Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bloom Day-August 09

From In the Garden

There is much blooming in the garden in August just like in July. There are also plenty of little flying flowers to showcase with the blooms. Above are a few pink brugmansias, aka Angle Trumpets.
'Limelight' hydrangeas. Also blooming but not pictured are PeeGee Hydrangeas, and 'Tardiva' hydrangea.
Joe Pye weed, aka Eupatorim purpureum. Also blooming is Eupatorium maculatum.
'Guacomole' hosta and Ligularia dentata.
Butterfly bush 'Black Knight'.
'Adagio' ornamental grass.
'Miss Huff' Lantana and friend. I believe the butterfly is a sulphur but I am not sure.
Annual salvia. A volunteer.
My friend Helga gave me this euphorbia. She called it Snow on the Mountain. It is Euphorbia marginata and should self seed in my garden.
Autumn Joy Sedum. Also blooming an unknown pink flat headed sedum, Matrona (a gift from Frances), and an unknown white sedum.
I think this is some type of heliopsis? Help please anyone.
Sneezeweed, aka Helenium autmnale. Last year's August Plant of the Month.
Crepe Myrtle. probably 'Potomac'.
'Autumn Sun' Rudbeckia and friends. Randy has a picture of this little skipper butterfly on his blog and it is a Little Glassywing.
Catnip, (Nepeta cateria)
Spinners Phlox
Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum x rugosa 'Blue Fortune')
Zinnia and Diamond Frost

Also blooming not pictured: Rudbeckias, clematis (sweet and regular), cyclamens, coneflowers, marigolds, begonias, impatiens, some daylilies, Knockout rose, supertunias, calicabroas, 'Moonbeam' coreopsis, dragon wing begonia, unknown light purple phlox, 'Starfire' phlox, some salvias are reblooming, torenia, 4 O'Clocks, alyssum, touch me nots, geranims, cannas, veronica, sweet autumn clematis, and Rose of Sharons.

Bloomed but passed by: Surprise lilies, hibiscus, Bouncing Bets.

in the garden....


  1. Good morning Tina! I chanced that you had posted, the blogger feeds are slow today. Love your garden as always. My sister in Kansas has a picture of the Snow-on-the-mountain wild in a meadow... perhaps a volunteer from someone's garden? I think that Phlox is so bright and cheery!
    As for your possible Heliopsis, I am not sure- there are so many that are so similar it is hard to tell.

  2. All so pretty -love that zinnia! Have a great day everyone, ciao!

  3. The Angel Trumpet is always my favorite! I was most impressed with the amount of color you have in your garden right now. So Beautiful and full of butterflies, hummers and bees... Did you loose your butterfly book :)

    Bob the neighbors cat brought my mom, dad and I a baby finch this morning. We are not happy with Bob right now but he is only being a cat. Dad grabbed the birdie out of his mouth and took it to a safe place under a tree. Hopefully, it will survive. Bad kitty!

    I will soon be off to Tail-gate and see the Titans play some football! When i agreed to go along, I was told the game started at 7:00 so the heat would not be an issue for me. Well, I was not told about the 3:00 starting time of the tailgating and the driver is the boss. I will have lots of ice water with me and a towel to hopefull keep me cool on this humid day. Urg....

    Go Titans!

  4. Good morning all!

    Janet, I don't know what is up with blogger lately. Lots of issues for sure. That snow on the mountain is so white and bright I'd love to see it in bloom.

    Anonymous, You too!

    Skeeter, You are going to have so much fun tonight! Did you go see Carrie Underwood at the base?? I wanted to so bad but the crowds dissuaded us. I might make it out there tonight for Rodney Atkins though. Shhh-hubby doesn't know yet and he has to drive:) I do have my butterfly book right on my coffee table but about the same time I was posting this pic Randy had this exact same butterfly on his blog! I was shocked. I am bad about identifying them and looking them up (but I do!) so if someone can do it for me it makes me most happy. Bad ole kitty! He and Orkin must be close cousins to kill all those birds!

  5. Beautiful blooms although I'm interested what bouncing bets are!
    Skeeter, have fun at the football game, they are a loooonng thing and although I want the titans to win for you all Brady is back for us! We played Monday and won! Good luck this season!

