getting into the blue mood. The leaves have a blue tint and actually seem to go with the lilac irises in front of it. Maybe I found something that won't clash with this tree? But those magenta blooms are another thing entirely.

And I find I can't get over losing you" or not!
in the garden....


  1. That's a lotta blue, it's pretty though.
    Moving some roses today, both kids are sick and home today, coughing and hacking, might see a lung later on. Hopefully Jack of all trades will stay home today, yesterday was damp and raining, yuck. Today is sunny and bright.

  2. One of my favorite colors of the garden. I've been finding that most of the flowering plants I put in tend to be purple-bluish in color. It's one of those cooler colors that tend to make things look a little softer. Good pictures!

  3. Dawn, It is a lotta blue. So much! I hope the kids get to feeling better-allergies maybe?

    Dave, I kind of like it too, but feel it doesn't show up as well as the reds and yellows. Though the salvia out front is pretty good. It does make things look softer and I can't help but think Monet when I see the irises.

  4. I love all the blue and matching up the song is a great idea...

    I guess I would have to say I am living in a "Purple Haze" with Jimi Hendrix! LOL...

    Get those babies well Dawn. I am guessing allergies also. We talked with the Saints parent in VA yesterday and they said they were trying to stay inside due to bad pollen...

    Yeah, I was able to get back to sleep this morning for a good bit of rest so now off to Lowes for more supplies for more work!!!

  5. Great post and I don't mind saying at all that I sure remember that great Bobby Vinton. Brings back good memories of my lazy, crazy, hazy and carefree days.
    The radio station I sometimes listen to plays it quite often along with many Perry Como, Dean Martin and Ole Blue Eyes songs. Now I am really dating myself.

    I am with Dave with liking the blues in a garden.

    When it comes to irises I always think of Dr. McEwen and I just read some old papers last week that I had stuck away to read someday when I had the time. One paper was 5 years old and was from just after he had passed away and there was an article titled "Dr. McEwen, you'll be missed. Could not believe it had been that long!! Oh my time goes so fast as I thought it had only been like 3 years ago that I was sitting at his kitchen table on my last visit to his house. Anyway since I have mention him several times here I will tell you a few interesting facts the article stated. He died June 23, 2003 and had a long career in rheumatology, was a lieutenant in the Army Medical Carps during the war. After the war his medical career took him all over the world including work with the World Health Organization. He became interested in irises in the 1950's and joined the American Iris Society in 1956. He finally retired at age 82 and devoted his time to raising irises. By 1998 he had registered 118 Siberian irises, 46 Japaneses irises and 43 day lilies. So I will bet all you gardening bloggers will have some plants in your garden that are there because of him. What a legacy!!! He truly was one of the sweetest and most gentle men I have ever known.

    I very often will be long winded but this man was so great I had to do it!!!!

  6. Good morning, Hey I love that song and you are way to young to be of that era! I am too young to be of that era!

    Blue is wonderful and I think you are right there is a bit of coolness to the burgundy of Forest Pansy that works with the iris.

    I have one in a front bed and It's a difficult color...I think it's the leaf shape, I am not bothered by it in a Japanese Maple.
    I am going to think about this for a while!

    I linked to your site this morning!


  7. Skeeter, Have fun at Lowes. Never heard Purple haze.

    Mom, Of course you remember Bobby Vinton since I heard it playing when I was a kid. Thanks for the info on Dr. McEwen. I know I would've loved to meet him, as such I will have to content myself with just visiting his gardens.

    Gail, I'll be making some stones today. Most all of my family and friends already have them. I have made around 100 for gifts and kind of got out of it for awhile. Now I am making a few more to give away since I will be having a friend over to play with it too. Hope you like it and I may do a post on them. I like the redbud leaf color, it is those blooms I can't fathom. What do you do?

  8. Hi Tina --I love the variety of color as the season changes --from those bright yellow daffodils to the light purple --it's all beautiful!

    Hi Lola --got my buter pecan ice cream bars at Wally world.

