Lola says she and the family unfortunately missed the manatees by about two weeks. In order to protect the manatees, Florida closed this bay to power boats and took other measures to hopefully protect the 'sea cows'.
Manatees are really fascinating creatures and I would love to see one. According to the following website:, manatees are herbivores and can consume 10-15% of their body weight daily. They migrate and spend most of their time eating and resting. Sounds like the life huh? Manatees have no natural enemies and can live up to 60 years! Most fatalities are caused by humans. Boat propellers and fishing lines can entangle and injure the manatees, leading to their demise.
Lola really likes to garden is originally from this area of Tennessee. Just look at the boys pulling an Easter turnip! I have a post prepared about life's lessons thanks to Nina sending me a little poem. It includes turnips so I would like you all to remember this turnip. Okay?

The next picture from Lola is that of Anthony with her Voodoo Plant. Who has heard of this plant before? I don't grow it but I have heard of it and actually seen the bloom. It is a special plant when it blooms and quite uncommon. Just look at the bloom! Lola says you normally can't get the voodoo plant to bloom in soil, but she proved that wrong as hers grew and bloomed in soil.
The last picture is another view of Manatee Bay in Florida. It might actually make me think of cruising down a deep rain forest river where a python (like the kind I saw at the zoo) is hanging from the overhead trees; just ready to drop into my boat!
in the garden....working!
Lola, your grandboys are so cute! I bet they get excited when it is harvest time, what a large turnip.
ReplyDeleteLove the pic of the bay, it looks so calming, I can picture mantees there, they are such a lovely animal.
ReplyDeleteHey there...I have a photo of the Voodoo lily on my post this morning! Don't you love it! Nice post. I have seen and touched a manatee, wonderful gentlee creature. A few showed the scars of motor boats...glad Florida has smartened up and is protecting them.
Great post Tina and Lola what little cuties you have for grandsons. Thanks so much for sharing the pics with all of us.
ReplyDeleteManatee Bay sure looks like a great place to go to. Must really make an effort to go there. The plight of those wonderful manatees sure has been a sad one and as Gail said I am so glad they are trying to protect them now. Great turnip!!! I had never heard of the voodoo plant till Lola mentioned it a while ago but it looks like a very interesting plant. Make sure you show it to me when we come visit Lola!
Hope everyone has a good day.
Also hope Nina's day in Nashville went well and she comes on today.
Your boys are so cute Lola! I just adore kids at that age. So full of questions and eager to listen to the answers! You are lucky to have them in your life...
ReplyDeleteThe Voodoo plant looks really neat. Looks like an exotic type plant. You go Girl proving them wrong! LOL, I have found that over the years, not all professionals are always right where animals and plants are concerned...
Wow, what a big turnip! Reminds me of when we were kids and use to dig them up from the garden our neighbors shared with us. We had a good deal, we let them use our land and they would allow us to enjoy the riches....
My first introduction to Manatees was at Sea World. I think they are such wonderful critters to the waters. It is sad about their lives being short due to boater’s carelessness. The huge aquarium in Atlanta had manatees rescued from horrible conditions. They were finally in a good home and were happy but unfortunately they (I believe both) died. So sad....
Hey you all! Nancy J. Bond posted about a celestial event tonight. Check it out.
ReplyDeleteI think it may be raining in Tennessee but I will try.
Such nice pics Lola, thanks for letting me post them.
Skeeter-post tomorrow? or Thursday? Let me know so we don't double post.
That is a good sized Turnip Lola! It looks like you had a good trip to Manatee Bay. Don't they think that sailors used to see manatees and mistakingly think they were mermaids?
ReplyDeleteHi Tina, very nice post. Loved the little guys in the pictures. Future gardeners thanks to Lola:0) Imagine being that small and pulling out such a huge turnip --would make me want to garden:0) Another nice day --a bit windy but won't complain since we ran errands all morning.
ReplyDeleteHi Jean, Dawn, Lola and Skeeter --hope you all have a great day! I loved the picture of the bay --very tranquil --looks like a good fishing spot:0)
Hi Tina and Everyone, Lola very handsome young boys! A very impressive turnip, I don't have any luck growing vegetables, not enough sun. But I do enjoy eating turnips!!