  6. The garden's so full of life right now. No August slow down for you. I love when you catch butterflies in the photos.

  7. Hi Tina,
    I like your blooms you chose to share ! So pretty and you showcase them well.
    I have a meme award waiting for you on my blog. you can find it here:

  8. Tina,
    Darn link doesn't work! I guess just try going to my site to pick up award. This is the last time I am trying to do one of these awards. It has been a headache since I started!

  9. Um Tina- I don't know if the snow on the mountain your friend Helga gave you is the same as the snow on the mountain that absolutley eats yards around here but you should check. Reseed it will and it will take over your entire property. Just thought I would mention it. It is very near a noxious weed here. I do think it's pretty though. Good luck.

  10. I see the butterflies have arrived for you, too; great shots! I love the Joe Pye weed; I only hope mine will eventually get this tall, too. And I've fallen for the Crepe Myrtle! Does it bloom all summer long? Your garden certainly is full of color this August.

  11. Love all your colorful blooms, esp. the pink angel's trumpets. Snow on the mountain is very striking, but --warning, warning Will Robinson!!-- it will spread forever more. :)

  12. Lots of beautiful blooms! I especially like the Snow-on-the-Mountain (such a striking plant) and the Spinners Phlox.

  13. Lotsa color for sure but I love Miss Huff's friend and the Spinners Phlox.

  14. Dawn, Bouncing bets are soapwort. Mine are in a shady location and I need to move them but they are quite adaptable. Google them and see. They should grow for you.

    Megan, Thanks! I love those butterflies too! I've been chasing a giant swallowtail around with no luck but I am still trying.

    Rosey, I'll come check it out soon.

    Heather, I am going to keep a very GOOD eye on that snow on the mountain. Thanks for the tip!

    Rose, Crepes begin blooming in July and do usually bloom until September. Different cultivars have longer periods but generally anywhere from 70-140 days of bloom for the cultivars is standard. They are a great flower in the summer and so stunning.

    TC, Headed your way! Feeds are ever so slow or maybe it is just this blog but the blogroll does not seem to catch them all lately. I can't wait to see it!

    Monica, Warning duly noted and I will be on the lookout for sure as I don't want an aggressive spreader here. Now I'm really worried!

    Sweetbay, Do you grow Snow on the mountain? It is a bright white but I'm a bit worried on it spreading too much. I need to call Helga and ask exactly how it does in her garden I think.

    Mom, That was a super good shot I got lucky with. Those sulphurs never sit still for long.

  15. Beautiful, Tina!! I love the brugmansias, yours are gorgeous. They are so on my to-get list!!

  16. Lzyjo, If we ever meet up somewhere you just remind me and I'll take a bunch of cuttings for you. Mine normally winter over but these are easy peasy to do from cuttings too and I'm always happy to share! Glad you like them.

  17. Everything is so beautiful Tina. I always love strolling through your gardens! My sis and I got Snow on the Mountain years ago. Unfortunately it didn't live here - too soggy I think. It comes back every year over at her place in E WA where it stays really cold through the winter. I did buy one last year to just have as an annual and kept it in my greenhouse through the winter. It's alive but didn't bloom. They are just beautiful!

  18. Gorgeous Tina! Thanks for reminding me to move our brug into more sun so it can bloom before coming in for the winter. Your brugs are breathtaking and I can almost smell them from here.

    Happy Bloom Day - you've got oodles of blooms to enjoy!

  19. Love the Angel Trumpet. Mine haven't bloomed this yr at all. I think next yr. I shall put them in the ground & see what happens.
    You sure have a lot of blooms for Aug. Not many around here.
    Hope all are having a great day. We are having a nice shower. It is good for the iris & other plants I managed to get set out Wed.

  20. I cannot believe your Burg is blooming already. I guess that is what is so cool about GBBD!

    Your butterfly may be a Dogface. Hard to tell. The photo is kinda whitish. But if your thinking its a sulphur, then I thinking the colors is more yellow. Could also be common sulphur like you suggest. So hard to tell. H.

  21. Wow, so many things in bloom! Brugmansia is a pretty impressive plant. How do you overwinter it?

  22. Hi Tina, such a wonderful bunch, but those brugs are out of this world! Thanks for the link love, glad your Matrona has settled in. Ours are not quite open yet, but oh so close. :-)

  23. Linda, Maybe that is why it doesn't seem to be such a spreader here-I do NOT want snow taking over. It is very pretty though. Thanks for the info!