    Hi Skeeter --your yard is something else --absolutely beautiful! I still can't imagine how much time Tina and you put into your yards --whoa --lots of work but I'm happy to say I enjoy seeing the pictures and reading about the plants/flowers. My girl model plays on a co-ed baseball team. I guess when she gets older it will switch to softball if she still wants to play but when they are younger they all play together.

    Hi Jean -- you lil rebel you --hahaha fireworks:0) Hubby is quite fond of them but I get nervous around them --he puts them off for the fourth and New Years'. They sell them here about 2 weeks prior --tents pop up all over.

    Busy cleaning and running errands today --I know tonight will be busy with ball and we have to skip Boy Scouts since I can't be at three places at once and it's the first practice for baseball. Thankfully, they will all be playing at the same sports complex.

    Have a great day!

  9. Hi Tina, well yes, I remember Bobby's Blue on Blue, it was always the ladies choice at the dances at TeenTown, in Tulsa. The boys could at least be counted on to be able to slow dance, even if their palms were so sweaty you had to wash your hands afterwards. HA I love the look of forest pansy, and I love the flower color, but I like all colors together. Mix 'em up in a bag and toss 'em out into the garden. There are no losers, only winners!


  10. Gail you are right as you are too young for Blue on Blue as it was a hit when I was in high school!! But what the heck, good music is good music no matter when it was popular.

    Frances you are too funny....washing hands as a teen from a young dancing partner and now you dig around the dirt with all the insects and bugs. They say laughter is good for the soul and people do not laugh enough. Well they should read these blogs!!

  11. Whoa, between tectonic plates, population of india, and lit in funny in farsi I forgot what subject I was on. Guess what i've been helping my son do!? Absent assignments.
    Anyway, some of my little trees are doing well, esp the sargent crab. Can't wait to get them in the ground.
    Nothing in real full bloom yet although I see tulip buds all over town.
    May have to cut my purple lilac down to the ground, wah!! The snow really destroyed it, whats not broke is way curved.
    Mom, b-ball game in Brunswick tom at 4, I'll let you know if I get another note from the doctor, if so, he'll be playing all. Hope for sun.

  12. Anonymous, I know you are having a ball! Let me know when you need some reinforcements for cheering on and I'll try to come to a game.

    Frances, That is funny-sweaty palms. I have your stone done. Might have to post about it so you can see your 'Faire Garden'.

    Hey Mom, Hope your new buys are going great. You are so right, I HATE fireworks. But you can enjoy them-in Maine. Have fun.

    Dawn, Hope Zach gets caught up on his assignment. Too bad about your lilac. So much snow!

  13. I too remember Blue on Blue. Pretty song, pretty color in garden. Blue in garden is calming, serene, inviting, not to mention pretty. Red makes your yard appear smaller than it is due to the bold color. I read that somewhere. But I like red also.

    Dawn sorry about kiddies. Sounds crazy but try this trick. Nothing to loose. Put Vicks on the bottom of their feet then put socks on for the night. See if it helps with their coughs.

    Dave I like the softness that Blue projects too. How's you garden doing lately?

    Skeeter, glad you were able to get some much needed sleep. I too had to resort to recliner last night. Finally got eased enough for bed sometime during the night. Hate that.

    Thanks Jean I like to read about people like that that has contributed so much to the world.

    Hi Gail Don't kick yourself you are way too young for all this oldy music.

    Anonymous, thanks a bunch, must try it. May suggest to Young'un tomorrow night a trip to Wally World.
    Don't know how you keep up with all that the kiddies are involved in. That's a full time job.

    Frances too funny but things were different back then. Didn't like the dirt. All colors are winners.

    Been hot here last couple days. GGS got his corn planted yesterday. They had to check their strawberry plants. They hadn't forgotten about them. Felt bad as little brother didn't get to plant anything. May let him come over by himself & plant some radishes even tho they don't like them too much as they are hot. Can't figure out what makes them so hot. Tina, got any ideas?