ReplyDeleteOn one of our rv'ing trips we stopped at Manatee Bay. It was time well spent.
Have a few hours that I can do some yard work, before preparing my Dad's dinner. We didn't get back in yesterday in time for me to visit with him. We have been in Clarksville today for an eye appointment, it never ends!.. But I did find lenten roses at wally world for $5.
Hi Dave, Anonymous and Nina!
ReplyDeleteOn my way to school. It has become a drag having to drive so far. This summer I will do online classes and save the drive.
Dave, Yes, I have heard the tale sailors mistook manatees as mermaids. It would be an awful big mermaid!
Anonymous, Yes, a nice day to not be in the garden and to relax. Rain is coming so make sure your lawn is cut. I cut mine yesterday and I swear it needs it again!
Nina, I hope you and hubby had a good trip to Nashville yesterday. You have been to Manatee Bay? It is a small world on here isn't it?
Have a good visit with your dad and get those lenten roses planted. Mine are still going strong and I love them! There is so much more blooming now I don't know how I will fit it all in! ttyl
Tina, If I can get it together, I should post it for tomorrow wednesday!
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear everyone is staying busy as me...
That is interesting about the mermaids!
Hi Y'all --busy night --did the dreaded weed trimming. I always wait until last to do it --I despise that thing --heavy and stinky, hahaha. Then, reading and studying with the kiddos for TCAP testing next week. A little rain might be nice tomorrow --it can clean up the grass that the broom didn't get off the sidewalk, hahaha. I did clip some lilacs and put them on thh kitchen table in a vase. They are BEAUTIFUL!!!! (Not open yet)Hope you all have a great night --see you tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteDawn, The oldest really gets excited about harvest, but the youngest, it's not a big deal. They sure will keep you hopping though. The look on the oldest face shows all. Precious. Yeh, it's real peaceful at the Springs--It pumps about 18,000 gal of water out into the Suwanee River. People dive into the Springs. I wouldn't.
ReplyDeleteHi Jean, Glad to be able to share. I like to share like that. Yeh, it's about time they tried to do something about the demise of the "Sea Cows" as they are called. I've seen them in this Springs before quite a few yrs ago. They are fascinating to watch.
Gail, will have to check your post. I like strange plants. This one stinks when in bloom---I don't know if the other species does or not.
Nancy, Your right about what it looks like. I agree.
Skeeter, Yes the boys are a blessing. They keep this old lady kinda young. I love to watch them when they are learning something new. Eyes just shine. The turnip was very sweet--I guess that's because it grew in pure potting soil. Must try again this Fall.
Dave, I think you are right about the sailors seeing mermaids instead of Manatees.
Anonymous, Sorry about the wind, just try to remember that the wind helps dry things out. There were people fishing from the platform that was out into the Suwanee River where me & the kiddos were sitting. It sure felt good, gentle breeze blowing, temp jut right---a person could get a good nap.
Hi Nina, Hope your trip went well. I like turnips too. Mom use to fix them like mashed potatoes. They are good that way too.
THANK YOU ALL for the compliments on the boys. Not being selfish I think they are handsome too.
Thank you Tina for this blog. You did it much better than I ever could. Glad you like the pics.
Skeeter-tomorrow is good.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, I hate the weedwhacking too. I looked for mine the other day and couldn't find it. Didn't look too hard though.
Lola, You are very welcomed! I hope the boys and young'un got to see the post and liked it too.
The Saint hates weed whacking!
ReplyDeleteI let him mow and I whack.
I dont mind it but hate when the wet grass gets on my socks!
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ReplyDeleteGlad to put a face on lola!
Yes Gail, You will hopefully see everyone's face on here that comments at some point. Some are a bit camera shy (Anonymous, Mom, Nina, and Dawn) but I have my ways....Besides, it's only fair isn't it? I think THEY think that if the kids are on here then that works, but it would be nice to see who we are talking too-right? Even you have been on here and should still be-if not I will be uploading the pic soon!:) I unfortunately lost most of my pics with the switch but I will rectify the situation...slowly. For now I have been too busy in the garden.