You all must know by now that I love Elephant ears in my Georgia Garden! After all, I am standing in the middle of them on my profile picture.
Here I am again standing among my tropical friends. I picked up the bulbs in a bag at a big box store and they were labeled Miniature. I believe they were mislabeled. What do you think? If not, then I would really like to see the large ears! I stand 5 foot 7 and they are above my head! Look at the size of the leaf compared to my head.
I like the heart shaped leaves on the elephant ears and they do look like the ear of an elephant. I came out of a store once and found my dad sitting on a brick wall holding elephant ears up to his head and he was just roaring away as if an elephant. I will never forget how funny I thought that was and hope to always have elephant ears in my garden for that memory alone!
I did not research the bulbs before I put them in the ground. I just stuck them in the ground in a sunny area and let nature take its course. I recently read that they need a lot of water to survive but for some reason, my ears do not as I don't water them much. And as you know, we have been in a drought ever since I planted these ears 3 years ago. All I do is give them a fresh coat of pine straw each year and water occasionally but not often. I don't know what it is about them but they seem to really like my garden as they return each year being larger then the previous year.
I added a Black Elephant ear to the garden this year. The tag said to put in the shade so it was planted in a totally different spot then the other ears.
Although, a strange looking bloom. It actually gave me several of these interesting blooms that resembled the blooms on the Caladium plants. I wonder if they are related. Hum, maybe our Master Gardener can answer that one for us.
I really do enjoy my ELEPHANT EARS and cant wait for them to return, In the Garden...