  14. Whoooo where did that come from? We will go to it. Will they still play there on the 17th? Are you going, if not I can stop at doctors and pick up note. Cupo said good weather tomorrow....sun and 80 degrees. If you come down maybe we can go to Fat Boy's or something for supper after the game. I wish I had just a small clue as to what that first sentence is all about!

  15. Oh Lola you are most welcomed as I love talking about someone that was such a giant of a man as Currier was and being such a sweetie was also a bonus.

  16. Mom, We will take Nikki out of school to be there by 4, don't think we can go to fat boys, Jack of all trades just told me coach wants them to ride the bus back. POOOO! I remember something in the policy book about getting prior permission from the sports director. Weird rules if ya tell me. My first sentence is about helping Zack catch up on assignments, as you know he was absent on fri. Science, social studies and english. Lots and Lots! So much it is confusing, I don't remember this when I went to high school. Prepare yourself for next year Tina!

  17. I unloaded 14 bags of pea gravel and 14 bags of top soil from the truck. And I wonder why my back gets sore at times! LOL. Got the pea gravel in place and it looks really nice. I also picked up a flat of Wave Petunias, 3 Blue Daze, Flat of Marigolds and 12 Begonias. Nothing Purple today! Rabbits ear looked bad so did not get any today…

    Had to call it quits in the yard at 4:00 to get ready for our Cinco De Mayo dinner up the road. The peach margarita was soooo soothing. Then we met with our friend from TX that is here TDY...

    Bed time now then back into the yard tomorrow. I plan to get everything in the ground!

    I still need to rebuild the old planters that I stole the bricks from. Decided that the bags of gravel and dirt were enough for today...

    Then we start working on weeds and spreading pine straw... I am getting there slowly but surely...

    Good night all...

  18. Dawn, No problem with the Jimster since he never does his homework-grades reflect. Maybe he will start and that will be a welcomed change! School is hard when you have been out a long time.

    Skeeter, Where do you get all THAT energy? You and anonymous need to hook up because you all's energy is very, very high. I have not been motivated lately and I am beginning to see the effects in the garden, nah, maybe house.

    Is your back feeling better? You know what they always told me in the Army when I was extra sore from PT? Do some more! It usually worked if it was just muscles but you have to be sure it is not an injury. When do you relax? And find time for a party? Wow.

  19. Hi all you busy garden folks:) Happy Cinco de Mayo --although we don't do anything --it looks like fun:) Baseball went really well --sidekick was quite impressive --he had a clue which was alot more than most of the kiddos:) I guess that practice in the backyard might've helped. Girl model did well too --upset she didn't get her jersey tonight --hahaha --she is all about matching colors --so this should be interesting. I can see me shopping for shorts/pants to match this jersey, lol. And, a hairbow to match too --how could I forget --ACK!!!!! The yard is needing another haircut --grew quite fast from the rain this past weekend. Did I tell you my roses are open? They smell good enough to eat --thank you Tina for telling me to clip them this past fall --wow --they are much better looking now and just full of buds/flowers. I guess I better get off to bed --still a little wired --had two fudgesicles --waited until the kids were in bed --I love that sweet treat --kick back and enjoy with less stress:0)

  20. Anonymous, Was Cinco de Mayo a big deal when you guys were in Italy? It was when I was in Germany. Mr. Fix-it had a 1SG who gave the company the day off each year! That is a big deal!:) I am going to try to stop by soon to see your roses-and smell them. I am sure they are lovely. Now you want to add some rose fertilizer to them. So glad sidekick did well at baseball. Great!

  21. Tina, I guess I get all my energy from it being spring as I am happiest during spring! Plus the three weeks of doing nothing gave me tons of energy also. Got tired of doing nothing. Plus I want this all done before the GA humidity is here!

    Back pain is just back getting stiff from lying in bed from heavy lifting that day. Once I get up and sit a while, the pain goes away. If I do stretches it helps but who has time for stretches when I have a yard calling my name! LOL

    I wish I could have seen Sidekick, I just adore kids at that age! Yes, it does help if they have a bit of a start in the backyard with mommy, daddy or siblings help!