    Linda, Funny thing on these brugs they do not smell so strong. My peachy one is better but has not bloomed yet. Who knew some smell more than others? Urgh. It's okay. Do move yours so you can get some blooms soon! You have such pretty ones!

    Lola, Showers are sure good for settling in plants. Wonderful! None here and we could use one or two. Send one my way please? It is not too late to put your brug in the ground. It will winter over easily. I find they bloom way better in the ground.

    Helen, These brugs are gangbusters for sure. They are so wonderful but need lots of fertilizer (just found this out). Ha, good thing I have plenty. Thanks on the help with the butterfly. It is more yellow I think-now I can't remember. But usually we have sulfurs hang around this garden. I'll check better next time.

    Helen, Those brugs (six in total in this section) were wintered over in a window box in the garage as cuttings. I planted them out in April or May and they've been going strong ever since. They stay outside but I'll take more cuttings in case these ones perish. They are really fun to grow and I think cuttings will work for you in Canada. Here in our Zone 6/7 garden they usually come b ack when I place a big bag of compost or potting soil over the rootball after I cut it back. Not always but usually. Thanks for asking!

    Frances, Yes those brugs are like the energizer bunny and go and go. Lantana 'Miss Huff' is the other one as these two go wild. Love em both. I can share some cuttings sometime if you'd like. Got plenty! Matrona was moved to another spot recently but still blooms. She needed more sun and is doing great. Thanks again!

  24. FANTASTIC!!!! Fell in love the the phlox........

  25. Lots of great stuff Tina! Do you think there is a 'Chips and Salsa' Hosta to go with the 'Guacamole'?

  26. You have so much in bloom! I love the Sneezeweed, such cute flowers. The hydrangeas look so pretty too.
    I wonder if my Joe Pye will bloom this year...

  27. Beautiful blooms Tina! The brug is really putting on a show.

  28. Hi Tina,
    I am using the control plus feature while reading blogs. When I came to your angel trumpets, my mouth spoke, "Oh, wow!" out loud. I love them! Your other blooms are looking happy and healthy, too.

    I've seen your mystery flower around, and am hoping to find out what it is, too. I want to get some when I see it for sale anywhere.

    If I'd grown Autumn Joy sedum before, it was a long time ago, and I don't remember. I got 2 plants in this spring so I'd have something blooming in the fall in my daylily/iris bed by the curb. They are looking good, and blooming, but the liatris I also put in didn't get enough light when the dayliles were blooming, so they are a bit scraggly. In my new curb bed in front, I planted 2 more, and a couple other kinds that I am excited to see grow and bloom.

    Well, this is wordy enough, and I can't remember if I was going to comment on anything else. Oh, I didn't read your other comments, but if no one else said, I think that is a sulphur in the one photo.

  29. Your flowers are beautiful as ever and your photos are just great! Those trumpets are awesome! Thanks for sharing them.

  30. Oh Tina, I'm ever so jealous of your beautiful brugmansia blooms. Great way to start off the post! I'm almost ready to toss mine into the compost bin tho. I've overwintered it for three years now and this year it's looking like it's not going to bloom AT ALL. ugh. Last year it waited until September to bloom and barely finished up before frost hit. Never does it "go and go" like I read in one of your comments. Enough complaining tho ~ your garden sure has plenty of pretty blooms. Happy August bloom day to you.

  31. The Angel Trumpets are still going strong! Beautiful as ever! So many blooms! Your phlox is awesome. I'm not familiar with some of the blooms but they all look so good!! The butterfly does look like a sulphur and your ornamental grass reminds me of autumn (here).

  32. I just love the sunny yellows of the Heliopsis, Helenium and Rudbeckia, August seems to be the month of big, exuberant blooms and lots of butterflies.

  33. Ooooh, Tina, your bloom list is endless! Love that bright pink/white phlox! Phlox and Black Eyed Susans are my garden staples right now...sad things are dwindling down....

  34. You have a lot going on right now. I especially like the Euphorbia.

  35. How cool that your snow on the mountain has little flowers on it! Mine has never bloomed. But it does great in the shade. So many pretty shots here that it's hard to pick a favorite, but I really love that butterfly on the lantana.
